Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Duggars Make An Announcement And For The First Time Ever It Isn’t Of The “Michelle Duggar Pregnant” Or “Michelle Duggar Gives Birth” Variety

Quite frankly, I can’t believe it’s taken this long, but the oldest of the Duggar children, Josh,  is finally expecting the first of twenty-three babies with his new and subservient wife Anna.  These bitches got married in September and it took her three months to get knocked up?  I think I know what went wrong.  The senior Duggars are constantly saying that the Lord determines how many children they are going to be gifted with.  These two idiots probably sat around for ninety days praying for a blessing before realizing that they would have to actually screw to get some progress.

Here’s some video of the entire color-coordinated clan.  I love that Meredith asked the first question that popped into my own mind when I heard the news:  “Are you planning on carrying on with the whole same initial fuckery?”  The good news is that Josh and Anna feel the letter J is as worn out as Michelle Duggar’s twat.  They are taking a hard look at the letter M, however.

How long until the young couple have their own TLC series with their brood of Moses, Malachi, Martha, Mary, Matthew, Mark, Matthias, Magdalene and Millo?

53 CommentsLeave a comment

  • So they are idiots because they choose a different lifestyle than most people? At least they accept responsibility for all of their children and appear genuinely happy. HOW DARE THEY ADVOCATE A CLEAN AND WHOLESOME CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE THOSE FUCKTARDED BASTARDS!!!! Maybe you should stick to writing about lindsay lohans leggings..^_^

    • Dedicating your entire being to something you aren’t sure exists seems a little “fucktarded” to me.

      • Devil’s advocate here: The problem with them is that they ARE sure He exists. They don’t even question it. That’s my issue with it. Stories in a book that seem so fantastical are considered the be the ultimate truth to these people, when in reality, those stories? About as likely as the alien shit regarding Scientology.
        Blows my fucking mind.

      • To them you are the one that is brainwashed. To you they are the ones that are brainwashed. So who is really brainwashed? Lets just let God decide.

    • Yes they are way better parents than the crazy Octo-mom, but I still don’t think having that many kids is a responsible choice. They can’t afford to send their kids to public school so they home school them. Yes, they may want to home school them anyway because of their religious beliefs, but personally I believe that you can and should send your kids to a school so they can engage in normal social activities for their age group and get as well rounded an education as possible while still enforcing your family beliefs and practices inside the home.

      Also, and this is just from watching the shows, but all the food they eat is horrible! No everyone doesn’t have to eat organic or whatever, but all their fruit and veggies were canned. They have too many mouths to feed so they have to buy in bulk and canned and processed. I don’t think that is a responsible choice to be giving your kids tatertots 24/7 no matter how delicious they are.

      I personally don’t share the same religious beliefs as them, but I don’t see them hurting anyone so to each their own. I just think they should also show their children to show restraint when it comes to bearing children. You may not believe in birth control, but that doesn’t mean you keep having kids until your age and the growing risk of a bad pregnancy catches up with you and something bad happens to the child or to you.

      • SORRY! It was early, had just woken up…ignore me, I forget what I was trying to get at that early in the a.m.

      • Dude, if you can write something as articulate as that right after waking up, I wanna see things you’ve written when you’re fully awake!

      • Haha, yeah I was mid-coffee trying to get my brain running before I started working on my design project. That’s probably as articulate as I get though, which is why I am an architecture major and not and English major!

    • “Advocating a clean and wholesome Christian lifestyle”?
      Maybe I’ve just been raised badly, but that sounds like you’re insulting them…

    • what about over population? If we all had this many children, the world would be ruined in no time at all.

      • Yea, we should shoot all those women who have 5 kids by 5 different fathers who will just end up on wellfare, right?

  • Wendie,
    Best post to date.

    I can’t wait to read the comments calling you a horrid bitch. Be excited!

  • I, for one, can’t wait until she *freaks* and figures out that she’s done after two kids. Reality is definitely NOT the fantasy….

    • I wonder if the elder Duggars can name all their children on the spot. I assume it’s like when Matt Damon named off his ‘siblings’ in Good Will Hunting.

  • It blows my mind that they have so many children. I ber they do everything in shifts. And I hope the Duggars have more than one bathroom. Can you imagine the chaos over the hot water in the shower?

    “But Moooooo-m, #8 has been in the shower for-eeeever!”

    You know they refer to their kids by numbers.

    If these people ever decide on using protection, I’m buying stock in Trojan, like, yesterday.

  • While I do not agree with their views on children and what not, these people are raising 18 kids with NO debt at all. They built their house debt free and are not a burden on society like some other people may be who decide to have 14 children with no dad. So all the power to them, and maybe we can all be entertained one day if one of their kids smells the roses and goes off the deep end!!

