Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Smoke It Up, Katie!

Katie Heigl is the queen of getting caught smoking by the paparazzi. Or maybe it’s just that she doesn’t care enough to hide it. I kind of give her props for that. Like, at least she’s honest about it.

Anyway, here’s like the 4000th picture of Katherine Heigl smoking at a restaurant in LA.


I’m almost at FOUR MONTHS SMOKE-FREE, bitches!!!

If I can do it, anyone can. Trust.

20 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She keeps cutting her hair shorter and shorter… big mistake. She’s so Grey’s Anatomy yesterday anyhow. I love the woman that plays Meredith Grey’s (MG) halfsister way more that Heigel.

    MG’s half-sister has that “girl next door/nice girl” hotness to her! George kind of lost some credibility not even attempting to hook up with her!

  • Congratulations, Beet!

    As for Heigl, I think she looks about 70 years old in this picture. Like a Florida maven who’s still bleaching her hair. Keep up the smoking, Katherine, and, by the time you’re really 70, you’ll have the alligator skin, hacking cough, and deep and scratchy voice to go with the hair…if you live that long.

  • off topic, but I have gotten overly obsessed with that puppy cam (& I don’t even like dogs). Does anyone know how to enlarge it? They are SO CUTE!

  • zoey, hit the little pic of the 2 overlapping squares on the lower, right hand corner of the picture. it’s to the right of the menu button. then hit them again or hit the escape button to make small again

  • All the cool kids are smoking. I think smoking is making a comeback. I know the sight of SamRo always makes me want to light up.

  • In California, you can smoke at some restaurants when you’re like OUTSIDE, patio area.

    Does anyone know why she gets sooooo much bad press for smoking? I mean, I know that smoking is bad, but tons of celebs do it.

    Is it just because she smokes more out in the open?

    Um, sorry. I’m on team lung cancer. I like her… and I love my ciggies (andyesIknowtheywillkillme)

  • Team lung cancer as well. Lol@ thatlisa for that name.
    Don’t like Heigl, quit smoking a few years ago, but boy I hate it when people get all preachy. Let them smoke if they can’t have cake ;-)

  • why should she hide it? It’s her choice. And quite frankly we all die, not smoking or quitting will not make anyone live forever.

  • YESSS Keep it up Heigl! Don’t let those tree-huggers and health nuts make you stop smoking! Light up my friend I’m with you!

  • I know. If she quits, I hope it’s because SHE ACTUALLY WANTS TO. not because a bunch of random strangers “think that she should.” She is not even really promoting smoking… I’ve never seen her smoking in any of her movies… and is it her fault that people take pictures of her constantly. If everyone wanted to not encourage smoking, magazines and etc wouldn’t post pictures of her smoking while going to the grocery store or eating lunch or doing something else that is not in the least newsworthy.