Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amy Winehouse Courts Attention


Amy Winehouse was in court yesterday to plead guilty to assault.  Gosh, that sentence practically writes itself.  The charges stem from an incident last fall in which Amy allegedly attacked a woman who asked for a photo of Winehouse after a charity ball.

Amy pled not guilty-an absolutely brilliant strategy considering that bystanders took pictures of the melee.

Honestly, I don’t care about this case and I don’t care about Amy Winehouse.  Celebrity gossip bloggers will be writing this story with slightly edited details, until the end of Amy’s life.  Therefore, we have at least another six months of this crap.

What I do care about is that her tits were hanging out of her dress and that Beyonce was kind enough to loan her hips to Amy for the big day in court.  Obviously, she’s planning some sort of insanity defense.  And based on that, I rule in favor of the defendant.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I never thought I would say this, but compared to how she was looking a few months ago, she looks really good. Inappropriate, but good.

    • I was thinking the same thing. Maybe it’s because the shot is so far away? But she doesn’t look nearly as coked out of her mind as usual.

    • That’s exactly what I thought. In comparison to the way she looked just months back she is looking AWESOME. I may be naive but I’m still hoping she can turn this around. She does have amazing talent…

  • in that print? definitely insane. Most people dress in business attire for court.

    oh wait, that is business attire for a drug-addled crazy person. nevermind.