Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Bardot Doesn’t Want Egpyt to Bring Home the Bacon

brigitte bardot animal rights egypt pig slaughter

Animal rights activist and former actress Brigitte Bardot has written a letter to to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, criticizing the government’s decision to slaughter every single freaking pig in the entire country in an effort to prevent the spread of swine flu. That’s 250,000 pigs! And Bardot is not happy about the prospect of bringing home that much bacon.

“Taking advantage of the global hysteria over the propagation of ‘Mexican’ flu, which has nothing to do with animals, in order to launch a campaign to exterminate pigs raised by a destitute section of the population is extremely cowardly,” Bardot wrote in the letter, a copy of which was also sent to AFP.

On Wednesday, the authorities announced that Egypt’s estimated 250,000 pigs would be culled as the world grappled with the spread of swine flu.

But on Thursday, Cairo said the cull was a general health measure rather than a precaution against swine flu after the United Nations said there was no evidence the animals were spreading the disease.

Egypt’s pig population belongs to and is eaten by members of the Coptic Christian minority. The animals are reared in Cairo slums inhabited mostly by Christian rubbish collectors.

I think it’s impressive that Bardot is concerned not only about the animals’ welfare but also about the human beings whose food supply will be affected by this massive slaughter.

I must confess however, that instead of pondering the religious politics involved in this pig slaughter, or wondering about the transmission methods of swine flu, I’ve just spent the last 10 minutes trying to decide whether or not that’s an areola peeking out in the photo on Bardot’s Wikipedia entry. She’s concerned about the welfare of humans and animals on the other side of the planet, and all I can think is, “Is that an areola? Or a shadow?”

56 CommentsLeave a comment

    • Cut her some slack, she’s like 70. Geez. Even Heidi Klum won’t look hot at that age.

    • I just respect her for not jumping on to the plastic surgery wagon and coming out looking like a stretched out freak!

      • but there are women who age well without plastic surgery- audrey hepburn, vanessa redrgave- and there are women who don’t age well, even with plastic surgery- meg ryan, for instance.

  • who is beet hiring to write in her place? not only is the story beyond boring but you don’t know “egpyt” is wrong? holy shit…

  • Kelly, great story! Lazy as I am, I would not know of this news had you not submitted the entry. Thanks:)

    And, I’ll take not “aging well” in a heartbeat; especially if I had the luxury of looking like she did for AS LONG as she did….one. hot. bitch. Gah.

  • Bardot is a wonderful animal rights activist. Unfortunately, she is also quite neurotic and quite the racist.

    • She isn’t “racist”. She was falsley accused of being such by PC Nazis pissed off that she doesn’t want France overrun with immigrants who have no respect for her country. Who can blame her? The same shit is happening here.

      • I can blame her, though I do admire her animal rights work. I don’t know any of the details, but that sounds pretty creepy, especially followed up with the “the same shit is happening here” comment.

        I don’t even understand what it means to “have respect” for a country when you’re moving into it. Pay taxes? Plenty of immigrants do that. By “respect” do you mean that they should drop all their old traditions and immediately pretend that the history and culture of the U.S. is all that matters to them? Wake up–we ARE a country of immigrants. Our culture and traditions are pretty much made up of a mish-mash of what other cultures brought to us. And that’s cool.

        Anyway, a fear of other cultures DOES come off as racist, or at least extremely xenophobic.

      • Amen. Get educated people. Immigrants aren’t the downfall of a country – it’s xenophobia and a resistance to change that’ll do it.

      • agreed agreed.

        And if it goes so far that you are even CHARGED with being racist….. you are probably racist.

      • what an insanely stupid thing to say. yeah, so if someone just says you are something, it’s probably true…that’s crazy stupid

      • If a court reviewed your actions and took the time to actually vote to say that you are racist.. surely that has to mean something?

        It is not just “someone.” It was a court of law.

        You bitching about a type is crazy stupid.

      • How about by taking off that stupid Burqa? And not shouting “death to (insert host nation)” in the street? I love how those people never get called racist now matter how much venom they spew at the rest of us but everyone jumps on people like Bardot for speaking up. Ridiculous. Here in America I would really appreciate it if the illegals would learn English and line up at the IRS to pay their fair share. If I move to their country wouldn’t I be expected to fit in by learning Spanish and paying taxes? What’s unreasonable about that? If you want to be part of a melting pot, then melt already.

      • dude, why do you hate Mexicans so much? Get over it.

        And I have learned that the US is not so much a melting pot as a salad. Like, we are all a part of one thing, but there are different components present. People weren’t made to blend together. When people came over from Europe and stole the land, they didn’t try to “melt” with the native Americans, did they?

      • Give me a break Anonymous….”stole the land”? If you think that then why are you here? For your information all land is “stolen” from somebody so why do you hate on this country? And what makes you think I hate mexicans? I said nothing about mexicans, I said ILLEGALS. Illegals can be anyone from Mexican, to El Salvadoran to Russian. Stop twisting my words dude. The Europeans that came over all melted, you don’t see people speaking 47 different languages do you? If you don’t want to assimilate why come here?

      • dude, America is like a salad…but people weren’t made to blend together…because when people came over, from Europe, they totally stole the land and didn’t melt into a pot with the native american’s did they?

        that’s so deep brother

      • “If I move to their country wouldn’t I be expected to fit in by learning Spanish and paying taxes? ”

        “And what makes you think I hate mexicans? I said nothing about mexicans, I said ILLEGALS.”

        They speak Spanish in Russia? I had no idea!

      • ALL Europeans haven’t melted. There are still people with roots from different countries that still hold onto their old cultures and speak in their native tongue. How do you explain places like Little Italy?

