Today's Evil Beet Gossip

One More Reason to Watch the Oscars


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While the rest of you are tuning into the Oscars to see who made the best/worst dressed lists I’ll be hunched in front of my tv with snacks and a warm towel waiting for Hugh Jackman to fulfill his promise.

Hugh is hosting Sunday’s Oscar Ceremonies and he told AP Press that he plans to go as God made him – naked and smiling.

“I haven’t told anyone this, but we are going to do most of it naked and we’re going to sing through the whole show,” the affable actor joked during an interview backstage at the Kodak Theatre.

But Hugh was quick to assure the interviewer that he wouldn’t just let it all hang out.

“There will be a strategic leaf placed here or there,” he said. “We don’t want to be distasteful or anything. This is a raw night. This is the Oscars. Raw emotion, that’s the quality we’re going for.”

Come on, Hugh! A quick glimpse of Wolverine’s twig ‘n’ berries would be GREAT for ratings. Just make sure you neaten that area up first, you’re a wee bit hairier above the waist then I generally like ’em so I can only imagine the forest that treasure trail leads to.



Pic via Just Jared

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