Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Chris Brown’s Dad Talks to the Media


Chris Brown is in Virginia, and apparently spent some time with his father, who then spent some time with People magazine. Here’s what he had to say:

“Just know that he’s home … He needed some time to get his thoughts together and regroup. He’s very concerned about the situation and he wants to make sure that [Rihanna is] okay. This is unfortunate—this stumble, this situation. Hopefully, he will get past it. We all have our shortcomings. We all trip … If you are on his side, you are on his side. Just because someone trips, if you are truly a fan, you are not going to demonize him instantaneously. This music industry is very unforgiving when it comes to having indiscretions. He will continue to be a good person. He loves people. And like most of us, most humans, things will occur. And hopefully a person won’t be judged simply on that alone.”

I guess if anyone on this planet is allowed to try to justify Chris’s actions, it’s his father. But, listen, I am the queen of “indiscretions.” I have made many “mistakes.” I have treated people poorly, I have betrayed the trust of people I loved, and I’ve definitely lost my cool more than once. What I have never, ever done? Beaten up on someone to the point that they have to go to the hospital. It’s never happened. I understand that Chris likely has anger management issues that need to be dealt with, but this is far more than an “indiscretion.” This is serious violence against someone who never stood a chance of winning any physical confrontation. Rihanna is tall, but she’s skinny as hell (I’ve seen her in person), and it’s not like she was in a position to physically hurt him.

So, yeah, dude, I’m gonna go ahead and judge Chris Brown by “that alone,” and I hope the music industry does as well.

If he wants to spend some serious time in anger management therapy to work through these issues, and spend the next few years taking responsibility and talking publicly about how domestic violence is NEVER CONDONABLE, we can revisit this issue again in a few years. I believe that people can change, but not overnight. For now, I hope we’re nowhere near forgiving this dude for beating up his girlfriend.

55 CommentsLeave a comment

  • um, okay. So the dad is pretty much saying that he did, in fact, beat up Rihanna……

    if anything, shouldn’t he not comment at all right now? I am just kind of confused by this.

  • Yeah, I was watching E! news earlier (I’m lame I know) and there were a couple of people wishing him the best and hoping he’s okay.
    Everytime Rihanna was mentioned it was a totally different tone.
    A “that’s what she gets for not falling in line” tone. It was pretty fucked up!

      • i feel that they should overlook the real thing there is really noone to blame here because he wouldn’t hit anyone for nothing .i also feelthat he is wrong and should be consiquence if he did .it’s hard to belive that he hit her because their is a picture of her looking perfectly fine and (bruises) that stupid.i feel rhinana should not recieve a consequence because she is the main victim.well thats all.

  • Let me tell you something……all these blacks acting like it’s Rihanna’s fault are doing so out of RACISM. You see they hate her because she’s light skin and therefore “too white” so they have the attitude that she “got what she deserved” just like when OJ killed Nicole. Read some of the black blogs and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

    • Are you black? That is not why SOME black people support Chris..I mean damn he is red (lightskinned) himself so that doesnt make a difference in this case. They they think she must of had an attitude b/c she is black and from the island..not because she is light. (Which i personally don’t agree)I have read alot of the black blogs and have yet to find where “all these blacks feel think the way you are describing”

    • Jennifer, thank you for your insightful analysis of black thought. Oh, by the way, Chris Brown is “lighter” than Rihanna. How does that factor into your Nobel-worthy analysis?

  • While I don’t feel your comment was racist, I come from a different place than most and many will probably take offense at your referral to “blacks”. I realize you probably didn’t mean it to sound offensive but you just need to be careful about saying things like this online.

    That said, I haven’t heard anyone bashing Rihanna. I teach at a black school and all the kids love Rihanna, but they are kids so I don’t know if that makes a difference. They also are five and aware of the situation to some extent at least.

    Anyway, just wanted to warn you that some people are probably going to be offended by your post.

    • I wasn’t condeming black people, I’m just relaying what I have heard. Many black chicks I know hate Rihanna because they think she’s “too white” and therefore stuck up. And it’s a well known fact that there is racism between light skin and dark skin blacks, both Tyra and Oprah did entire shows devoted to this issue. When OJ killed Nicole the black community had the attitude that she “got what she deserved” because she took one of “their men”.

