Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kelly Osbourne Arrested for Assault!


Okay, okay, so the actual event happened last summer — what took Scotland Yard so long to investigate?

Kelly Osbourne has been arrested for allegedly slapping a journalist in a London nightclub last summer.

The 24-year-old daughter of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne was released on bail as inquiries continue. She is scheduled to return to see authorities in March.

The allegations stem from a claim that Osbourne hit gossip columnist Zoe Griffin after Griffin wrote an article mocking Osbourne’s model boyfriend Luke Worrall. In a piece last August in the U.K. newspaper The Mirror, Griffin wrote that she was approached in Punk nightclub by Osbourne, who took issue with a story Griffin had written saying Worrall had to ask how an earthquake was caused.

Griffin quoted her saying, “I have an issue with you. My boyfriend knows what an earthquake is and everyone has been laughing at him and he’s upset.”

As the conversation drew to a close, Griffin wrote, “That’s when I felt a hard slap to my right cheekbone.”

I’m sorry, I’m such a dork, but all I can think while reading this is “Didn’t this guy have to learn about tectonic plates in school?” I was not much of a science kid in school, and, to be honest, the only damn thing I remember from any of my science classes was about how tectonic plate shifts cause earthquakes and volcanoes and mountains. I feel like that’s all they taught us every week. It’s really all I can recall.

That’s not true, I remember one more thing: We had to dissect a grasshopper once, and my friend Rebecca and I, who were lab partners, didn’t really have the heart to cut into our poor grasshopper. This was right after that Heaven’s Gate mass suicide, so instead we covered him in purple construction paper and made little black construction-paper Nikes and taped them to his many feet and told Mr. Anton that we couldn’t dissect him because he had to meet his comet. He was our Heaven’s Gate Grasshopper.

I didn’t excel in my science classes, needless to say. BUT I WAS ALWAYS FUNNY.

What’s the point here? Oh, right, okay. This whole thing is totally dumb because asking what causes an earthquake is not the same as not knowing what an earthquake is. Also everyone should know what causes an earthquake because, as far as I can tell, it’s the only thing they teach in high-school science these days.

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • they dont really spend a lot of time on geography in my HS science classes.. thats more like elementary school. and honestly I dont remember what exactly causes earthquakes seeing as I grew up in Ohio and never gave much thought to it. ask me how a Tornado is made and I will be able to tell you in great detail. Sure it is a dumb question but I mean really- that is the kind of stuff me and my friends ask eachother all the time- like really simple things we learn in elem school that we just forget.

  • Find a picture of Gene Keady, retired basketball coach at Purdue, and you will see her LONG lost identical twin.

  • ROFL @ Heaven’s Gate Grasshopper.
    Anything involving Heavens Gate is funny.
    Except, you know, the actual event itself.
    But mockery of it? A++ humor!

  • Me and my eyeballs are at the police station right now. They insisted I bring them there so they could file charges against Kelly Osbourne for optical assault. My optometrist says I will need a stronger prescription now. I should be thankful I didn’t go blind. Thanks Beet for not posting a pic of the entire family or I would have to learn to read braille.

  • F Demi Moore & Sharon Osbourne for INFLICTING their ‘nothing special’, untalented busted looking spawns on our senses!

    They don’t sign our paychecks and pay our property taxes.


  • Well, we learned about earthquakes, tectonic plates etc, but it wasn’t exactly the priority in the UK that it would be in a Californian school. Education changes depending on context.