Today's Evil Beet Gossip

A Very Vegan Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving marked a lot of firsts for me: 1) It was the first Thanksgiving that I didn't spend in Phoenix with my family. 2) It was Leo's first Thanksgiving ever. 3) It was my first Thanksgiving as a vegan. Fortunately, I have my fabulous extended family here in Seattle: my dear friend Trish, her fiance Jesse and her sister Julie, who was in town for the holiday. Trisha's vegan, too -- in fact, she's the one who got me started on the whole thing. (My boss when I told him this: "Oh, ...

Madonna and A-Rod: It’s Official!

Well, the rest of the media is finally getting around to reporting what I told you guys over a day ago: Alex Rodriguez was sitting front-row at the Madonna concert on Wednesday night in Miami. In fact, he even handed her a water bottle. "It was easy for him to hand it off because he was sitting in the front row," says an eyewitness. "He was all excited watching her perform." The two spent the entire day together on Wednesday before the show. If they were trying to hide their relationship before, they're not anymore. So why did A-Rod make the public appearance with his family on Tuesday night? Why would his wife have co-signed on that? I totally understand them spending time together for the good of the kids, but why invite the paparazzi? The day before he's going to publicly debut his relationship with Madge? It doesn't make any sense at all. It makes them all look like douchebags, IMHO. Theories? />Well, the rest of the media is finally getting around to reporting what I told you guys over a day ago: Alex Rodriguez was sitting front-row at the Madonna concert on Wednesday night in Miami. In fact, he even handed her a water bottle. "It was easy for him to hand it off because he was sitting in the front row," says an eyewitness. "He was all excited watching her perform." The two spent the entire day together on Wednesday before the show. If they were trying to hide their relationship bef...

Britney Spears Performs Live at the Bambi Awards!!!

Whaddya think???? It still doesn't feel like old Britney. She's missing the fire in the eyes. Too many meds? All in all, though, not bad. Just not like I remember Britney in the old days. /> Whaddya think???? It still doesn't feel like old Britney. She's missing the fire in the eyes. Too many meds? All in all, though, not bad. Just not like I remember Britney in the old days. ...

Happy Thanksgiving, Yo!

I'm outtie for the day -- I'm headed over to my friend Trish's place, where we're going to make a delicious vegan Thanksgiving (I bought seitan!) and watch our dogs be adorable together. Don't worry, guys, I'll take pictures. For those of you who are Americans: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! For those of you who are not Americans: Happy Thanksgiving anyway!!! Be sure to take some time today to think of all the things you are grateful for. I am grateful for all of you readers today, and for the smil...

“I’m Famous, Ya’ll!”

Twilight hunk Rob Pattinson broods his way down Sunset after leaving a sushi joint on Wednesday night, ignoring the paparazzi. How is it possible that it's raining in LA and not in Seattle??? I refuse to believe that I bring sunshine wherever I go. Anyone who's met me knows that's patently untrue. I think the universe just wants me to wallow in horrible sunshine. And the rain is extra sad for Rob, who has to wear a hood instead of showing off his now-famous locks. ...


"These are stories that have been written about everybody. Of course we're the new girls on a hit show so we're plopped into these little boxes. And people buy it. It makes me totally second guess anything I've ever read about anybody." 90210 star Shanae Grimes, disputing rumors that she's an anorexic party girl who's difficult on set. Honestly, I've always thought Shanae just looks like one of those girls who eats healthy, exercises and is just naturally really thin -- plus, she's 19...