Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Happy Birthday, Grandma Zelda!

Today would have been the 75th birthday of my beloved Grandma Zelda, who died of lung cancer -- after surviving breast cancer -- when I was in sixth grade. My grandmother was beautiful. She met my grandfather as a teenager. A strikingly handsome war hero, my grandfather was the man all the nice Jewish girls in Chicago wanted to land. From what I hear, Grandpa was quite the player until the day he met my grandmother, at which point none of the other girls stood a chance. He was bowled over by her beauty and her kindness, and they married soon after. I inherited the beauty, for sure. I don't know what happened to the kindness. Maybe my sister got that. My grandmother, in the short time I had her with me, taught me a lifetime's worth of lessons in living, loving and dying with grace and honesty and dignity. And I know she's spent every minute since her passing watching over me and guiding me. I felt her presence in my life starting the day after she died, and she's never left my side since. Grandma, I haven't had a cigarette in four months now. I know how happy that makes you. I love you, and I miss you. />Today would have been the 75th birthday of my beloved Grandma Zelda, who died of lung cancer -- after surviving breast cancer -- when I was in sixth grade. My grandmother was beautiful. She met my grandfather as a teenager. A strikingly handsome war hero, my grandfather was the man all the nice Jewish girls in Chicago wanted to land. From what I hear, Grandpa was quite the player until the day he met my grandmother, at which point none of the other girls stood a chance. He was bowled over by...

Hoooooooooly Shit

Check out this dude flying 1500 feet over the Royal Gorge near Cañon City today using a jet pack. The gorge is said to be 1,025 feet deep. He did not use a just-in-case parachute. The jet pack is manufactured by Denver-based Jet P.I., based on a model developed in the '60s for military use. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! I know what I want for Hannukah!!!! Leo and I are so done with cars. It's gonna be all jet packs all the time for us! /> Check out this dude flying 1500 feet over the Royal Gorge near Cañon City today using a jet pack. The gorge is said to be 1,025 feet deep. He did not use a just-in-case parachute. The jet pack is manufactured by Denver-based Jet P.I., based on a model developed in the '60s for military use. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! I know what I want for Hannukah!!!! Leo and I are so done with cars. It's gonna be all jet packs all the time for us!...

Break Out the Thunderbird

Apparently the worldwide economy is so damn shitty that the Russians can't even sell their vodka. TRAGEDY. With retailers struggling to find credit and ordinary Russians being forced to change their spending, a vast lake of undrunk vodka is accumulating in distilleries across Russia. Official statistics indicate a collapse in demand for vodka over the past two months. November inventories of unsold vodka stock have risen to 82 million litres, a 600 per cent increase from 2007, accord...

Lindsay Lohan Can Talk Shit About Her Father, But You Can’t

Here's a little (unsourced) quote from the ever-reliable (not!) Starpulse, where Lindsay weighs in on her obnoxious father and his constant shit-talking about Samantha Ronson: "I would love to say it's surprising, but it's not. It doesn't bother me as much as embarrass and hurt me. And put a knife in my back. And it's hard because I was flipping through channels and someone on E! called him a loser. And that's my fucking father! He's not a bad guy. He's just making bad choices." Does anyone know where and when she said that? Becau...

Twilight Stars Are Now Going to Be Super-Rich

Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson were each paid $2M to star in the hugely successful first Twilight film, based on a series of teen-vampire novels by Stephanie Meyer (who makes a kind of cute cameo in the film). But for the sequel? It looks like they're each getting at least a $10M raise, plus a cut of the next film's box-office take. Not bad at all, kids. I saw the flick this weekend, and I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. And I thought both Kristen and Rob were great in it, ...

Britney’s New Album Now Streaming (Legally!) on imeem

You can listen to the whole thing here for free and without breaking any laws. It's all the same tracks from the leak earlier, except "Blur" and "My Baby" were not on the leak. Go check it out and tell me what you think! Update: You know, I just realized, one of my favorite tracks from the leak was called "Phonography," and it doesn't appear to be on the final album. Booooo for that! Second update: Dude, "Amnesia" didn't make it either. Rough cut of the album was better than the final cut. Total bullshit. />You can listen to the whole thing here for free and without breaking any laws. It's all the same tracks from the leak earlier, except "Blur" and "My Baby" were not on the leak. Go check it out and tell me what you think! Update: You know, I just realized, one of my favorite tracks from the leak was called "Phonography," and it doesn't appear to be on the final album. Booooo for that! Second update: Dude, "Amnesia" didn't make it either. Rough cut of the album was better than the final cut. Total ...

I Would Like Miley Cyrus to Play at My Office’s Christmas Party, Please

Does my office even have a Christmas party? I don't know. I'm Jewish, so I probably wouldn't be invited anyway. But if we do have a Christmas party, and I am invited, I would just like our CEO to know that if he isn't too busy cross-suing the MPAA it would be much appreciated if he'd buy Miley Cyrus for us, since apparently she does office parties now. From the Houston Chronicle: Tweendom’s reigning queen is the star performer at the Lanier Law Firm’s “Christmas Che...

Heidi and Spencer Tie the Knot

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt have "eloped" in Mexico, if by "eloped" you mean "meticulously photographed every moment for the eventual sale of the photos to Us Weekly." I kind of refuse to believe that these two voluntarily opted against televising their ceremony. My guess is that MTV wouldn't pay them what they were asking and had them locked into a TV contract, so they said "Fuck it" and "eloped" and sold the pics exclusively. Us Weekly pics are here. Heidi's 22 and Spencer is 2...

Travis Barker Speaks!

Here's Travis doing an impromptu interview about the lawsuit he filed against a laundry list of parties related to the September plane crash that killed two of his friends. The mother of Travis' late bodyguard is suing along with Travis. Not involved in the lawsuit? DJ AM. Interesting. /> Here's Travis doing an impromptu interview about the lawsuit he filed against a laundry list of parties related to the September plane crash that killed two of his friends. The mother of Travis' late bodyguard is suing along with Travis. Not involved in the lawsuit? DJ AM. Interesting. ...


"I know that a lot of people look at me and think, 'Why doesn't she do something to that face?' But I made a decision. I do yoga and I hike, but I won't do Botox. I know if I start doing things I will get insecure. You wear your own face. It is a little bit of your history, a little bit of who you are." Diane Von Furstenberg, speaking to Vogue about the aging process. Oh, Diane, darling, I think you're aging gracefully. You look fantastic. Rachel Zoe, on the other hand? I want to pin her...