Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Using Sprouts To Represent African American Hair Is Never A Good Idea


Tampa Bay and Chicago area Walgreens have pulled Obama Chia off their shelves due to complaints that the product was objectionable.

I mentioned this newest Chia version on my own blog back in January.  You really don’t need a fortune teller’s license to know that some people are going to get pissed when our nation’s leader is memorialized in clay pottery and sprouts.

The Chia company’s president, Joseph Pedott-an extremely unattractive white dude, doesn’t see what the big fuss is about.  “Since when is an Afro racist?  Owners can trim Chia Obama’s hair to any length they want.”

The potted prez comes in a “Happy”  and “Determined” editions, comes with three seed packets, and is selling out in other areas.  And only twenty bucks!

Crass?  Tacky?  Racist?  Genius?

23 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I think that the presidential Chia Pet is TACKY,CRASS, and RACIST! How low will marketers stoop?

  • Oh for fuck’s sake don’t people have anything better to complain about? I’m going to Walgreen’s right now to buy one, it’s a collector’s item.

    • LMAO I agree! I mean, seriously. I used to call my ex (who happens to be white) “Chia” because of the way his hair looked when he buzzed it. Get a grip, folks.

    • I’m not black, so I don’t feel comfortable speaking as if I know what black people find offensive, but this really doesn’t seem racist to me.

      They also have a an Elmer Fudd and an Albert Einstein, and a Shaggy, from Scooby Doo. The hair grows the same way as with the Obama version.

      It IS tacky, but come on, it’s a Chia Pet. It sort of seems like people are being too sensitive.

  • put out a Biden and Hillary and then people will stop complaining…
    Palin would be a good idea too so people can kill her plant

  • Good Lord whats racist about this??? I think it’s great….I wish I could find me one!!! :-)

  • i love you beet and usually your on top of your shizz. but today your two steps behind perez.

  • in my opinion it s far more tasteful than obama g-strings and other various memorabilia i saw around the time of the election.
    and there were no other presidential chia pets because there was a much smaller consumer interest in the other presidents.

  • It is racist if you’re one of those people who have their minds finely tuned to perceive anything that calls attention to a person’s race, as being racist. Obama is black. Chia sprouts grow in a formation that could be perceived as an Afro. That is not racist. People have become so paranoid about racism and so super-senstive to anything than hints at it, that they no longer even know what it really is.

    Here’s a hint:

    Chia-head Obama growing sprouts that somewhat resemble African-American hair = not racist.

    Chia-head Obama eating a leg of fried chicken and sprouting watermelon plants out of his head all nestled on a bale of cotton = racist.