Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jewel Reaches A Whole New Level Of Self-Acceptance

Someone sent me one of those Facebook surveys titled “Firsts.”  One question is, “What do you notice first about people?”  For me, it’s teeth.  If you have bad teeth, I can be your friend but I can never kiss you.

Jewel was on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last night and shared all the ways a snaggletooth can be a girl’s best friend…all in the form of a PSA.

My stance hasn’t changed.

23 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Teeth say EVERYTHING about a person, I always say. In this day and age (wow, what AM I? 90?), there is no excuse for bad (read: crooked, yellow, MISSING) teeth. None.

    Best teeth ever? Barack Obama. Nice and straight, not overly whitened…just perfect.

    • umm, so even people who can’t afford braces/veneers/caps/ etc. should have perfect teeth regardless? =S

    • yeah, I’m inclined to agree with Lindsay on this one. Dental work is not cheap. Having food and gunk stuck in your teeth (obvious signs of bad hygiene) is inexcusable. But actual cosmetic dental work?

    • Yeah, no way. Even after my insurance kicked in, I still wound up paying over four hundred dollars for dental work today. Without my parents’ insurance, it would have been over eight hundred. I know I certainly wouldn’t have had half of it done had I been paying for it and not my parents-the cosmetic stuff is WAY expensive. A shining smile is less of a priority than food and rent for some people, as hard as that is to believe.

    • No. Dental work is not cheap. don’t you think that’s kind of an ignorant statement (by most likely a person who’s been handed everything to them their whole i wrong)? Granted Jewel probably has the money for it, but what about everyone else? I had to go to Mexico to get my wisdom teeth pulled. A procedure that cost about $350 down there, and anywhere between $1500-$2000 where i live (no insurance). By the time i would have been able to afford it here, my teeth would have been growing out of my sinuses!

    • Seriously? “In this day and age” there are a tremendous amount of people who can’t even keep a roof over their heads, let alone shiny caps on their teeth.

      Whether you meant it to or not, your comment makes you sound like a snob.

    • I’m going to have to agree with some of the other comments here, “In this day and age” an increasing number of people can’t even keep a roof over their families heads, let alone shiny caps on their teeth.

      Whether you meant to or not, your disparaging comment makes you sound like a snob.

      • Ha, sorry I left two comments with almost the exact same lines. I had no idea that it took as long as it does to have a comment show up, I just thought that I hadn’t posted it correctly. Sigh. This is how I learn, by making an ass out of myself.

    • Julia you are so vain. That’s a sign of weakness, because that person (being you) has to convince themselves, that one of they’re perfections or near perfections makes up for the fact that they are not exactly perfect. You have flaws tell people what they are, instead of being an A**HOLE!

  • I like her snaggletooth. Why does everyone have to have cookie-cutter, overwhitened Chiclet teeth anyway? And Julia, give me a break– no excuse? Most insurances don’t cover cosmetic dentistry and like someone else said, putting FOOD on the table is probably a better use of funds. I have a pretty decent job and own my own home and I don’t have the extra money laying around for getting my perfectly fine teeth straightened and whitened.

  • I’ve got fangs, but, I’m getting braces because they make my lip bleed because they’re sharp, and painful!
    I couldn’t give much of a crap about what they looked like, as long as they’re brushed and flossed at least every two days. Not too much to ask?

  • I remember my surprise on discovering from my husband and American friends the stereotype that exists in America about the British having bad teeth. I thought this was quite offensive, and the Americans were very polite about it but couldn’t understand why it caused quite so much offence among the Brits they’d mentioned it to.

    Then we discovered that there was a misunderstanding. To most Brits, ‘bad teeth’ means teeth that are rotting. If you have bad teeth, you have poor dental hygiene to the extent that your teeth are discoloured and decaying. The Americans, on the other hand, meant only to say that British people tend not to have straightened, whitened, ‘perfect’ smiles. Which is true.

    There are many things about America and American culture that I admire. The obsession with appearance that goes to such an extent that people can be despised for not getting expensive, unnecessary procedures done (like dental whitening or veneers), is not one of those things. For God’s sake, get your priorities straight. If Jewel can laugh about this and have confidence in her appearance despite the stupid pressures of the entertainment culture she’s in, bully for her.

  • Im all for clean healthy smiles but personally there is an unnatural level of work that is so ‘pretty’ its just plain BORING. Same goes for faces – the botoxed ‘cougar’ look is really starting to look out of date and boring. There is a big difference between pretty and beautiful. Pretty is easy – beautiful, not so much. I think Jewel is beautiful. The housewives of OC are ‘pretty’ – in the loosest sense of the word :). I am neither . . . but I take care of my body (my teeth are FAR from straight) and I get more attention from guys than I could ask for. Americans need to loosen up a bit.