  • Does anyone else find it ironic that the only person in this situation who DESERVES a beat down is Chris Brown??

    Poppa Brown: Dude! Talk to a lawyer before you say shit like that! Thanks for the incriminating statement. Apparently the moron apple didn’t fall too far from that tree…

  • I think its pretty sad that 50 people are dead (May God rest their souls) and all you can post is crap about Kelly Pickler’s reconstructed face and Lilly Allen’s third nipple. I used to really like this site. This will be the last time I check it.
    Rest in Peace Flight 3407

    • considering this is just a celebrity gossip blog, why would she? not to downplay the tragedy, but it makes more sense to me that she would post about lily allen than a plane crash. you can hear about the crash just about anywhere else.

    • uh, you do realize that this is a blogging site? By your inane reasoning, Disney Land should shut down, Hollywood should stop making movies, and kids should stop playing with toys because there’s a lot of fucked up shit happening in the world and nobody should have any fun until that fucked up shit is resolved.

    • uh, you do realize that this is a gossip blog? By your inane reasoning, Disney Land should shut down, Hollywood should stop making movies, and kids should stop playing with toys because there’s a lot of messed up crap happening in the world and nobody should have any fun until that messed up crap is resolved.

    • The site is called Evil Beet Gossip. What’s to gossip about that?
      It was a terrible tragedy, but this site is for celebrity commentary… sorry.

      Also I find it so funny every time people feel the need to point out: “I won’t be coming back here,” “This will be the last time I check it,” “You’ve lost a reader.”
      as if your opinion REALLY mattered in the first place.

    • Jackie,

      The world does not stop because there was a plane crash. Yes, it is very sad for those 50 people who unfortunately lost their lives. I mean seriously…do you just want story after story about the plane crash? Get real…

    • Then why are you here? Go to for God’s sake. Bad shit happens every day, do we have to stop everything.

      “May God rest their souls.” You sound insufferable.

    • Seriously. My job is to cheer people up when the world is sad, not to depress them further. Trust me, as someone who has a near-debilitating fear of flying, I am TOTALLY AWARE of what happened to that airplane, and my heart aches for those involved and their loved ones. But nothing I write can change what happened — I’m here to give people a place to laugh when these tragedies are overwhelming.

      And, for all the people posting about how they’ll never visit this site again — traffic is way up lately, so please don’t worry about me if visiting this site bothers you. Go elsewhere. I’ll be okay.

  • I agree with you Beet, and feel that Jennifer needs to educate herself and think before she types or attempts to express what I can only assume are supposed to be thoughts; and before she attempts to educate others (note the “You see…” comment). Tsk, tsk.

    …And, Jennifer, what is a “black”?? …because you mention a group of these things, and am unsure as to what you’re referencing.

  • The more I read about people coming to Chris Brown’s defense, the more pissed off I get. Sure we all stumble and trip but he just plain f’d up big time and needs to be punished for his actions whether it’s jail time or the music industry shutting him out. It seems like everyone who feels the need to come to his defense are trying to twist things around and make it look like it was less than what is was and to make it look like it was Rihanna’s fault and that she deserved what happened to her. The guy beat her up.. plain and simple. I was reading somewhere where someone said there were two sides to every story and Rihanna’s “true” colors were going to come out. Give me a freaking break!! If this stemmed from a text message he received from whoever for a booty call, she has every right to be angry with him and he had NO right to beat her up no matter how she reacted to that text message. It also doesn’t matter if she gave him herpes or is just a total bitch. It does not give him or any other man justification to beat a woman

  • oh wow i didn’t realize he was back in virginia…his parents live in Tappahannock, about 20 mins from me! i actually thought he was a good guy and i can’t believe his father said it was just a ‘trip’ or ‘stumble.’ You can’t accidently ‘stumble’ and beat the hell out of a girl. This is sad.

