“She better get the hell out. If she goes back, she’s a loser, and she doesn’t deserve to have any future success.”
Donald Trump, to Inside Edition, about Rihanna and Chris Brown.
Ya know, this is the first time in my whole life that I’m glad Donald Trump didn’t keep his big fat mouth shut. We’re agreed here, Mr. Trump.
at least someone finally said it.
I don’t think that being a victim and making a bad decision (ie, going back to him) means that someone automatically doesn’t “deserve” future success. At all.
I think it is fucked up that he is speaking out against the victim and not the person who actually committed the crime. I think it says a lot about our society. We don’t seemingly care that he wasn’t strong enough to curb his anger, yet get all pissed at her for not being strong enough to cut off all ties. What the hell.
Yeah, isn’t it funny how when a MAN hits a WOMAN, society STILL finds a twisted way to blame the WOMAN?
“Gawd you stupid scrawny 4-eyed sixth-grader, by being skinny and wearing glasses, you DESERVE to be beat up and have your lunch money taken from you, DUUUH.”
I completely agree.
Well spoken!
its not that hes saying she doesnt deserve future sucess FOR getting abused, its if she goes BACK to him even after all hes done
thanks! and ummm, that’s what I said with the bad decision part. Regardless, if we are proclaiming someone doesn’t deserve success, how are we NOT talking about Chris?
FINALLY!!! he took the words right out of my mouth. rihanna is so dumb. she is sending a terrible message to all her young fans. also, when fucking OPRAH is giving u advice on live tv, you better fucking listen.
oprah isn’t live. And why should her advice matter than most, anyway? blah oprah.
Enough caps; but seriously, abuser manipulate their victims. It’s incredibly hard to break away from that kind of a relationship. She is not a loser, she is being manipulated by love and guilt and all sort of horrible psychological things abusers do to their vicitms.
Don’t blame Rihanna. Just pray someone can reach her and help.
He isn’t BLAMING Rihanna for ANYTHING.
He’s telling her she’s an idiot if she goes back wordlessly smiling to Chris, a guy who has beaten her repeatedly and said that he was going to kill her.
I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with Trump, but there’s a first time for everything. Yes, he was overly harsh, but his point is valid.
He’s calling her a loser, basically saying she’s an idiot and a fool to go back to him so yeah, I’d say he’s blaming her. And he’s wrong, she’s an abused woman and CB has got her so messed up. Trump should shut the fuck up, he has no business calling her names.
Who the fuck BLAMED Rihanna in any part of this post. Saying she’s a loser for going back to him is in no way blaming her.
I never thought I’d say this, but I couldn’t agree more with Donald Trump. She’s a role model to some and if she chooses to get back with a person that easily could have killed her, and apparently beat her in the past, then she doesn’t deserve any future success and I hope her fans turn their backs on her… and the douche that beat her.
Klip, I never thought I’d say these words but I agree. She’s an idiot if she goes back to him. A lot of people are calling her a victim, she was the first time. Everyone knows what happened. She has a ton of people who support her. If she puts herself back in that situation and makes herself the victim again I won’t feel bad when he really fucks up and kills her.
I can’t believe how callous you people are. Have you ever studying domestic violence. It’s not just about people ‘smart’ enough to leave. God. If it was that easy, way more women would leave their abusive partners. It’s not so cut and dry.
You wouldn’t feel bad if he killed her, Shan? That’s lovely. And Klipper now wants her to get beat again. That’s fabulous you guys. If I was just a little bit more of a bitch, I would wish a similar fate on the both of you (or someone that you loved). But I just can’t. People don’t deserve this.
That’s if she chooses. Believe me, he’s got her so messed up right now, nothing she does is of her choice.
“nothing she does is of her choice”
See, to me? That right there is what is really insulting. People who make statements like that imply that she has no agency, that she’s essentially a child, or an automaton, or a slave. He doesn’t have a literal or metaphorical gun to her head; he doesn’t have the power to hurt her children, have her thrown onto the streets, or anything else tangible. All he has the power to do is manipulate her emotions, and that? is a power that she chooses to give him.
She’s a sane and autonomous adult. That means she’s responsible for her own choices. Sure, it’s a hard choice. So is the choice to kick an addiction; it’s still a choice that we expect sane and autonomous adults to make. And yes, until she gets her shit together, she’s a loser.
She doesn’t deserve to be beaten, but she’s setting herself up for it. People who smoke don’t deserve to get cancer, nobody deserves that either – but if you choose to smoke, you’re hugely increasing the chance you’ll get cancer. If you choose to go back to an abuser, you’re hugely increasing the chance you’ll be abused.
She has been provided with more ways out than most women who are in this same situation. She has the money, safety, and all the support she needs. Those are the main reasons that most women fear getting out of abusive relationships, because they DON’T HAVE A WAY OUT. She does, and the message she is sending by going back is a terrible one. NO ONE should go back to someone who abused them that way, no matter the circumstances.
I could not agree anymore with him.
He’s calling her a loser for going back to him. She’s not a loser, she’s abused and manipulated. She’s going through something that unless you’ve been there, you can’t understand. The other posters are right, he should be calling out Chris Brown, not Rihanna.
ThatLisa and MissSmilla are right. She shouldn’t be blamed or berated. Chris Brown should be.
I agree – I can only stay sane if I chalk it up to Trump, and the posters who agree with him, not understanding domestic violence.
She needs help. Calling her names isn’t help.
Ehh, I think thats taking it a little too far.
I mean if she has to, she WILL testify, and thats saying something.
Thats why I dont really think there back together.
Because if they were, wouldn’t Brown manipulate her and convincer her NOT to testify?
