Today's Evil Beet Gossip


57258777ladygaga4302009111128am-1 “I am totally confident that I am an incredible artist and performer.  I am extremely confident about my body, the way I dress, the way I want to look.  But I have no confidence when it comes to men. Men are a disaster area for me.  It’s so weird because I believe I am super sexy. I believe I am incredible, but I have absolutely no luck with boyfriends.” Lady Gaga explaining to The Sun how unlucky in love she is. I found that, for me, dating started going a lot smoother when I sto...

Kelly McGillis: “I’m A Lesbian”

kellymcgillis-1 You may remember Kelly McGillis as playing the character Charlie Blackwood in Top Gun.  Personally, I remember her role in which she portrayed the lawyer who brought the rapist of Jodie Foster's character to justice in The Accused. Today, McGillis is starting a new phase of her life-as a lesbian. Fifty-one-year young Kelly McGillis is starting her "life in a whole different phase," she told rocker and SheWired vlogger Jennifer Corday -- ostensibly coming out as a lesbian. Corday, in h...

Celebs: They’re Just Like Us!

They fall flat on their faces too! Why, oh why do I find people falling on their faces to be one of the funniest things ever?  And why isn't there video of Jennifer Garner wiping out as she went for a run?  If you're really into gross stuff like pus, WireImage was kind enough to capture close-ups of the injuries.  Why?  I.  Have.  No.   Idea. Garner appeared last night on Late Show with David Letterman and got some TLC from Dave, who isn't sounding so hot himself.  She, in turn, ...

Beyonce Tries To Be Replaceable

16674246beyonce430200982459am-1 Beyonce is in Austria and has already pissed off the people there.  Yesterday she was scheduled to attend a specially arranged tour of the famed Albertine museum.  Instead, she sent a look-alike to appear and pose with the director of the museum so that Beyonce could go shopping instead. The museum spokesperson, Verena Dahlitz, summed it up like this:  "What a cheek.  We were a little doubtful yesterday, but weren't really sure. It could have been her." What the people at Albertine don'...


Hugh Hefner with Girlfriends Crystal Harris and the Shannon Twins "The notion that I would want her back as a girlfriend is bizarre. I am now in one of the best relationships in memory with Crystal Harris and the twins. I'm not going to screw it up with former girlfriends. I would not trade Crystal Harris for anybody in the else in the world. And then this thing comes out and today is Crystal's birthday … It's ridiculous." Hugh Hefner, on the rumors that he wants Holly Madison back. Listen up, Hef: When you talk about your girlfriend and "the twins," and ...

Your Daily Lohan

90429m6_lohan_b_gr_01 Lindsay Lohan was photographed -- gasp! -- eating while on vacation in Maui with her sis Ali and friends. How long has this girl been in Hawaii? And she's still that pale? How is this even possible? Does Lindsay Lohan's body produce some strange enzyme that resists both natural tanning and sobriety? If so, we should extract it and use it in chemical warfare. It's clearly powerful stuff. Later in the day Lindsay headed out to Fred's Mexican Cantina, where I'm sure she enjoyed Diet Cok...

Shanna Moakler Speaks Out Against H8!

425nashmoaklerbeezleylc042909 FINALLY Shanna Moakler is doing something I can get behind. The former Miss USA -- who's currently the executive director of the Miss California USA pageant -- teamed up with Miss USA 2006 first runner-up Tamiko Nash and last year's titleholder Raquel Beezley did a photo shoot last night for Adam Bouska and NOH8, a photo campaign to support efforts to overturn Proposition 8. "We never expected to have so many beauty queens participate. The whole campaign, obviously, is not a direct message t...

Just a Friendly Reminder That Chris Brown Beat the Crap Out of His Girlfriend

56881540chrisbrown462009110953am-1 JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE YOU KNEW! Because his lawyer is doing all sorts of shady stuff to try to delay the case and confuse the matter. The LA court has agreed to yet another extension, with the next hearing set for May 28. Meanwhile, Chris's lawyer is trying to get the case dismissed entirely due to evidence leaks, like the pic of Rihanna's injuries. "If Geragos makes an issue of leaked evidence, it's unlikely the judge will dismiss the case," says L.A. criminal defense attorney Jeffery Rubenstein, who's not involved in the case. "It's not police...

OMG There’s an Upcoming Season of Cathouse????

506x316_cathouse02 So there's this dumb article about Dennis Hof, the guy who owns that brothel in Nevada, offering Rod Blagojevich a job on the upcoming season of the show about his brothel. Obviously a stupid publicity stunt, but OMG THERE'S AN UPCOMING SEASON OF CATHOUSE!!!! And I never would have known without this publicity stunt!!! Here's the article (well, it's not even an article, it's on PRNewsWire, so it's just strictly a press release, really): After hearing about the federal judge ruling agains...
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