Today's Evil Beet Gossip

WTF Was Wrong with Kanye West on SNL This Weekend???

Seriously there were better vocals in my seventh-grade class play. And we were doing Fiddler on the Roof. With twelve year olds. And I mean I'd understand if, like, he had a cold or something, but does a cold make you this completely tone deaf? Can someone explain this shit to me? Kanye's second performance is after the jump. It's "Heartless," and it's every bit as bad as "Love Lockdown" above. Read More /> Seriously there were better vocals in my seventh-grade class play. And we were doing Fiddler on the Roof. With twelve year olds. And I mean I'd understand if, like, he had a cold or something, but does a cold make you this completely tone deaf? Can someone explain this shit to me? Kanye's second performance is after the jump. It's "Heartless," and it's every bit as bad as "Love Lockdown" above. Read More...

So, Um, When Is Abigail Breslin Going to Be Old Enough for Me to Make Fun of What She’s Wearing?

Abigail Breslin And also her hair and makeup? I'm just looking for a ballpark figure here. 15? 16? I mean, do you really have to wait until a kid's 18 when she's already been nominated for an Oscar? Doesn't that shit make her fair game a little sooner? We were allowed to make fun of Anna Paquin's teeth back in '94, weren't we? Because, like, if I were allowed to make fun of Abigail Breslin at this tender age, I would note that her hair is a better fit for, say, the Little Miss Sunshine pageant than a L...

Blind People Don’t Understand How Funny They Are

Saturday Night Live took a series of jabs at New York Gov. Paterson this weekend, as shown in the clip above and also in this clip. In the midst of mocking the governor's former cocaine problems, infidelities and unpreparedness, they also took some rather hilarious jabs at his blindness, which his camp did not find funny. Neither did advocates for the blind. "The governor engages in humor all the time, and he can certainly take a joke," Paterson's spokesman, Errol Cockfield, said. "However, this particu...

There’s No Such Thing as Too Much Terminator

It was announced this weekend at the Dubai Film Festival that production is moving forward on a fifth installment of the Terminator series, even though the fourth installment, Terminator Salvation, won't even hit theaters until this summer. McG will direct the fifth film, and Christian SlaterBale is signed on as John Connor. They're looking at a 2011 release. Thoughts? />It was announced this weekend at the Dubai Film Festival that production is moving forward on a fifth installment of the Terminator series, even though the fourth installment, Terminator Salvation, won't even hit theaters until this summer. McG will direct the fifth film, and Christian SlaterBale is signed on as John Connor. They're looking at a 2011 release. Thoughts? ...

Gossip Girl Gets Engaged

55391292leightonmeester1214200875549pm Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester became engaged to actor Sebastian Stan this weekend.  I'd like to tell you why this relationship is going to fail.  Not because she's only 22.  Not because, even though they only met last year, the media is referring to them as "long-term."  Not because she's on a hit show and no one really knows who he is.  Not because they made their announcement on their Facebook pages.  The reason this union is destined for failure is this.  Though the media is hi...

Only One More Weekend of No Movies Worth Seeing

56360086keanureeves1214200865041pm The Day the Earth Stood Still starring Keanu Reeves claimed the number one spot this weekend with a $31M debut.  Four Christmasesis still pulling in money having $13.3M in sales.  I actually disowned two friends last night after their tearful confessional in which I learned that not only did they contribute $18 to this train wreck, but they loved it.  It was sad too because we were really close but it's over.  There were red flags before this incident though.  I have to whisper this s...

Bush Shows He’s Adept at Dodging More Than Just Questions

   President Bush has some amazing reflexes.  He was attending a press conference in Baghdad as part of a farewell visit, when a reporter hurled his shoes at Bush's head.  Throwing shoes is considered a major insult among Muslims. Personally, I just want to know where Secret Service is.  I know it's just a shoe but you'd think whenever any inanimate object is flying at the President's head, someone would lunge on him.  Did I just watch too many episodes of West Wing? As the chaos subsided...

Debra Messing Has a Problem With Needles

3835207debramessing1214200840423pm I challenge all of you "It's only the lighting, it's a different angle, she's just matured a bit, I think she's lost/gained weight, what are you talking about she looks exactly the same" delusionaries to tell me that the classically beautiful Debra Messing isn't a Botox/Restalyne/collagen and perhaps scalpel junkie.  Right.  Because I know when I'm in harshly lit environments, my upper lip doubles in size too.  I know I sound angry and I am.  Debra Messing is one of the most stunnin...

Naomi Watts is Finally Not Pregnant

51945400naomiwatts1214200825907pm Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts welcomed their second son yesterday.  No word yet on the name but their firstborn is named Alexander.  Therefore, I feel confident in saying that this kid has a pretty normal name too.  As opposed to Gargoyle or something of that nature.  So that gives me peace.  Their two sons are sixteen months apart.  I did something similarly stupid a couple of years back; it was like having twins.  I don't have nannies though and nannies really do make everything better...
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