Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Phelpsy’s Free!


Hoorah! Micheal Phelps is free to swim once again after his pot-induced suspension. He came out of the incident mostly unharmed, only losing one endorsement (Kellogg’s) but he’s “angry” about how the incident was portrayed in the tabloids. If he was angry about that, imagine how pissed he’s gonna be in a few months with the ish is legal anyway! When asked about how he felt about the media reaction Phelps said

“I have come to realize that people want to bring you up but more people want to bring you down.”

Wise words from a wise man a.k.a a ripper of massive bongs. This is the exact kind of philosophical verbal meandering that people spew after smoking a fatty. I’m just hope he’ll just do it in his basement/garage with a tiny window cracked like a normal person as opposed to at a crowded college party.

We love you, Phelps! Welcome Back!

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