Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Today’s The Day!


Chris Brown has his day in court today.  And he needs to actually appear.  Unless a deal is struck.  Whaaaat?

Yep, Brown’s attorney-Mark Geragos, has been in downtown LA this week meeting with the DA assigned to this case.  The two have been meeting in hopes of coming to a compromise with the charges against Chris.  How do you think this will go?  He could be charged with a felony.  That would mean jail if he was found guilty.  He could plead guilty to a misdemeanor; he would take some classes, do some community service and be done.  Or he could plead guilty to a felony, but if he stays out of trouble for a year, charges could be down-graded to a misdemeanor level.

I’m not going to freak my freak until we see what actually happens.  Prosecutors do often pursue domestic violence cases even when the victim is unwilling to testify.  The pictures of Rihanna should be evidence enough!  But, if a deal is cut, what message does this send?  Okay, okay, I’m keeping my cynicism at bay and hoping for the best.

23 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I think an example needs to be made- for everyone’s benefit.

    I don’t think there’ll be a deal- the last DA that spoke about the case seemed pretty determined to nail Chris Brown’s ass.

  • We can’t expect much from Rihanna. Just because she’s pretty and can sing doesn’t make her a genius. If she makes the stupid decision of forgiving him, that doesn’t mean that the DA shouldn’t prosecute. They have to send a message. We’re tired of the Nicole Ritchie’s getting 86 minutes in jail. Throw the book at her like they did to Wesley Snipes

  • I agree…he needs to be punished. Our criminal justice system functions on specific and general deterrence…so the public would benefit from seeing him be appropriately punished.

    • that’s been rumored for a long time now, which just makes the matter worse.
      i think he should get in a little bit of trouble, a few days in jail would give him incite that what he did was wrong, it’ll be good for him.

  • Geragos is an amazing defense atty (he defended Michael Jackson, Scott Peterson) but if the DA strikes a deal they are going to send the wrong message to every young person – also, how will it look when Paris had to serve time for a non-violent crime and C.Brown walks away with community service and a fine???

  • Reality is California seems to let all the celebrities get off with a 2 second jail sentence. Its sad but I am just hoping he gets _something, anything_

  • I think he pleads guilty to a misdemeanor. If there is such a thing as “no contest” in ca law, he goes that route. BS community service, probation, and anger management classes. If he has a brain, he will hire a management team (headed by a female) who will attempt to repair his public image. Beginning with keeping a lower profile. Oh and Rihanna comes running back.

  • I think the sonofabitch needs to fry, one way or another. If it’s a minor slap on the wrist, I have to agree with what most said here: that it’s going to send a terrible, terrible message to all of the world. Not that Rihanna did much good for herself or anyone else out there in a similar situation by taking that lame, trashy asshat back.

    I’m just so disappointed at the entire ordeal.

    I guess we’ll just bide our time until we hear reason to be happy. Any man that could do that to a woman (let alone the “love of his life”) should be tied up, stoned and dragged through the streets a’la Brokeback mountain.

  • unfortunately, i also think he’ll get a deal – after all, it is LA and he is famous. i also have a terrible feeling that rhianna will go back to him. as for paris hilton serving time for a non violent crime, paris hilton should be in jail forever so i don;t have to look at her wonky eye or hear that baby voice while she’s blowing kisses on the red carpet. maybe chris & paris could be put in a cell together?

    • Yeah, I have the sneaking suspicion that she’ll be going back to him indefinitely, too. So disgusting. I’m sorry, but if someone (male or not, but ESPECIALLY male) did that to me, they wouldn’t live to be sentenced. I wouldn’t give a flaming rat’s ass what the excuse was or who they were supposed to be to me.

  • paris hilton went to jail for driving with a suspended license.

    chris brown beat the shit out of his girlfriend and i’m gonna be some pissed if they don’t make an example of him and let him spend some time behind bars.

  • How did she have time to make all these phone calls if she was getting her ass kicked. I’m not condoning Chris at all but I don’t agree when people say no matter what he shouldn’t have hit her. We dont really know what happened and shouldnt judge. Plus do any of you guys really believe he did this knowing what he could lose for absolutely no reason. I don’t. We keep hearing all these rumors, none of us know the truth and I personally believe there is something about Rihanna that we don’t know. And I’m not a fan of either but I don’t believe this young famous kid would risk his whole career over a small petty thing. Something really horible pushed him to that point.

    • It doesn’t matter what she did, he still beat her up. Thats the thing. Its never ok to beat a girl up like that. Did you see the picture? NEVER EVER EVER should a guy, who is obviously stronger than the girl, do that.
      I’m in a sociology class right now, and my teacher is also a domestic violence teacher, and so we’ve been talking about this alot, and research shows that guys beat up their wives/girlfriends because they feel they’re entitled to becuase it’s their job to control their them. And that if they do it once, they’ll most likely do it again. It might take years, but they WILL do it again. The only way to change is to get counseling. And the girl has to leave him untill he does get counseling. She also said that the guy might really be shocked at what he did, and really be sorry, but after he gets over, he will probably do it again.
      Again, it doesn’t matter what she did, the fact is that he beat her up, and that IS NOT OK. No one ever deserves to be beaten up by someone they love and supposedly loves them back.

  • I’m hoping they will make an example out of him, and do what they did to Paris Hilton. Either way Rhianna is in for a lifetime of misery if she has really gotten back together with him. Psychologists basically say that “once a wife beater always a wife beater”. Even if they never do it again, the simple fact that they could bring themselves to physically hurt their partner means they have absolutely no love or respect for them.

    Plus, I never really got what she saw in the dude. He is not even remotely good looking and obviously doesn’t have a good personality to overcompensate. And she is such a beautiful girl.

    • This has nothing to do with the thread, but your avatar cracks me up. It’s like the gay sign struggling with inner turmoil.

      Not that I’m racist against them… as my “girl”friend would say, I’m a full-blown fag-hag.

  • one of the good things and perhaps a bright spot in this whole mess is that under CA state law, once a domestic violence report has been filed, it’s out of the victim’s hands. though the court may weigh her cooperation, the fact that she isn’t cooperating with his prosecution won’t deter the DA from prosecuting the case fully. it all stems from the court recognizing battered women often turn the other cheek (so to speak) after their abuser is out of jail. a sad fact.

    so despite what Rihanna says, Chris may be in for trouble regardless.

  • On another note, for anyone who was bothered by TMZ running that horrible photo – please go to www dot rihannaslaw dot com and sign the petition to protect victims from having their crime photos leaked.

    What Chris did was unforgivable, no question. But that TMZ should be lurking around offering cash for crime photos? It makes me shudder. And believe it or not, in many cases having leaked evidence makes the prosecution’s job harder.

  • Why make an example of Chris Brown? Why go to the trouble?

    There is a certain class of people – low class and trashy – who choose to live like this. Chris Brown and Rihana are drama queens. They deserve each other and problems and misery. Doesn’t matter how much money they have or ever will have; bottom line is they’re low-class. Any female who in less than 3 weeks gets beaten up pretty badly, threatened, and then hooks back up with the guy that did all that deserves whatever comes next.

    • you are either in desperate need of attention or are completely ignorant. or both. either way. um. I suggest you re-evaluate your statement/thoughts on the matter.

      no one deserves this,