Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Slumdog Romance?

freida-pinto-dev-patel It never fails. Anytime actors have to pretend to be in love with each other they actually fall in love with each other. The news broke that Freida Pinto may have not only had a secret husband/fiance, but also that she had allegedly dropped him via the international cold shoulder. She could have at least pulled a Joe Jonas and at least sent a text, but I digress. People are now busily speculating that perhaps Freida's change of heart towards her mate is due to a budding romance with her Slumdog Millionaire co-star Dev Patel. Dev is younger than Freida, but he is lega...

Independent Spirit Awards

mickey-rourke The Independent Spirit Awards are taking place today in Santa Monica. I give credit to Mickey for making it out after the tragic death of the only living creature that would never deny having made out with him. Unlike that pin-up wannabe Evan Rachel Wood, Loki was LOYAL.  Side note: WTF did Mary Kate stuff into the shoulders of her shapeless sack dress?? More Arrivals: [gallery]...

So This is Actually Happening

selma-blair1 Selma Blair has found love on the set of Kath & Kim. Co-star and onscreen husband, Mikey Day, has somehow managed to convince her of his worthiness and now they're reportedly dating. My only previous experience with Day has to do with reruns of Wild 'n' Out on MTV playing in the background while I fold clothes and clean house. And even when I'm not actually paying attention to him, his voice grates on my nerves. Selma seems to like the quirky ones though, so who knows - maybe they'll stick this on...

Martha Finally Divulges What She Learned in Prison

martha-stewart After the Phelpsy scandal I guess Martha finally decided it was safe to come clean and reveal some of her more private interests. Over on EW's PopWatch blog they've received an email stating that Stewart's upcoming show would be "entirely dedicated to the world of pot." *blink* Reeeeeally? Somehow that fits. Judging from what I know of Martha, she's wound pretty tight. The only thing that could possibly remove the giant spatula from her ass on the daily is a well-timed bong rip. She prob...

Such Sweet Sweet Sorrow

conan-obrien Conan O'Brien bid us all farewell Friday night. It was his last night on Late Night with Conan O'Brien. After 16 years of hosting he's hung up his hip strings, and put away the Walker: Texas Ranger button. Fortunately, the goodbyes are temporary. He takes over the Tonight Show starting June 1. Thank the lord for that. TV wouldn't be the same without Conan's debonair side part and strawberry tinged locks. I think I'd lose all faith in mankind if I lived in a world with Carson Daly was st...

Last Days of Decadence

peta-model I can't tell if this is a PETA event, or a drag show? The tags on the pics assure me that this is, indeed, a PETA event held at a club called 'Last Days of Decadence". A PETA event with a liberal sprinkle of drag mixed in. They managed to tie it all together with the "Fur is a Drag" banner at the end. I love drag shows (the lashes, the sequins, the lights!), and I love animals. I just never thought of mixing the two together. I don't mean to bitch or anything but is wandering about...

Somebody is Gonna Be Spending Some Extra Time at Church…

justin-gaston Sweet Minty Jesus. How awesome is that picture juxtaposed with Miley's inspirational quote? Miley's reputed main squeeze, Justin Gaston, recently did a racy shoot with VMan Magazine. Good thing Justin and Miley are both *ahem* chaste and uh...regular church goers. Otherwise, I could see how Billy Ray might consider revoking his apparent sanctioning of this relationship. Any guy willing to get greased up, semi nude, and crotch- grabby probably shouldn't be hanging out with someones ho...

One More Reason to Watch the Oscars

hugh-jackman Wanna see the rest? While the rest of you are tuning into the Oscars to see who made the best/worst dressed lists I'll be hunched in front of my tv with snacks and a warm towel waiting for Hugh Jackman to fulfill his promise. Hugh is hosting Sunday's Oscar Ceremonies and he told AP Press that he plans to go as God made him - naked and smiling. "I haven't told anyone this, but we are going to do most of it naked and we're going to sing through the whole show," the affable actor joked during an interview backstage at the Kodak Theatre. But Hugh was quick to assure the interviewer that he wouldn't just let it all hang out...

EVEN MORE American Idol Money Dramz

ruben_studdard See, this is the problem with handing a young person who's never had money before a potentially lucrative career -- they have no understanding of the fact that the money isn't guaranteed to keep coming. Fremantle ought to make these kids sign an agreement saying that a portion of their earnings every year goes to paying for a financial adviser, because they don't really seem to be champs at managing their own cash flow. Just like Fantasia before him, Ruben Studdard is in a ton of debt, bec...

Authorities Investigating Leaked Photo of Rihanna

56671166rihanna217200911901pm Hey, guys, in case you haven't noticed, TMZ ran a photo taken of Rihanna after she got her ass kicked by Chris Brown. Now the Los Angeles Police Department is investigating the leak of the photo from its files, saying in a statement it "takes seriously its duty to maintain the confidentiality of victims of domestic violence." Said Rihanna's father, Ronald Fenty, when asked about the photo leak: "It's good and it's bad to see the picture because there's other people who were thinking differently, that (Rihanna's injuries) may not be that bad, just a little spank or a little...