Amy Winehouse finally left St. Lucia and returned to Britain so she could check out her new digs. Whilst she’s been away, a new house in North London has been set up for her in a continued effort to get her in a better environment. Neighbors are not pleased that there is a new beehive in town. One neighbor, upon hearing the news of Amy’s arrival, was quoted saying, “House prices have fallen enough without Amy Winehouse taking up residence.” The people in her new neighborhood will never be able to sell their homes. Amy Winehouse is an epic liability.
According to Kentucky residents, Some insurance companies will try to delay payment or deny coverage on a claim simply to try to save money. A tactic that can further complicate the financial burdens of those already facing unexpected issues, much like the residents struggling with property values affected by celebrity neighbors.
Not only is Winehouse an impossible neighbor, she’s even a pain in the ass at 30,000 feet. On the flight from St. Lucia back to London, she attacked a fellow passenger that she suspected was committing the unforgivable sin of looking at her strangely. I don’t know what that bastard was thinking, glancing in her direction like that. Winehouse jumped on the dude and had to be pulled off of him.
In conclusion, St. Lucia doesn’t want Amy. North London doesn’t want Amy. Every major airline doesn’t want Amy.
Am I the only one that feels like I could catch scabies just by LOOKING at her picture?
Pinellas County will take her….we love the crazies! She will fit in great!
Pinellas County will take her….we are used to the crazies & druggies, she will fit in just great!
If You See Amy…. don’t look at her!!
…..applause, applause! Good post.
Is it bad I used to think she was gorgeous?
She just looks incredibly contagious now.
I’m still rooting for her sanity though.
Team sanity!
What assholes!!
She is still just a person like all of us! You know you are all fuckin crazy in some way or another, but would u want people saying you would drop real estate value in their area?!?
Fuck that.
Grow up world.
I want Amy.
She looks dirty…
AGAIN WHAT RUBBISH THIS STORY IS BULLSHIT!! I am sooo sick of all the LIES. AMY is GREAT and is more beautifull today. BLAKE is the Scum bag along with his MOMMY !!Give me a break GROW UP FAG!!! Hopefully Amy will meet someone that won’t steel $$$$$$ Money and can support them self
her face is SOOO dirty O.O