    • Supposedly they were in a lot of debt and went to a seminar on how to live debt free. Then they started to own properties like warehouses, car dealerships and storage places I believe, paid off their debt and now live a no-debt lifestyle. Obviously they get money from their specials and shows too which has helped in building their new house and such. But since they don’t put any money towards college funds and the like I would assume they get to put a lot more towards their businesses and the house. Like the oldest kid who is married and expecting owns a car dealership and a house at 20ish. I doubt he has earned enough to buy that so they probably put money towards helping him buy the property.

  • I for one am sick to death of hearing ANY WOMANS farking vaginal updates.
    I dont care what you stuck in your god damn chochie or when your going to have it yanked out you wal mart fuckers.

    • hahaha werd.
      anyone else find it odd that the sons wife looks like all the others in the family? wakdiddydoo!

  • no wendie, the first thing that popped in my mind was not whether they’d name their kids with the same initial fuckery, but when michelle duggar gets pregnant again, and josh’s kid has to come on camera and say awww look, this is my baby uncle…or baby auntie… now that’s just wrong wrong wrong!

    • My husband has nieces and nephews both older and younger than him. He was the youngest of 12 and his oldest sister was 25 years older than him. My oldest son is 18 years older than his sister and 16 years older than his brother. I only have 3 children but just didn’t get pregnant for 15 years. I too left it up to God as to how many children I would have. At age 35 He decided it was time for another one. Then 2 1/2 years later at 37 He blessed me with my daughter. That was the end of my childbearing years. I never took anything to prevent a pregnancy or fertility drugs to have children either. It is the belief of my religion also to accept the number of children God gives you. I am a practicing Catholic, not the cafeteria type that picks and chooses what they want to believe. Which is the reason also that I will leave this blog. satan( No I didn’t forget to capitalize my S- he doesn’t deserve to be honored) has choose to run rampant here. I only looked at this site to see what was wrong with Jill Duggar.

  • “They feel that the letter J is about as worn out as Michelle’s twat.” Hahaha. I’m stuck in an airport having a magnificent start to my Monday and that statement made me laugh out loud like an idiot in front of a hundred other people sitting at my gate. Thanks, you made my day.

  • “I for one am sick to death of hearing ANY WOMANS farking vaginal updates.
    I dont care what you stuck in your god damn chochie or when your going to have it yanked out you wal mart fuckers.”

    LMAO! best. post. ever.

  • I for one LOVE Duggar posts. It’s hilarious to hear about their weird lifestyle! Keep em’ coming!

    (No pun intended)

  • I feel awkward knowing that they had sex. They’re all so damn bizarre and innocent looking (on a creepy, brainwashed level). It’s like 11 year olds saying that they’re expecting.

    • Did you see the wedding episode when the oldest son got married? At the end they showed him and Anna, his new wife, driving to their hotel suite listening to a tape talking about their soon to be first time! Talk about awkward.

  • I really don’t mind this family… they are living their own life and they are able to pay for it. I went to school with two different families that had 12 kids. So I don’t find it odd to have a big family.

    The only one thing I am curious about is the home schooling of the entire brood. And not that I have any issue’s with it… but I just find it hard to believe that with that many kids at home that they are really getting a solid education. If there were maybe 4 kids I could see it. Not for over 12 kids at the same time… all at different grade levels.

    If anything I would send them off to school daily just to get a moment of peace in the house. So I could gather my thoughts.

    One thing I would like to see, those older girls moving out and trying college on their own. Just to get a break from raising kids.

    Those girls have spent their entire childhood raising kids and never getting out of the house to do anything else… I would not be stunned if they decided against having any of their own.

    Geez… I am all for everyone helping out but those girls seriously have spent their childhood raising their siblings.

  • i think it is selfish of jim and michelle duggar to have so many kids. there is no way each child is given the appropriate attention each child needs and deserves. and the older girls have to take care of all the little one which is the parents jobs! they should be out having fun and learning at school and not getting a head start on being mothers. they should enjoy their adolescent years because when it comes to them getting married and eventually having kids of their own IF they do, the fun will be taken out of having children because theyve already spent years taking care of their siblings! :(

    • But they are religious people so they don’t care about individual rights. Females are lesser creatures because God says so, so they don’t need to have a good childhood. And the misery goes on with kids marrying and having more kids. They know nothing about life or themselves. I keep telling my kids: have lots of sex before you marry, otherwise you will be very unhappy.

  • Wow I totally did not see that coming….. Josh is a year older than me and already starting a family? he has his whole life ahead of him to go and enjoy his life, to go places or goto college or university, indulge in hot chicks and now hes ruined that to have babies for the rest of his life? How is that a good thing? Don’t we have enough children without families? that is so beyond selfish and even more disgusting that they would be so public about personal info that should be kept behind “closed doors”. Just make this family go away! ugh!

  • Best post ever :D
    It’s either Jill or Jessa, the one in the video mainly, she’s much more normal than the rest of them you can tell.

