Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“I shave and groom my private areas. It’s a better presentation for me. If men require women to go through the pain, we should return the favor.”

Diddy, who tells Allure magazine that he requires any woman he dates to undergo “Brazilian waxing, leg-waxing, brow-threading, manicure and pedicure.”

46 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Hey Diddy, why don’t you skip dating real women and just give Madam Tousseaud a call? I’m sure she can hook you up with the hair-free plastic malleable girl of your dreams.

    What a superficial dick. No pun intended.

  • I agree with Lee! Diddy is a fugly prick, with stinky breath.
    Why doesn’t he just concentrate on his babies momma, use a condom and shut up!

  • See boys and girls, just stop at the first sentence and shut up. Mysterious works for sexy very well. Dickishness- not so much.

  • what a pig! i guess it’s nice he returns the favor, but some women don’t like that, i know i don’t.
    though i would never go without trimmming or shaving, but it’s not cause my boyfriend is superficial and shallow.

  • The 1st commenter, Lee, cracked me up, and is so right on.

    Puff Daddy or whatever the f his name is can go suck a clean shaven dick. These people that are so full of themselves and are Gods in their own little worlds make me sick. Something is missing from their lives, so they have to be superficial and fill that space in their souls. Being humble is a good thing. Paul Newman or Sidney Portier are good role model for these a-hole celebrities.

    I read this site because it’s entertainment. And I guess this a-hole is entertainment – at its worst.

  • hahaha Lee! good one!

    I think Puffy Daddy would be appalled at my standards for hair maintenance (or lack thereof).

  • Ive heard horror stories about Brazilians so no thanks… I’ll just use my mirror and shave myself… I don’t get any complaints=)

  • Wtf is brow threading? I’m imagining a needle and thread through one’s eyebrows. Will someone please explain this to me???


  • I wonder if he will also spray his new Obama-inspired “I am King” cologne on his nether regions as part of his pansy ass grooming routine. “I am king, of my hairless ballsac!” I can see the perfect commercial spot now.

    Not going to lie though, I appreciate a man who grooms. I HAVE THIS FRIEND, see, and she told me that there is nothing worse than pube in yer throat. *cough*

  • Yes, please somebody tell us what brow-threading is! Christ, that sounds – horrible. And senseless. Why thread, why the brows? My imagination is going nuts right now.

  • I didn’t know what brow threading was either, so I googled it. It looks kinda cool – very clean lines and only pulling out hairs, not a couple of layers of skin with it, like with waxing. Might have to try it.

    Oh yeah, and Sean Combs, go f*ck your groomed self!

  • Haha look, I don’t find it offensive if a man finds it attractive with shaved/waxed women, but going out in a mag saying he REQUIRES any woman he dates to do it? Haha! That’s friggin ridiculous.

  • Ah! Thanks, Adverbs & Indigo. Sounds time-consuming, and probably expensive. Huh. He REQUIRES his dates to brow-thread? What a dickhead. God, I don’t think it is possible for me to hate this turd more than I already have for ages, my hate-meter on Sean Combs maxed out a long time ago. He’s just pathetic to me.

  • Also I have to say I always look askance at a man who insists on Brazilians. Because do you know what a woman looks like after a Brazilian? Nine years old from the waist down, that’s what. There is something not quite right about men whose biggest turn on is the I-haven’t-hit-adolescence-yet, hot-dog-bun look.

  • Sandra & I – cross-posting and using a similar sentence at the same exact time – great minds think alike! Synchronicity…

  • i totally agree with lee’s last comment. it kind of creeps me out when men are absolutely put off by body hair. it’s what happens when you hit PUBERTY, guys.

  • I just love how he says it’s a great ‘presentation’ for him, like he’s about to hand someone the biggest and best gift in the world.

    What a jerk.

  • my mom had brow threading done and she said it was the most painful thing she has ever had done. its like sewing your eyebrows or something .what a jerk. and hes not even attractive.

  • Browthreading is a method used mostly by indian women to groom their eyebrows
    they use thread to shape the eyebrow
    its no more painful than a wax, and it lasts quite long

  • im so sick of the ” brazilians are gross because they make you look prepubescent” argument. By that same logic shaving your armpits and legs, and wearing deodorant must be gross too.

  • It’s all good if that’s what he prefers but to require it? I hope he meets some chick and falls head over heels and she outright refuses to get a brazilian. We’ll see who wins that battle.

  • Who is he? HE can get laid??? Is the primping for him to determine the gender of his partners??? What a dildo!

  • Why does he get to shave, when we have to wax? Does he really get that specific too? I mean, is he really gonna know if a girl had her eyebrows waxed instead of threaded?

  • Does he shave his pubes as crooked as that lame ass goatee/ming he’s got there?

    He looks like such an ass standing there looking smug in his blue blockers.

  • Oh you all made my day, I LOVE that you all will have NONE of this bullshit that fucking idiot came up with. Who the hell is he to require anything? If he can, so can I. So, I require him to wax any hairs he has on his entire body, pierce his dick and walk around with the leg of a baroque piece of furniture shoved up his bum. All day. And he’d better look like he effin loves it, too, or I’ll dump him in a heartbeat and move on to the next idiot I REQUIRE to do this.

  • @ew…

    Actually it’s not the same thing…see, the issue is that a man wants the place where he puts his penis, to look like the body part of a 10-year old.

    I don’t know of any guys who are interested in an armpit-weiner encounter.

  • I dunno Lee, if I were in a chest high body cast,I am guessing my one & only would start looking at my arm pit in a whole new light!

  • You guys make me laugh so, so much. I love it.
    I have never liked this guy or bought any of his music because I require him to “not be a dumbass jerk that’s obsessed with himself” and since he never seems to meet my requirements, I never have anything to do with his albums, hundreds of makings of lame bands, clothes, fragrences…etc.
    At least I know what that random P. stands for now, thanks for clearing it up ‘pube diddy-daddy’

  • I seem to recall seeing him on a late night show talking about his yearly party where guests must wear white from head to toe; he really does think he’s god. i can’t wait for him to be a has-been.

  • lol at eyes of green- that’s what i was thinking too. presentation. like it’s a fine meal. whatever.
    and brow threading is awesome, you’d be surprised how well it works. (that’s what they do in jail when you can’t have tweezers)

  • brow threading is painful, but it’s awesome. i get it and it lasts much longer than waxing. plus, it kind of makes the hairs look better when they start growing in. less prickly and stuff.

  • I just don’t understand…thread? when did tweezers go out?

    And I hate to be any kind of devil’s advocate here, but… the guy’s done much to succeed against many odds. . he’s very driven and successful. He’s rebounded several times when he chose to stand up for what he believed in rather than cower to the others. He’s witnessed close friends getting killed.

    So, imho, he can have any shaven, threaded, or waxed woman he wants.

  • ew, I keep myself nice and tidy because I like to. Not because some man “requires” it

    f*ck off diddy. if you weren’t rich as hell, nobody would like you.

    ugh he is so gross and full of himself.

    If you seriously heard a man you were dating say this, wouldn’t you be all OH HELL NO!!!!!!! and immediately dump his ass?

  • wow, i never really liked this guy, but how did i miss how much of a douche this guy is? has he always been this way?