Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Designer Translates Language of Love, Files Suit


Let’s take a moment to read yet another page in the cautionary tale that is Courtney Love’s life. You can’t just say whatever the fuck you want, even on the internet (I’d do well to keep that in mind).

Reuters reports that the musician is being sued by designer Dawn Simorangkir for “insults the singer is accused of posting on Twitter, MySpace and online marketplace Etsy.”

Allegedly, lovable basket case Love asked the designer to make some clothing for her, didn’t pay for it, then began insulting the designer on the internet after she asked her for payment.

What I want to know is, how can anyone make enough sense out of Love’s Myspace and Twitter rantings to even know that they’ve been insulted? Take a gander at the Dickensian novel Love posted to her blog on March 17th:

oh twitter
i like it cos ts short god forbid
courtneylover79 is me i dont know how to write the main ceo of twitter and tell him im MR ad theres per usual about 30 “MES” running around there, its a great little check in no im not twittingwhat i had for dinner ill twit little tales likei did yesterday about how i learned shakesepare ina dark room the”wrong way” and howit has served me so well fpr the rest of my ;ife being autididcatic aboot the bard, then a few years late ri wento the Shakepeare festival in ashland and heard it usedinthe iambic pentameter noone had onformed me of, it was a crazy lucky break tp learn shakespeare my own “green eggs and ham” way
great store

I think she might be writing something about Shakespeare, but it could also be a recipe for methamphetamines; I’m not sure.

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