Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Stalker Explains That She’s Not A Stalker

E! News was able to track down the gal who (allegedly!) has been stalking Britney.  And as much as I enjoy a good dose of whackadoodle, I watch this video and totally believe this chick.  She doesn’t have the telltale “crazy eyes.”  And you’re welcome for my scientific analysis of the sitch.

So what is the lesson here?  It seems so obvious, but don’t peer into the windows of private and gated residences donning camo and toting a camera.  It could appear improper.

11 CommentsLeave a comment

    • Lordy, I was just thinking the same thing. Coupled with the haircut, it was like she thought she was on manoeuvres (I so had to look that word up – English spelling sorry).

  • Hey, the saying “crazy eyes” is incredibly telling : ) Frighteningly enough, I think most people know exactly what you mean.

  • I’m with Wendie. I won’t say this bitch isn’t crazy (because let’s face it, a documentary about Britney doesn’t take sanity to pursue), but she’s definitely not stalker-crazy.

    • HAHA. Lesbian crush much? she wanted to see Britney naked. Someone should have told her to just google instead.

  • Nope nope…she’s weird. Not psychotic or anything, but weird nonetheless. It’s the ones that appear sane-ish that you need to be wary of. She actually knows what she is doing, knows it’s wrong/weird/illegal, and can now rationalize it away.

  • Wow did anyone see the mug shot I didn’t even know comedian KEVIN HART was such a big fan of Spears