Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Celebs: They’re Just Like Us!

They step outside for a cigarette even though it's freezing cold! Actually, this celeb is NOT like me anymore!!! I'm over THREE MONTHS smoke-free, bitches!!! It was actually way harder not to smoke during my trip to LA. I think it's because I'm now used to driving the streets of Seattle without a cigarette hanging out of my window, but I still associated LA driving with smoking. Combine that with the stress levels of going back to my old home and seeing people (and guys I used to date) for ...

MTV Europe Music Awards: The Arrivals

Loving Pink's look and also Katy Perry's. Both Knowles girls -- Beyonce and Solange -- look silly. Beyonce looks like she's really let herself go lately. Sorry, but you've noticed it, too. And I'm not talking about weight. She just doesn't seem like she cares how she looks these days. Leona Lewis would look stunning at a middle school dance. Here? Not so much. Jared Leto was there with his silly little band and that's all I will say about him. [gallery]...


Okay. So Prop 8 passed. Alright, I get it. 51% of you think that I am a second class citizen. Alright then. So my wife, uh I mean, roommate? Girlfriend? Special lady friend? You are gonna have to help me here because I am not sure what to call her now. Anyways, she and I are not allowed the same right under the state constitution as any other citizen. Okay, so I am taking that to mean I do not have to pay my state taxes because I am not a full citizen. I mean that would just be wrong, to mak...

Samantha Ronson Points Out How Odd It Is That We Care More About Chickens Than Humans

Okay, so, my friend Trish keeps talking about this book called Skinny Bitch, basically about how you have to be all vegan and shit to truly be healthy, and she's like, "Listen, Beet, I don't think you should read it unless you're ready to be vegan. It's the kind of thing you can't unread." And I went a few months without reading it, but then last night I gave in and bought it and I'm about halfway through, and I think I have to be vegan now. The poor animals! It's SO AWFUL how they're treated...

Rumer Willis Takes Some Time Out of Her Busy Day to Bash USC

Oh, Rumer. As such, I'm going to take some time out of my busy schedule of hating you to relax and actually commend you on the fact that it only took you one semester to realize the USC blows goats. Some people spend a whole lifetime failing to realize that. It's tragic, really. BRUINS FOR LIFE, BEYOTCH!!!! So here's Rumer, who finally scored a leading film role in the upcoming Slightly Single in L.A., talking about why college just didn't seem like a very good use of her time when she could be rich and famous and doing stupid interviews about stupid movies while bashing her former school. /> Oh, Rumer. As such, I'm going to take some time out of my busy schedule of hating you to relax and actually commend you on the fact that it only took you one semester to realize the USC blows goats. Some people spend a whole lifetime failing to realize that. It's tragic, really. BRUINS FOR LIFE, BEYOTCH!!!! So here's Rumer, who finally scored a leading film role in the upcoming Slightly Single in L.A., talking about why college just didn't seem like a very good use of her time when she ...

That Was Fast!

Kendra Wilkinson is, in fact, engaged to Hank Baskett Jr., according to a statement from none other than ... Hugh Hefner???? "I have given her my blessing and will be giving her away at a very special wedding ceremony at the Playboy Mansion this coming June," Hefner said. What. The. Fuck? This whole business makes it seem like Kendra and Hef were never really in love in the first place! My world is spinning, I tell you. Spinning like Hugh Hefner's bed. I feel so betrayed. You ...

Scarlett Johansson Abuses Time-Honored Makeup Trick

It's a fairly well-known trick to put different colors on top and bottom lip to even out their appearance.  But the key is like...slight variations in color.  Scarlett Johansson's mouth is all I can look at.  Her mismatched mouth appeared at A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Cure Parkinson's 2008 Benefit for The Michael J. Fox Foundation. Does Rachael Ray only watch the first twenty minutes of every episode of What Not To Wear? [gallery]...

John Edwards Can Never Eat In Public Again

Former North Carolina Senator and presidential hopeful John Edwards needs to hold on tight to his DNA.  Word has it that The Enquirer  has taken hold of a dirty diaper from Rielle Hunter's baby while on their original stakeout at The Beverly Hilton.  Apparently getting a cup that Edwards drank from, would provide enough of a sample to determine if he's the daddy.  Which you know he is. The Enquirer better step on it and get that sample if they want to break the story.  Mistress Rielle Hunter is no longer receiving payouts from now d...