Today's Evil Beet Gossip


I am getting reports in like crazy that Britney Spears STOPPED her concert in Vancouver for a full 30 minutes!!!! She just walked off stage. Apparently there was too much SMOKE around the stage (I’m guessing the funny-smelling kind of smoke). The concert-goers booed her.

Ohhhhhhhh Britney.

Get it TOGETHER! I see your ass TOMORROW and you better not fuck it up.

You guys, I totally have VIP tickets. I didn’t even realize I’d gotten VIP tickets until we got our special VIP gifts in the mail. So what that means? Is that we get to get there at 4:15 and do all this shit. How amazingly cheesy does this look? I can’t even believe how cheesy. But I don’t think I can miss it! I wonder if they’ll let me in to the special VIP experience if I’m wearing my pink wig and clutching my umbrella …

Update: At the end of the show Britney reportedly said “Don’t smoke weed … unless you are outside!” You tell ’em, girl.

26 CommentsLeave a comment

  • You should definitely wear your Britney VIP badge that came with your Britney Fan Club membership. I bet you two will become the best of friends once she sees that around your neck.
    Just watch out for her giant floppy vagina. That thing will eat ya.

  • “and several mix CD’s play in the background that include the entire ‘Circus’ album and other recent Top 40 hits.”


    love it

  • Beet, I love that you are so ON this stuff. I’m a Vancouverite, I didn’t see the show, but you could have fueled a third world country with the energy that was created by the furious Twitter messages from all the Gays at the concert when she walked off the show. We’re sort of relaxed with the pot smoking in this city. Guess Brit didn’t like that.

  • hahah that sucks, poor brit, they were gettin high and she bailed before she was high too lol

  • I was at the concert and the excuse about “excessive smoke” is bull! Right before she went off stage she looked really mad and didn’t even finish her dance moves. She just stood there with her hand on her hip with an angry look on her face! All the smoke was from her damn smoke machines….I smelt no weed! A woman who works there today me that before the doors opened the entire arena stank of smoke. She was smoking on stage during rehersal!

  • I was at that concert…no one booed…they were in too much shock to boo.also, people were chanting “britney, britney!” overall ….very good! (PCD was also amazing!)

  • I dont get this hype over the Britney tour?? No offense Beet.. But shes lip singing throughout the whole concert, wtf is the point?

    Kind of defeats the purpose of a concert experience, no?

    When you can listen to that exact same thing at home…

    • I pretty sure people have already made this same comment about 20 times. Different people like different things, so…get over it.

    • Come, on!! way to tell people you don’t like the way they’re spending they’re hard earned money, to see somebody that sings through a voice altering machine and lip sings her lyrics because she can’t remember the words. Wow what a way to tell people it’s all about you, and not about them. People understandably felt bad for Britney Spears when she didn’t deserve the negative attention but NOW… it’s just feeling sorry for somebody that needs it. Britney Spears didn’t go down the first time, and she shouldn’t have, but, wave goodbye… Britney Spears is no more. In fact it wouldn’t hurt to import some talent from England

  • Britney sucks, but if I’d known about the assortment of hard candy I would have bought tickets.

    • OMG, this was what I came to comment about as well. Yeah, awesome VIP package; but the assortment of hard candy really tops it. Is she your grandma?
      Anyway Beet, I hope you have a great time! Enjoy yourself and I hope you get to see a little bit of her crazy (or her pussy) tonight.

  • That’s BS. I was there and even if there was anyone smoking weed, you couldn’t even smell anything. It’s big in there. The smoke was coming from her smoke machine! I don’t like how she blamed it on pot smoking.

    • O.K. fine, you were there, that proves something,, but if she blames her audience for anything other than a big riot, it’s an issue, it’s still her fault.

  • Who smoke pot at a Britney Spears concert? I’m outraged. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have tickets to the Jonas brothers and a pipe full of crack rocks.

  • idk if she still gets drug tested or w.e but if ppl were smoking weed and she could smell it maybe she was pissed that she could test positive for it…i dunno. just throwing that out there.

  • I actually heard that the problem was insufficient ventilation near the roof and the lighting guys were having issues with smoke inhalation.