Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Looks Like the Rihanna/Chris Brown Fight Started Over a Text Message

riri Isn't that how they all start these days? Chris has had a girl on the side for awhile now, according to the rumors that I'm hearing, and she sent him a text message on Saturday night basically asking for a booty call. Rihanna saw the text and got pissed, and that's how the fight began. "He got a booty call. He got a text. Rihanna saw it and she got upset. They started to argue. She got out of the car. He wanted her to get back in, so he grabbed her," the industry source said. "She pulled...

In This Difficult Economy, You Definitely Want to Give Your Hard-Earned Money to the Crazy Octomom, Right?

suleman Oh, good. That's what I thought. Because Octomom has started a website, the Nadya Suleman Family Website, so that you guys can encourage her behavior by giving her money and sending her gifts. You can also look at pictures of babies hooked up to all sorts of tubes and equipments, their skin strange colors and their faces in discomfort, because that is what happens to babies when you have eight of them at once. Don't you want to encourage her to do this again? Yes yes. Give her money. America is alre...

Today In Stupid

9845148rihanna2112009125244pm "Chris is a great guy. He'll be all right. And Rihanna knows he loves her." Terrence Howard's commentary to Hollywood TV regarding (alleged!) abuser Chris Brown.  You know what?  I can pretty much confidently state that a guy who chokes you into unconsciousness while vowing to kill you, does not love you.  His statement just reinforces the sick, "He only does it because he loves me so much," mindset of an abused woman. To give you some insight into this man's mental health, other Terr...

Now This Is A Couple I Can Get Behind!

56684977mickeyrourke2112009110406am Yes!  Please let this be true!  I know it's only The Daily Mirror, but they are claiming that Mickey Rourke and Courtney Love have been dating for the past few weeks.  Wouldn't it be great if these two turned into the next Bennifer?  Like, we could see them at every premiere and Waffle House opening with Red Bull cans in hand and white powder on their noses?  I can already see the OK! magazine cover of them with their crack-addicted twins and the headline, "Our Babies Changed Our Lives....

Salma Hayek’s Baby Is Trilingual and Sees Dead People

56490141salmahayek2112009105653am May I ask a question?  Really a series of questions:  If Rachael Ray hadn't been sanctioned by Oprah, would anyone know who she is?  What is wrong with Rachael Ray's voice and why won't she fix it?  Would anyone be willing to sign a petition to outlaw the use of words such as "Yumm-o" and "Dee-lish"?  Thank you for any insight you can provide. Salma Hayek taped a segment on The Rachael Ray Show, airing today, in which she talks about her amazing little wondertot.  Apparently little sixteen...

Michelle Obama Graces The Cover Of Vogue

michelleobamavogue Michelle Obama, photographed by Annie Leibovitz, on the March cover of Vogue.  I'm sure Ann Coulter is having a conniption fit over the Jackie O inspired sleeveless dress.  The First Lady's dress is by designer Jason Wu, the man responsible for her inaugural ball gown. Thoughts?...