Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Blame the Pants on Someone Else!


Katie Holmes is wearing a god-awful pair of pants, per usual, but this time it’s not her fault.

Photogs snapped these pics of Katie while she was on location in New York filming her new movie, The Extra Man. The flick co-stars John C. Reilly and Kevin Kline, and is scheduled for a 2010 release.

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • is it just me or does she look a lot prettier than usual? its like someone is walking near her holding a lighting disc. were these taken WHILE she was filming?

    it doesn’t matter…

    somthing tells me I am not going to see this movie. not just because It is katie holmes

  • she reminds me of actress lauren bacall, who was in her early years so very beautiful, but ended up looking man-ish as she aged.

    sad really, that she is wasting the beauty years trying so hard to be taken “seriously”.

  • i seriously don’t get chicks who let men suck their good looks right out of them.

    on her wedding day she looked ethereal, now she looks like a hag.

    and, the kicker is…that fucker Cruise looks better than ever.

    he’s a vampire, honey.

    run while you are still mildly fuckable. nic knew when to bail.

    just a thought.