  • what kind of drugs do you take to make it OK to beat up someone weaker than you? someone you supposedly love?

    what kind of culture makes that ok?

    what kind of people blame the victim for getting beat up?

    what kind of man beats up a woman and says she deserved it?

    what kind of stupid groupies would still defend a loser like Chris Brown after he does something so low?

  • Oh wow i didn’t realize he was in virginia…his parents live like 20 minutes from me in Tappahannock! I thought he was a good buy and i can’t believe his father said it was just a ‘trip’ or ‘stumble.’ You can’t accidently ‘stumble’ and do that to someone! This is sad!

  • I used to be a fan of Chris Brown…and I still can’t believe he could do such a thing…there are no justifications for what he did…that’s too bad.

  • I completely agree with Beet — in a few years we can talk about “growth” and such, right now Chris needs to get himself some professional help.
    One thing that has me upset about this even more so are the little girls who have crushes on him. I work at a local Boys and Girls Club and one of my ten-year-old students told me “it doesn’t matter” what Chris did, he is “so cute”… another older student was overheard saying, “He could beat me, I’d still stick around.”
    I feel it is so completely necessary that Chris be punished publicly because of the level of his public self (stop buying his records, dj’s stop playing his records) — millions are watching, we can’t fuck this up, it would send a horrible message.

    • Chris needs to have the criminal justice system on his ass. The “professionals” there can provide all the help he needs right now.

  • Just want to say (not related to this post) that the weekend poster really sucks. It is twenty after one, my time and the bitch still hasn’t posted a damned thing. I’ve talked to a lot of people who read EB and lots of the m have left to go to other blogs because the quality of this one has dropped so low. great job, Soleil.

    • Beet mentioned in an earlier post that she’ll be blogging this weekend (from Seattle, West coast time) because Wendie is sick and Soleil had prior commitments. So, yeah, call her Soleil a bitch, and obsess over no new updates first thing in the morning. Because that’s a constructive way to spend your time on a weekend.

    • Soleil isn’t working this wkend on the blog. Beet is, but she is really sick. So drop the mock threats and have some compassion.

    • I just read a post on Sasha’s other site. She said this…

      “And Soleil, my weekend writer on Beet, told me awhile back that she wouldn’t be able to work this weekend because of commitments for her day job.”

  • I agree with X. The weekend poster sucks. I will no longer check this site on the weekend because it is a waste of time.
    On topic, how can we be so sure Chris Brown’s career is over when R. Kelly pissed on and had sex with minors and still makes records? They should both rot but people forgive celebrities for some reason.

  • Psh.
    I can understand not judging Christian Bale on his temper tantrums alone, but Rihanna was SERIOUSLY INJURED and I think that screaming is a lot different than strangling someone into unconsciousness. I will judge him on this alone, and it will not be pretty.

  • I do believe that some people can be rehabilitated but not men who hit their partners. It’s too ingrained in them.

  • I read on a website (Bunny with Fangs) that Chris changed his Facebook status to “single” and wrote “… you’ll see her true colors. Believe it.” It makes me angry just thinking about it, if this is true. Taking time to write that instead of issuing an apology? Sick. I’m with Beet – I hope the industry does judge him on this alone.

  • You guys all need to chill about the comments. It’s the dude’s FATHER. I’m sorry, but many many parents would react the same way and take their kid’s side. When my parents found out about my drug and alcohol problems, they blamed it on everyone but me (my friends, the school, the administration, the groups I listened to, the minister at our church who apparently couldn’t save me, my art teacher who looked like she was high all the time…you get the picture) even though I was the one chugging the drinks and I was the one smoking and snorting all the drugs. Going “my kid didn’t do anything wrong and you guys who are blaming him shouldn’t be so quick to judge because no one’s perfect and we are all human” is a perfectly normal reaction for a parent.

  • I went to the GOODWILL the other day and someone donated their Chris brown cd and record collections. I’m sure that person isn’t the only one. His career is going down!!!!!!!! I couldn’t be happier.

  • “So, yeah, dude, I’m gonna go ahead and judge Chris Brown by “that alone,” and I hope the music industry does as well.”

    And as well you should because you are the Messiah right!? I wish people would judge you on everything you’ve done wrong in your life. It may not have been beating someone up. But shit adds up.