Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Just For Fun

Johnny Depp voices Jack Kahuna Laguna in SpongeBob SquarePants:  SpongeBob vs. The Big One.  I’ll take Johnny Depp’s big one anyday.  Even if it entails watching SpongeBob.  And that’s saying something.  Happy Friday!

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  • “Plus, we wanna talk to you!” I love Patrick. Serious LOLage.

    Oh, and check out that surfboard as mr. Laguna is coming out of the hut! Phallic symbolism, anyone? ;)

  • I.LOVE.SPONGEBOB! I am so serious. I saw this in the store a couple weeks ago. Must buy and watch. Johnny Depp? In Spongebob? There is nothing better.

    • He’s on Nick. The only thing my boys were allowed to watch on Nick was Blues Clues, everything else was too racy

  • Johnny <333333333

    That man can do no wrong! I don’t care for Spongebob being older than 10 years old, but that’s so cute that he did that, probably for his kids!

  • Hah! and he’s playing Matthew McConnaughey. If you missed the bongo / surfing hints MM’s company is JKL which is the cartoon character’s name. jkl stand for Matty’s motto “just keep livin”instead of “just keep breathing”