Amy was spotted walking on the beach in St. Lucia with an enormous burn scar on her leg. According to some sources, Amy was cooking a pot of pasta when the pot full of boiling water fell on her. Somehow I doubt that’s the entire story, but something tells me Amy got lucky here. It probably could have been a whole lot worse, whatever it was she was doing.
LOL, she cooks? unbelievable.
Oh, she cooks alright! Cooks up her shit, I mean. ;)
testing my new avatar
Nice Very nice.
i had a girlfriend do the same thing this past halloween after having a few drinks and it looked exactly the same as her leg does. she probably just had a few drinks too many and the pan spilt from her hand… i held frozen peas on my friends leg all night, hopefully amy had someone to take care of her.
a pot full of boiling meth water.
Ouch!!! that looks painful!!!…..
Dropped the pipe.
She’s been walking around with that in the sun for days. It should be bandaged.
lets be honest she is looking a lot healthier
it could be vitiglio.
i love this girl but i really want to know what she has been through in the past