Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Circus, Circus


Our dear beloved Brit Brit had a surprise visit with about 40 sick children currently staying in the Miami Children’s Hospital. She also pledged to donate 100,000 to the hospital’s Big Apple Circus Clown Care program. The program enables the hospital to provide medically trained techs dressed as clowns for the children, in an effort to make their treatments and situation less scary.

I understand that this program is a good thing. They have their hearts in the right place. But WTF could be more frightening for a small sick child than a giant clown  coming towards you with a needle?!

31 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Guess her PR person told her she needed to do damage control on her reputation considering she was a danger to her own children. Remember how she locked herself in the bathroom with her kids and the police had to rescue her children?

    • cynical, are we not?
      i think she’s doing it cuz she has her own kids,
      and wants to help other people’s children.
      and as much as i agree that she was a danger to her kids,
      i have to stress the fact that she WAS, but no longer is.
      theoretically, of course.
      she’s come a long way from last year,
      and i’m pretty sure she’s mentally stable now.

      • > i’m pretty sure she’s mentally stable now.

        Really? That is why she is under complete control of her Dad still?


    • scuse me kitty,
      but soleil is a relatively good writer.
      and i agree with her.
      i have a deadly fear of clowns, and if a clown came to me
      with a needle at a hospital,
      i would prolly have a heart attack or something of that sort.
      and by the way,
      if soleil does suck and blow,
      at least she’s still getting some.

    • You’re great, Soleil. Don’t listen to notorious kitties who type all in caps.

      You’re becoming my favourite contributor here. Your humour is really growing on me.

    • Funnt! I think in the future the internet should be de-democratized. My idea: tests (grammar, spelling, general intelligence) to be able to interact with the internet. Tests like those necessary to drive a car or pilot an airplane.
      Kitty, you’re killing the English language.
      And George Orwell and I are seriously worried.

  • oh god im terrified of clowns. if one came at me with a needle when i was a child im pretty sure id be in therapy for life because of it.

    • totally. there is nothing scarier than a clown, when will people understand that?! and soleil, you’re doing just fine!

  • Oh, come on, folks. Does nobody remember Patch Adams? Granted, she’s only doing this to polish her name back to that lustrous shine it once had, but it IS helping kids. And a hundred thou ain’t shit to her. She makes that in what, twelve hours?

  • In re. this: “But WTF could be more frightening for a small sick child than a giant clown coming towards you with a needle?!”

    Soleil, that got me laughing seriously out loud for the first time today, thanks for that! Totally caught me off guard with teh funneh!

  • Dude i don’t understand WHY the fuck people are afraid of clowns. They’re just people in fucking make up. I think its probably the most annoying fear ever because the people with it react like 10 times stronger than most people do to their fears… and I feel a lot of people (not all) just do it for attention.

    • I completely agree. I feel very similar about people who freak out about mascots. I know a few of those, too. It totally seems like an attention ploy.

    • Um, do you understand why anyone is afraid of anything then? like, why be afraid of little spiders? they won’t hurt you. snakes aren’t larger than you. heights won’t kill you. the dark is the same, just minus lights….

      of course you don’t “understand” why some people are afraid of clowns. If you did, then you would could be too

    • The most stupid fear to me is people being scared of clothes
      (real fear) I’m personnal scared of clowns myself.

    • You should read Steven King’s It. Pennywise will make you see clowns differently… and then see poltergeist. Thats another WAY creepy clown.

  • Robin Williams, dressed as the clown, would be way more terrifying. That just goes to show you the impression Patch Adams left with me.

  • if you noticed, now-a-days kids clowns wear less make up than the traditional creepy clowns we’ve grown up with…so they look more like a person.

  • if you noticed, now-a-days kids clowns wear less make up than the traditional creepy clowns we’ve grown up with…so they look more like a person.

  • reminds me of the movie Patch Adams.. LOVE IT!!! i don’t know if that would be scary or not, but i definately think it’s very nice of them to think about the children and try to do something nice for them, whatever it is.. I love this idea!

  • ik doe het lekker in het Nederlands!
    hhaaaha, ik kwam toevallig op deze site, en ja, ik heb niet heel veel zin om dat bericht te gaan lezen, dus dan weten jullie genoeg!
    (voor wie dit allemaal kunnen lezen in ieder geval)

    ps. Ik vind de teksten die mensen hier hebben achtergelaten, best heftig… ‘N beetje triest, vind je niet?