Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Heath Ledger’s Dad Comes to LA for the Oscars

heathkimledgerspl Oh, man, this almost makes my cold, evil heart break a little bit. Heath Ledger's father, Kim Ledger, has flown from Perth, Australia to Los Angeles to attend the Oscars on Sunday, where Heath is by far the favorite to win Best Supporting Actor. Kim says that, if Heath does win the award, his family will be on stage to accept it. OMG this is totally going to happen and I will have to fast-forward through it. I will just cry WAY too hard if I have to actually watch it. Honestly I don't think I'll be able to handle the poignancy. I don't like things that make me cry!!! ...

Jennifer Love Hewitt Hits the Mat

Since she can't seem to find a relationship that works, JLove is apparently channeling her frustrations through the power of push-ups. Homegirl hit up Leno this week and showed him what she was made of. TEN WHOLE PUSH-UPS!! That's the kind of athletic prowess that you only see out of a size two. /> Since she can't seem to find a relationship that works, JLove is apparently channeling her frustrations through the power of push-ups. Homegirl hit up Leno this week and showed him what she was made of. TEN WHOLE PUSH-UPS!! That's the kind of athletic prowess that you only see out of a size two. ...

D.A. Hopes to Charge Chris Brown with Felonies

16343051chrisbrown1213200883631am Last night I was at a bar for trivia night with some friends, and one of the guys was like, "So, they're not charging Chris Brown with anything, eh?" and I was like, "Ummmm, where did you hear that?" and he was like, "Well he hasn't been charged with anything, and it's the DA who has to charge him, so he must not be charged with anything." Um. NO. The District Attoney's office doesn't always just make a case overnight, and Chris is NOT out of the woods right now. This is a total misconception...

When You Are Being Bashed For Your Annoying Perfection, It’s Time To Retire

56754405heidiklum2192009123628pm Perhaps you heard about the designer who, last week, said that Heidi Klum was "too heavy" to be a runway model.  Klum issued some dignified response.  Well Wolfgang Joop, the dude in question, is at it again. I don't know how Heidi crossed this guy, but I wonder if she's regretting it now.  His newest tirade directed at the supermodel, is an in-depth critique of Klum's features: "She is not a top model, but an ad girl. Who in high fashion has this permanent grin? She doesn’t have a nic...

Shocking: Lead Singer Of A Rock Band Uses A Lot Of Drugs

7047063inxs2192009112449am Remember that show back in 2005, Rock Star:  INXS?  It was a competition to find a singer to replace the late, INXS lead singer, Michael Hutchence. The winner, ironically named J.D. Fortune, has now found himself homeless, jobless and living out of his car, which oddly enough is exactly the state he was in before he won the frontman job. Sigh...where did it all go wrong?  At first, Fortune made it seem like he was completely blindsided.  After touring around the world for two years, h...

Pamela Anderson’s Chronic Constipation Resolves Itself During Fashion Week

90219L1 Palmonella Anderson walks squats the runway of designer Richie Rich's show. I've told her a million times, do not swallow the condom.  It does no good for your innards. I'd like to issue a blanket apology to the west coasters and, really, all readers in other time zones who possibly read Evil Beet whilst enjoying their breakfast.  No one should have to navigate their oatmeal while being subjected to this, but think of all the calories I just saved you....

Octo-Mom Needs An Angel. Or Oprah.

Octo-Mom, Nadya Suleman, is about to be homeless.  The three bedroom, one bath house in Whittier California is up for foreclosure.  The owner, Angela Suleman or Octo-Gram, hasn't made any payments on the home since May of 2008 and currently owes $23,224.98 in back payments. Angela filed for bankruptcy last year after selling another home, valued at $615,000 for $369,000. Angela's husband, Ed, is appearing on the February 24th episode of Oprah to tell the story from his perspective. I'm worried about all these babies.  Where are all these people going to go?  I don't think they even make cardboard boxes large enough to fit such a massive brood. They need a television series, product endorsement deal or private donor.  Oprah, goddess of everything that walks the planet, needs to write Octo-Pop a check! You can have so much fun with hypenated Octo names. />Octo-Mom, Nadya Suleman, is about to be homeless.  The three bedroom, one bath house in Whittier California is up for foreclosure.  The owner, Angela Suleman or Octo-Gram, hasn't made any payments on the home since May of 2008 and currently owes $23,224.98 in back payments. Angela filed for bankruptcy last year after selling another home, valued at $615,000 for $369,000. Angela's husband, Ed, is appearing on the February 24th episode of Oprah to tell the story from his perspective. I'm worr...

Taylor Swift Has #1 Album And Unflattering Dress

56776931taylorswift219200983024am Taylor Swift attended the Brit Awards last night in a rather unflattering, silver, spangly sheath.  Shouldn't the gal with the number one album be able to afford a stylist by now?  Or a full-length mirror?  Contact lenses?  I've read the reviews and I'm aware that my opinion is unpopular on this one.  Of course I also hate Oprah and Julia Roberts so it's safe to say that I don't think like any other human being. Okay.  I'm done.  She's still cute.  Clad in a shapeless Vegas showgirl, f...

If I Have to Do This Shit, You Guys Do, Too

whos_this Our volleyball league was canceled today, so my teammates and I decided to hit up trivia night at a local pub. The questions were hard. We did not do well. Perhaps the most difficult was Round 3, where they handed us two pieces of paper with pictures on it and made us figure out who all the people were. Looks can be deceiving! We thought we were right about who a lot of these people are, but we were wrong. In fairness, we also had 5 people crowded around these pieces of paper with crappy ...