Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“Smoking. I didn’t even start until I was 30. I got hooked making Feeling Minnesota and now it’s a prison, but I want to stop.”

Keanu Reeves, in a new interview with the Daily Mail, when asked if there’s anything he wants to give up.

He can do what he wants with the cigarettes, but, Keanu, I am begging you to give up that horrendous pube beard as soon as possible.

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • ditto on the beard, and lose the black-on-black suits too. not that i have an issue with them, it’s just that it’s ALL he wears, to premieres, to press junkets, to water his tulips, wherever.

    that, and take acting classes.

  • at least he seems to have put some weight on
    not as in muscular Speed, but…
    I’d put him to sleep
    give him a good shave and scrub
    and then wake him up

  • Okay, he worries about the smoking but not the fact that he is drunk ALL the time? He’s my favourite celeb to drink with when he comes to Toronto, but he’s got some serious booze issues. Like, drunk in the morning, drunk for work, drunk on his motorbike, drunk drunk drunk issues.

  • If he stopped smoking he would look so much cuter!
    the bloaty face just isn’t working for him.

    I don’t care about his facial pubes lol!

  • Roma: Hes been through a lot in his personal life, I think he may still be dwelling on the death of his wife. Perhaps that’s the reason why we see him drunk a lot or screwing a different hot chick every week. He wasn’t like that before. Well that’s just what I think, I am not implying that his life is bad or anything, its just a thought.