  • The reason the Duggar Clan have to get home schooled is a simple one:
    Public schools teach too many words and concepts like “no,” to the girls and “condom” to the boys. Particularly troublesome are the radical ideas such as “overpopulation,” “self centeredness,” “environmental erosion due to overpopulation,” and any number of other sinful concepts.

    What I want to know is whether they would be so quick to keep breeding if each child was born a retard or with some other birth defect. Now THAT would be a circus worth watching on The Learning Channel :-)

    Since the advent of this ridiculous show and others like it on The “Learning” Channel, I have quit watching the channel altogether. I already know enough about these kinds of morons. The last thing I want to do is support a network who is glamorizing their selfish lifestyle and making money to do so.

    How about a reality show on people who are REALLY pro life: vegans!
    The hypocrisy astounds me. 18 children, all “gifts from God” being taught to eat the carcasses of God’s most innocent creations of all: animals.

    Thanks for this great blog. For some reason I feel a little better knowing that, despite the “success” of the Fuggars, not all Americans are impressed with them.


    • Agreed, Kerri. You said it all. I am so tired of hearing about this braindead family and their insane desire to overpopulate the earth with the “right” kind of people.

  • Well, I knew it wouldn’t be long before ole Josh knocked her up! Like father, like son. She’ll be a brood mare just like her mother in law.
    This is a sin before God! They say they are letting God plan their family. Well I don’t think this what God meant when he said go forth and multiply. God also said a man and woman should enjoy themselves in marriage. I think these bumpkins just have sex to make a baby. After giving vaginal birth to at least 14 of the 18 kids, Michelle’s baby shute must be as wide as grand canyon. She could have a surgery to correct the problem and then maybe she and ole Jimbob could have sex for FUN! Now Josh is keeping up the tradition of keeping his wife barefoot and pregnant; not to mention dressed like a pilgrim. Poor Anna should have run for the hills when she had a chance. They didn’t even have time to get to know each other emotionally, sexually or otherwise before she got knocked up! SAD!

    These backwood country folks are exploiting their children and the rest of their family with the TV show. The children don’t get to socialize with kids from the real world and could never survive outside the compound there in the Arkansas hills. They can’t go to college because they have no formal education. What is their future? All the girls can do is get married and carry on the “brood mare” mentality being set forth by their parents. After raising all the little ones, raising kids is all the girls will know how to do. That and cook, clean, and be subserviant to a man. How sad!

    If anyone thinks these people could support all these kids without the TV show and the profits from it, those people need to see the wizard and get a brain. If it were not for the exploitation of the TV show’s money, these kids would be supported by government assistance.
    We are always seeing where they are taking trips in the “bus”, so when does ole JimBob have time to make any real money?

    We are in the 21st century, right? Someone needs to tell these people what year it is! No one in their right mind, in this economy would have this many kids. Everyone thinks the Octomom is nuts, these people are just as bad!

    I’m all for Christian values and the love of God, but these people are using the name of the Lord to justify their insanity!

    Like I said, I feel sorry for Anna. She has no clue what she has signed on for with this family. Sad part is her mom and dad (which neither one of them look like the sharpest tool in the shed) think this is just wonderful! Guess they would, they had how many? 6 kids and raised them in a trailer in Florida! Birds of a feather!

    • You are so right!

      The older kids know nothing about the outside world because they watch very little TV and they go on the internet very rarely. Jimbob and Michelle won’t send their 18 kids even to a typical public school because they know it will put some sense on their kids’ minds. They don’t push their kids to a college education because 1st, it will spoil their “debt-free” budget and 2nd, they don’t want their kids to have their brainwashed minds get cleared. Selfish redneck parents.

      They agreed on making a circus-show of themselves on the TV for profit. They are so confident that they are debt-free. They are debt free because: 1. No kid goes to school 2. Of course, if no kid is college-bound, you are bound to save money 3. They don’t buy their kids material stuff like iPods or Xboxes or clothes from Hollister and GAP or anything like that. They always buy them clothes from Thrift Stores.

      I know somehow, someday, what the Duggars are doing will just backfire in their faces.

      PS: I can’t wait if one of those kids turn out to be a full-fledged gay.

  • i would love to see michelle and jimbob in a real life argument over her not wanting sex now that would be worth watching they talk so gently makes u think there on downers

  • People state that the Duggars are ignorant because they have faith in god, but that is one of the most ignorant statements made. Mina, before you make a statement like that you read the bible. The bible states in Ephesians that as husband and wife each should submit to each other. Not that a woman is a lesser than a man, but each should put the other first. As for your kids, I hope they don’t listen to you… I am not generalizing, but members of my family followed that same advice and out of five siblings only one has not been divorced. The other four there is nineteen kids, six divorces and numerous other issues. As for their kids that are of age, six kids and none are married. And I will tell you one thing, none of them are happy.