Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Sarah Silverman Book Causes Bidding Frenzy

Congrats to funny lady Sarah Silverman, who reportedly has New York publishers going nuts trying to outbid each other for a book she's penning. The bids are rumored to be over $2.5M now! Meanwhile, Jerry Seinfeld is also shopping a book, and bidding on that is supposedly in the $8M range, causing eyes in the publishing industry to roll. Says one literary scout: "For serious, who has that kind of money? Isn't the economy collapsing or something? How does giving Jerry Seinfeld more money seem smart to anyone?" Agreed. Give it all to Sarah instead. ...


"The baby comes wherever I go, and I just like looking at her, watching her breathe. I stand over her crib and watch her breathe. It's pathetic. My mum says I'm over-bonded. I don't care. I'm just very bonded right now ... I don't want my baby photographed. I just couldn't have her exposed. She's my baby girl, and I'm very protective, and I'm still hormonal. I keep her close. I just wanted to be in the bubble of Keith, Sunday, Bella and Connor and me. That was the bubble for the first month ... ...

Jennifer Aniston Doesn’t Help 30 Rock’s Ratings

Jennifer Aniston's appearance on 30 Rock last night garnered the show a season-low rating of 7.5M viewers. Hm. I thought Jen was still America's golden girl? In general, though, 30 Rock's numbers have been up this season, ostensibly fueled by Tina Fey's impeccable Sarah Palin impressions on SNL. In contrast, Anthony Edwards' return to ER boosted the show 1.2M viewers over the previous week, to 9.8M viewers. Who is still watching ER? Honestly, I was in eighth grade when that sh...

You Can Party with Paris Hilton on New Year’s Eve — Online! — For a Fee

This has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. LOCK up your boyfriends - Paris Hilton is about to add more fireworks to Sydney's New Year's Eve celebrations when she hits town later this year. The celebrity 'it' girl and the beau she souvenired from Aussie starlet Sophie Monk have confirmed they will be the star guests at the launch of a new online social networking system, Bongo Virus. Hilton's rocker boyfriend Benji Madden will also DJ at the VIP party which will be streamed live aroun...

I Think We’re Going About This Amy Winehouse Thing All Wrong

Rather than be like, "Oh my Lord, she's such a mess, she's going to die soon!" we need to bottle what she has and sell it. You know why? Because Amy Winehouse is invincible. It's true. She can't die. A mere mortal would have been dead 1000 times over by now, but Amy? Still going strong! Wearing tank tops in the freezing November London weather! She's even abandoned her magical beehive, so as to prove that all the invincibility comes from her and her alone. Nothing can kill this girl. Very impressive, Miz Winehouse. ...

Just Because


REMINDER: Prop 8 Protests NATIONWIDE Tomorrow

There are peaceful Prop 8 protests going on all across the U.S. tomorrow. And guess what? It's gone international now!!! There are Prop 8 protests tomorrow in London, Edinburgh, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal, Melbourne, Osaka and Brussels! To find the location of your local rally, click here. I'll be at the Seattle one tomorrow! Show up at yours!!! Bring your friends!!! Bring your neighbors!!! Bring your cameras!!! Bring your voices!!! />There are peaceful Prop 8 protests going on all across the U.S. tomorrow. And guess what? It's gone international now!!! There are Prop 8 protests tomorrow in London, Edinburgh, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal, Melbourne, Osaka and Brussels! To find the location of your local rally, click here. I'll be at the Seattle one tomorrow! Show up at yours!!! Bring your friends!!! Bring your neighbors!!! Bring your cameras!!! Bring your voices!!!...

I Have Found a Reason to Write About Emmy Rossum

Normally there is absolutely nothing to say about this girl, but it was adorable when she brought her puppy, Cinnamon, to a benefit for the Best Friends Animal Society in LA. I love how people always hold their puppies like that in photographs. I mean, we do it so the dog is facing the camera and he's "standing up," like a person, but in reality all this pose does is show off your dog's weiner. I have a million pics of me and Leo like this, and I'm kind of embarrassed to show them to people...


GASP! Must Paris Hilton plaster her name over everything? Is nothing sacred? Here's stupid Paris Hilton wearing a shirt with the blessed image of a chihuahua, with her name right beneath it. Oh, Paris. My chihuahua wants nothing to do with you. His blessed little heart loves nearly everything and everyone, but he barks angrily at small children, people who are fishing, public bathrooms and you. Anyway, the photo agency says this is a pic of Paris leaving her hotel in Hollywood....
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