        I wasn’t trying to be deep, music. I was just making a point. American isn’t all melted together. We are not all the same race wearing the same clothes practicing the same religion. America is great because of its diversity, not despite.

      • Oh, did somebody “dun tooken yer jab!!!” Do the world a favor and stick your head in an oven.

  • I love how everyone has to point out that you ACCIDENTALLY spelled Egypt incorrectly. Like they get off on stressing that fact! LOL. Anyways, I love your writing Kelly and you could spell everything wrong and it wouldn’t matter. And Egypt is insane for murdering pigs.

  • maybe y’all are all wrong. maybe it’s a discreet country, egpyt, pronounced ‘egg pit’.

    and yes, I think that is an areola. egh.

  • This is the same thing that happened during the Avian Flu scare. We breed billions of animals intensively, feeding them tons of antibiotics and genetically modifying their bodies so that they can barely stand by the time they’re slaughtered, and then when it backfires on us and their myriad of diseases start making it over to humans, we kill them en masse and start over again.

    In the US alone, something like 287 chickens, 3 pigs, and 1 cow are killed every second of every day!

    You can check out this crazy interactive visual tool here if you are curious:

    • Neither the avian flu or the current “swine” flu are a result of genetic modification or intensive breeding. First influenza viruses are known to mutate rapidily and often no matter what species they originate from. Second, birds, esp. ducks, pigs, and humans are common flu vectors and it’s quite common for the 3 species to cross-contaminate one another. This is espcially common in less well developed countries where all 3 species are often housed in close proximity to one another and the health care systems are not as advanced as they are in more developed countries. These viruses have been with us for a long time, in fact research suggests that the Spanish Flu pandemic that swept the world after WW1 might have been an avian flu.

  • Love the cause, save the pigs! Although Brigitte could sure use a few teeth whitening strips.

  • I’m surprised that she’s concerned about brown people. Have you read her record of offenses in France?

    • Well she’s ok with “brown” people as long as they’re not in *her* country.

      • Her issue isn’t with “brown people”, it’s with excessive immigration. France has a very serious problem with Islamic radicals who want Sharia law and other such nonsense in France. She’s afraid of her country getting taken over and I can’t say I blame her. The same thing is happening in England. Friends of mine that live over there said the Muslims in Britain are very radical and constantly calling for the destruction of Britain. Why the hell would anyone want people like that in their country? Has 9/11, the British train attacks and the French riots taught people nothing?

      • The saddest part about your statement is that you probably wish everyone dead who doesn’t agree with your world view and you do this while claiming to be all about diversity/multiculturalism. Very tolerant of you.

        Interesting….I didn’t wish any liberals or “brown people” dead. I guess I practice tolerance instead of being mindlessly brainwashed by propaganda.

      • if you appreciated tolerance, you wouldn’t be condemning other people for not “melting”. why should you decide how people live their lives?

        I don’t agree with the other anonymous comment above this btw. that was someone else. I don’t wish death on anyone….

      • Maybe if people like you weren’t so hate filled and treated people of a different culture decently they wouldn’t crave your destruction. How can you put the blame on everyone of a certain background or religion for actions caused by small groups of extremists?

      • Maybe it has something to do with the “death to America” chants. I dunno, but I don’t see any Swedes, Italians, aussies ect. doing that. I wonder how well Beet would be received in the Islamic world? Last I heard they want her kind annihilated. I fail to see the difference between the Islamic hatred of jews in 2009 and the Nazi hatred of 1936. “Diversity” doesn’t seem to be too accepted in that part of the world and I’m rather mystified as to why no one says anything about it.

      • So because possible a few people, who happen to be muslim, might want to eradicate all the jews that makes it ok for you to eradicate all the muslims? Well I guess their not big on teaching logic in the trailer park.

      • Typical leftist lies. Where did I say muslims should be eradicated? I just don’t want radicals invading my country for nefarious reasons so how did you come to this abusrd conclusion that I wanted them wiped out? And that trailer park comment is very bigoted. You don’t exactly make the case for moral superiority by hurling bigotry around genius.

        Our country has immigration laws for a reason; to monitor who is coming here, what their intention is, and to give those who are accepted time to assimilate so that our culture is preserved. Contrary to popular myth, ASSIMILATION is what made America great not “diversity”. Every country on earth has immigration laws for this reason but the USA is the only one that doesn’t seem to want to enforce it. Canada, Australia and most European nations have way tougher immigration policies. Holland actually requires you to take a “culture test” to be accepted to their country. OMG if we tried that here people would be screaming racist.

  • While I agree the pigs shouldn’t be killed in Egypt, perhaps she should focus on making an appointment with a dentist to get those chompers whitened… blehhhh

  • YIKES! It took me a minute if you were actually talking about sex bomb Brigitte Bardot. You can go on and on about how glad you are she didnt get plastic surgery or what the fuck ever but you cant tell me you didnt look at that picture and cringe. You dont have to get plastic surgery but HELLO, a dentist and some excerise never killed an old person.

  • that is not a nipple, it’s totally in the wrong place. unless she has some seriously weird boobs.

  • *paging claudia schiffer, paging claudia schi-ffer*

    say hello to your future.


  • I love Brigitte Bardot she not only dont care about he beauty anymore she has a good heart and she care so much for animal and to the person who said Audrey Hepburn doesnot have surgery darling she was married to a DOCTOR ANDRE DOTTI HE DID MANY SURGERY IN HER FACE , JUST LOOK AT HER PICTURE she has many surgery

    • I didn’t know that psychiatrists can perform plastic surgery! I better find one to marry myself then:)

  • I didn’t know that psychiatrists can perform plastic surgery! I better find one to marry myself then:)