Time will only tell.
She should get out as soon as she can. He is a terrible person and is ruining her life. However, I think it is a bit harsh to say that she doesnt deserve any future success. She is the victim, HE IS THE LOSER!
It worries me that she’s being written off as a loser.. as others have said, HE is the loser. She is abused, in trouble, and being cut off from support. Donald Trump has no idea of the shame, self abasement, and dependency that goes on in the minds of battered women. This is a CLASSIC stockholm syndrome case and people need to stop turning their backs on her.. She needs help, not contempt!
I’m bored with Rihanna and Chris now. Next losers, please!
Seriously, unless you’ve been there, you can’t know what she’s going through. Do you really think women who are beaten think clearly. Believe me, right now, he’s messing with her in the following ways:
1. Promising he’ll change – right now he’s being sweet and wonderful and loving and she wants so badly to believe it.
2. She believes it’s all her fault because he’s told her it is – “I only do it because you make me crazy” is the type of thing he’s saying to her.
3. And the worst part, he’s likely threatening her. “If you leave me, I’ll tell everyone….” and insert whatever there.
I’ve been through it and I heard all of that. I knew it wasn’t right but there wasn’t much I felt I could do. The other women who’ve been through it will back me up here. Donald Trump should shut the F up or at least call out Chris Brown, he’s the villain in all of this.
I got your back, Cat.
Donald Trump is a fucking loser. So is Chris Brown. Fuck them both. I am sure Trump will feel exactly the same way if his daughter goes through a violent relationship. Asshole.
“The other women who’ve been through it will back me up here. ”
Kinda condescending to assume that nobody else here has been in an abusive relationship, or that you speak for all of us who have.
Then add something rather than being insulting.
ha Cat.
Nice Donald. I suppose you are a loser too for having a human psychology? Donald is immune to pain, one supposes? His brain doesn’t process it? For his sake, I hope that’s true actually. I had always thought that the Donald’s malfunction was more along the lines of a lack of sympathy with others. Perhaps I should give him the benefit of the doubt and say he lacks other, more fundamental, human capacities.
I’m not sure that she doesn’t deserve any future success. But I do think she is a loser in a certain sense for going back to him, and what she doesn’t deserve is our sympathy if it happens again. She is giving him a second chance, fine. But she is also giving up her chance to walk away. Fool you once and all that jazz. I still have sympathy for her, but if it happens again and she’s chosen to go back to him, it’s hard for me to have more sympathy for her when she had an opportunity to walk away and she didn’t take it.
Ugh, I’m so past the pity party for Ms. Fenty. I had a 5-year-long relationship like her. It kept getting worse. I totally understand her mindset & even her actions BUT this chick is a public figure whom young girls look up to. With that comes major responsibility. She is a terrible example for any girl. I can’t even listen to her songs now without being disgusted. She’s pretty much over in my mind unless she makes a lot of changes. She doesn’t deserve to be promoted to young girls.
KL….. seriously…. YOU put up with abuse for FIVE YEARS and you have the audacity to call out her for putting up with it ON ONE OCCASION (as far as we can tell)!!! What the hell is your problem? Oh it’s so different, because she is famous. You keep telling yourself that. Just because you are mad at yourself for putting up with it for HALF OF A DECADE, doesn’t mean you should just transfer their feelings onto other WOMEN going through similar circumstances. show some fucking compassion. If anything, you should understand better WHY she is staying with him.
She is a poor abused victim. Oh no, where shall she go? Where would a person with millions of dollars go? Perhaps back to her mansion? No she can’t go there because her bodyguards are making her feel too protected.
Come on guys. She is weak and stupid. She has so many options and she chose the most retarded one.
I agree with you Donkey Punch, it’s not like she’s poor with no job, five kids, and nowhere to go. Rihanna has the means to get professional help, hire protection, and has the support of her family.
How she could go back to him after looking at that TMZ photo of her is beyond me. He hits you once, and you can be damn sure he’ll do it again. Wanting desperately to believe he’ll change, is like wanting to believe in the tooth fairy- it a nice thought, but not very realistic.
No one deserves to be hit. Ever.
He said what we were thinking!! How can you support her music when it supports a messed up lifestyle?
He’s not blaming her, he’s telling her the harsh truth.
She, like millions of other women, is an IDIOT if she goes back to him.
He will beat her again.
Unfortunately, like most women who find themselves in this situation, she most probably is going to stay with him. Maybe she thinks it’s her fault, or she doesn’t deserve any better… who knows what goes thru these women’s heads? Somebody needs to tell her the truth, and not in a nice way. It’s too easy to ignore it when it’s put delicately.
She could DIE.
NO man is worth that, and there is NOTHING she could have done to deserve it.
“He’s not blaming her, he’s telling her the harsh truth.
She, like millions of other women, is an IDIOT if she goes back to him.
He will beat her again.”
Yeah, that. Spoken as someone who’s been there, and managed to grow a spine. I hope Rihanna does, too, before he kills her.
millions? what about the millions of men that are beating them? why are we focusing on the alleged stupidity of women, and not their heinous crimes?
ugh, this is so what they would want. you are taking the blame away from them and giving it to the victims.
At least someone had the balls to say what millions of people were thinking.
Donald Trump doesn’t deserve future success.
I hate to say it but I AGREE!! I mean come on! they’re both BIG TIME losers….he beat the crap out of her and she is so stupid for getting back with him…this is not about judging genres it’s about common sense!! you do not go back with the guy who hurt you, if you do that it shows what kind of person you are ( an idiot!) and you don’t deserve sucess. end of the story