Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Suri Cruise is a Bad Ass


I’m not kidding here.  She wears rhinestone press-ons which are the brass knuckles of the toddler set.  Total gangsta.  Is that nail polish on her pinkie?  It’s probably some sort of gang symbolism.  Incidentally, I’m really old-fashioned because my kid wouldn’t be wearing red nail polish at like…two…gang or not.

I love her facial expression.  You can tell she’s totally going to be one of those celebs who goes totally Kanye on the paps all the time.  Or maybe she’s just freezing.  Is there some sort of Scientology rule about actually putting a coat on?

Also, a few additional pictures of Katie Holmes today performing All My Sons on Broadway.  Please.  Someone.  Feed.  Katie.


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