Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Guess Who


This young woman is related to some very famous face in showbiz, and she resembles them in both her face and her fashion. This should NOT be a hard one, kids. Who’s the famous celeb relative?

Answer after the jump.

Meet Elizabeth Olsen, the older sister of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, who showed up at the Broadway premiere of Impressionism. After 20-odd years of avoiding her sisters’ spotlight, why is she suddenly standing in front of the paps now? Someone explain.

39 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Haha that’s cool! She looks so much like them…

    What I want to know is why I’m not there at the premiere of that Broadway play…to see Jeremy Irons perform would be a dream come true…*sigh*

    • hahahaha me too!!!! like, wtf did she do the herself?? glad its not, but srlsy, this girl is identical to the twins!!

    • Me Three!

      She has beautiful eyes, and is a pretty girl who, unlike the twins, KNOWS THAT A SMILE MAKES YOU LOOK EVEN PRETTIER!

      That said, WTF is it with this family!?!? Why do they all dress like homeless people who forgot to brush their hair!

    • Me too! Geez, everyone in this family looks the same.

      I mean, she’s better-looking than the twins (rather lovely smile, I think) but she’s still almost identical.

      What in the WORLD is she wearing, though?

  • HOLY CRAP! Where the hell did she come from?!?!?

    She looks SO much like them it’s ridiculous!!

  • she should definitely loose the dress, but other than that… well, hello-oo! Now I know who stole the family’s beauty!

  • i got it! yay for small pleasures :]
    i thought she was younger though, and that they had an older brother. but idk, i obtained that information when i was like eight.

    • HAHAHA I thought they had a brother because of their first movies. “Brother For Sale”!!!

      And their brother and his friends crashing their slumber party!

      Was he not real?!

  • She’s very pretty – prettier than the twins. Maybe the twins could be this pretty if they weighed more than 50 pounds.

    Where on earth do they buy all these ugly ass clothes? Even if they must continue to buy these rags why do they feel like they should actually WEAR them?

  • She is pretty, but ack! that dress! If I had that in my closet I would call it my “I give up” dress.

  • Wow. That is SCARY. She is like a combination of the both of them! Whoa. So, are they triplets? Because they all look the same to me!

  • Lizzy Olson is actually their younger sister. She’s in my sister’s year at NYU (my sister lived in her building) – I hear she’s nice if she likes you but kind of a snob if she doesn’t.

  • She definitely has the same eyes as the twins… and she has a very Mary-Kate smile going on.

    She’s cute. I like her.

    But then, I’m one of the few people who absolutely adore the Olsen twins.

  • I won’t talk about the dress thing. Its. too. disgusting.

    But my, she is beautiful! Compared to the twins her face actually shines. Wonderfull. A little smile now and then wouldn’t harm the twins’ faces either :-)

  • I guessed the Olsens as well.. But I’d never have guessed it’s their older sister! She looks so much better than any of them.. Younger and just pretty good looking all in all.

  • I knew it was an Olsen. They all have that vacant look in their eyes, like the lights are on but there’s no one home.

  • Awww, Lizzie. She goes to my school. I had a costume design class with her first semester of my freshman year. I don’t see her much anymore, but I have friends who are friends with her. She’s delightful, smart and creative and even more gorgeous in person.

  • she looks so much like ashley in this picture. which is odd because as children they really didn’t resemble each other.