Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Adoption Court Proves To Be Mercy-less To Madonna


This is shaping up to be a lovely Friday!  Kelly should feel so grateful for the rash of “Madonna Goes Crazy, Eats Cheese,” stories that will surely be out to press this weekend.  Okay, I don’t know if this newest blow is of the “consume dairy” category, but it is pretty serious.  Madonna’s secret pain?  She didn’t get her way.

As you know, Madge has been in Malawi for the adoption hearing of a little girl, Chifundo “Mercy” James.  Wednesday, Madonna’s lawyer, Alan Chinula stated that there was no law in Malawi that “can stop this adoption.”  Is there such a thing as a law school refresher course?  If so, Chinula needs to look into one of those because Madonna’s request for adoption has been denied.  There has been no official reason given, but it could be related to her address.

Earlier, a judge who did not make the ruling but saw it and another lawyer present when the ruling was made said Madonna was rejected because of residency rules. Both spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case.

Malawi adoption regulations require that prospective parents live in the southern African nation for at least 18 months.

The residency rule was waived in 2006, when Madonna was allowed to take her adopted son, David, to London before his adoption was finalized in 2008. It was not clear why Judge Esme Chombo ruled differently Friday. Another judge had handled Madonna’s previous adoption case.

It also came to light that Mercy’s grandmother wished to adopt the child and keep her close to family in Malawi.  Madonna responded by indicating that Mercy would be traumatized by a life without a uni-brow, Kaballah water and a team of nannies.

In court papers made public Friday, Madonna said Chifundo’s grandmother was unable to care for her. She promised to make Mercy a permanent part of her family and spare her the “hardship and emotional trauma” of life as an orphan.

The girl’s mother, according to the affidavit, died at age 14 just days after her baby was born Jan. 22, 2006. There was no mention of the father in the affidavit. The mother’s brother is listed as having consented to the adoption.

“I am able and willing to securely provide for Chifundo James and make her a permanent and established member of my family,” Madonna said. “To deny Chifundo James the opportunity to be adopted by me could expose her to hardship and emotional trauma which is otherwise avoidable.”

I don’t know what is better for the child.  Part of me wonders why Madonna can’t adopt another one of the two million orphans in Malawi that doesn’t have a biological family fighting for them.  Of course, also to be considered is all the opportunity that a life with Madonna can offer.  Not to mention all the playdates that can be arranged between Mercy and Madonna’s boyfriend du jour.

15 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Well I just read on celebitchy that David met with his biological father and told him Madonna hit him and Rocco for going horseriding without permission. If Madonna uses corporal punishment as a method of discipling her children she shouldn’t be allowed to adopt this little girl.
    There are so many better ways to discipline and correct a child’s behaviour rather than physical force. I forsee Mommie Dearest revelations in the future!

    • I get so sick of this whiny crap! There is a big difference between punishment and abuse. I had to sit in a waiting room last night with a kid whose patents didn’t believe in spanking (no honey, stop that as he’s ripping the pages out of a book) and I get so sick of it! The Bible says Spare the rod and spoil the child. You want to see abuse? I’ll show you the scar where my mother stuck a knife in my chest, or would you like me to explain how my uncle is the reason my uterus is tipped and having my kids almost killed me! We are raising a generation of whiners who feel they are being victimized by everything and blame others for their mistakes (like the moron who said he killed people because of GTA) and refuse to take responsibility for their own actions! Before you start whining and calling abuse you need to know what abuse really is!

      • there are actual studies that prove that children can be disciplined effectively without corporal punishment. you using one example doesn’t necessarily prove your argument. i’m not saying corporal punishment is right or wrong, i’m just saying before you start calling out ‘this generation’ and why they should all be spanked remember what generation raised them, and you can’t put everyone in a nutshell.

      • I suggest you try therapy to help you work through some of your obvious
        inner pain and turmoil.

      • I think the point that Leslie was trying to make is that a smack on the bottom or even a genuine spanking given by a parent when a defiant child does something exceptionally wrong or especially when they do something truly dangerous is NOT abuse. I don’t care what the studies say. My parents used corporal punishment with my sister and I for seriously bad behavior. They sat me down and explained to me what I had done and why it was wrong and how disappointed they were in me and then I got my punishment. I don’t remember a single time out or grounding, but I do remember those spankings and the lessons they were trying to teach me. I’m no fan of Madge, but I think the fact little David told his father about “the hitting” he and his brother received for riding horses without permission proves that that particular punishment made a huge impression on him and I bet he won’t do it again.

      • thanks leona, that was what i was tryin to say. my parents did the same thing, if we were ever spanked we had a talk afterwards, but to each parent their own. i have friends that were raised with out being spanked and they turned out respectful people who take responsibility for their actions.

      • Hitting your child is just taking out your own frustration it doesn’t help the child if you cannot find a way to twist a childs mind around to your will without raising a hand then you are one pathetic adult

    • I dunno I believe in spanking. All my friends whose parents didn’t believe in punishing their kids like that are whiny little bitches now, while are my friends that were seem to have turned into pretty nice people. It’s not like spanking actually hurts, you just have to be careful with it, you can’t like beat the kid. A smack on the fat padded butt does nothing.

  • I rarely actually laugh out loud for things I read, but I DIED when you wrote “Madonna responded by indicating that Mercy would be traumatized by a life without a uni-brow…”

    I love your writing more and more with every post, Wendie.

  • Is there some reason that Madonna can’t include the grandmother in her plans? What a selfish hag! That poor grandmother — she’s obviously already lost her daughter and now she has to fight to see her granddaughter. People are sick — when will they ever realize that parents ought to have a lot more to offer than just money.

  • “It also came to light that Mercy’s grandmother wished to adopt the child and keep her close to family in Malawi.”—- yeah, she wishes to adopt her NOW that madonna wants her. I’m sorry, I just think it’s messed up that these family members suddenly appear when a celebrity wants to adopt a kid. Like David’s father? How he was so damned upset? What, you would rather have your child live in an orphanage then have a chance at a better life?

    I don’t think Madonna “deserves” the child, or anything, just because of her money/celebrity. But that poor kid. Could you imagine almost being adopted into such a wealthy family? Then NO. Just back to being another one of the TWO MILLION orphans there. How awful. And even tho I am not a huge fan of Madonna’s, I always thought she seemed like a good mom.

    Oh whatever. I am conflicted by all this. Why do they even have these restrictions anyway? It’s like they don’t want anyone in the world to adopt these poor kids. I get the sex-trafficking thing, but surely there are ways to safeguard against that

  • None of Mercy’s family have stepped up to take her out of the orphanage in 4 years, they aren’t going to either. Why does Madonna want this child, she fell in love with her almost two years ago and instead of getting a baby, or a young child she chose to come back for Mercy. Madonna donates money and lots of it for thousands of orphans to live better lives, which will probably end. In a country ravaged by AIDS I would think that a lonely, sad, unloved child getting the parent who has wanted them for years would be a perfect solution. I do feel if Mercy stays in that orphanage it will be sad for all concerned. She will have no future, why is that good? How does keeping a poor little girl in poverty help anyone?