Today's Evil Beet Gossip

People Can Be So Critical


Sarah Palin didn’t know that Africa was a continent.  So what?  Who knows that kind of stuff?  And is that really necessary knowledge to be VP?

64 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Hey Mr Blogger

    Are you seriously defending the fact that a VP candidate not knowing that Africa is a continent is not a big deal?? Ignorance and lack of education is surely not a positive trait in someone one heartbeat away from the White House. as Bush illustrated, a dumb President makes dumb and dangerous decisons and is easily manipulated ( by Dick Cheney and his neoconservative cohorts).

    One would think that a candiate for VP as leader of the Free World, should have a basic grasp of geography and current affairs.

    The rest of the world already think that Americans are ignorant and insular because of comments like the one you’ve made and what Sarah Palin did by her lack of knowledge is reinforce that steroetype!

  • What do you mean who knows that kind of stuff? You’re speaking ironically, right? Cause there seriously can’t be any VP who doesn’t know that Africa is a continent. It’s just stupid to think other way. I’m from Romania, and my geographic teacher wants us to learn every single capital in the world. I’m 16 and I know 90% of the capitals of the world!

  • Everybody knows that kind of stuff from the age of .. 8 !
    At least, the rest of the world does.
    It’s not a detail, Africa is twice bigger than South America, for example ..

  • What do you mean who knows that kind of stuff? You’re speaking ironically, right? Cause there seriously can’t be any VP who doesn’t know that Africa is a continent. It’s just stupid to think other way. I’m from Romania, and my geographic teacher wants us to learn every single capital in the world. I’m 16 and I know 90% of the capitals of the world and I got some geographical knowledge too!

  • Africa has 70 different countries in it.
    Europe 30 plus different countries in it.
    Asia 30 plus different countries.
    Latin America: 30 plus different countries in it.
    North America: 2 countries in it!!!

    How can we live in a globalised world yet people remain so ignorant?

  • @Vinandi, I totally agree with you. You can’t except to become a VP if you don’t even have some general knowledge. I don’t even know how she became a senator!

  • @ Alec

    cheers, I grew up in Zambia ( southern Africa), and in geography and social studies we also had to know the capital cities of the world, continents, Presdents and actual world history!
    I do think that the type of education that the rest of the world receives is more comprehensive than in the USA and in the UK ( where I currently live).

    I can not count the amount of times that a Brit or and American asks me if i know someone ( just cause they are from Africa) or if Zambia shares a border with Afganistan! it cracks me up cause its so funny, but it is equally worrying cause their governments are the ” so called rulers of the world”!

  • Oh. My. GOD. “Mr.” Blogger, (Snort!) was using this thing called Dripping Sarcasm. If you ever even once read this blog previously, you would know this is the modus operandi here.

    OF COURSE THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY IN THE WORLD WOULD NEED TO KNOW THESE THINGS. That’s why it’s absolutely astounding that people are even considering supporting a continuation of that moron’s political career. If maverick=complete moron, she’s pretty darned mavericky!

  • Oh, btw, there are three countries in North America. You have greatly offended the Canadians. You had better send flowers IMMEDIATELY.

  • @ Betty

    thanks for the clarification ( snort!)- and I have read this blog before and Mr Blogger has defended Miz Palin quite often so I had my say! no biggie!

  • The (snort!) was due to the reference to “Mr.” Blogger. The post above was written by Wendie, who is female. Also, the Evil Beet, for whom this grand blog is known, is also female.

    Mr. Blogger can be found at some other IP address, drinking his breakfast and scratching his nether regions.

  • Uh oh, then you’d better get on the horn with Telaflora and get some flowers to the Mexicans, stat! They are not morning people, and who knows what might come of this by lunchtime! LOL

  • aaaah , sorry :-), I dont know why I thought the blogger was gay male like Michael from Dlisted, but i do like this blog!

  • @ Alecs

    Gee, I don’t know how she became a senator either.

    Oh wait. She’s not a senator. ;-)

  • I thought that Evil Beet was a gay male at first too! Seriously, the tone sounded kind of like Dlisted, and imagine my surprise!

    Hey Vinandi, you’re a good sport. Seriously.

  • Betty- so are you :-)

    am most definatley apolgising to the mexcians, i wouldnt want to mess with them, as for the Canadians they are fair game!

    i think the reason why I thought she’s male, is cause she is really sarcy and funny! I bet you she’s Michel from Dlisteds fag hag! I want to be his fag hag!

    i like Evil beets fashion segments as well although the pictures are annoying when you have to click on them to see them properly!

  • I want to know who the idiots are that are still “energized” by Palin and looking forward to more from her in 2012.

    Are they seriously so biased and filled with self-righteousness that they would rather a world leader be firmly against abortion and gay rights than know anything about the world they are leading?

    I’m telling you, I’m a Christian, but my relationship is with God. I can’t handle the ignorance of so many of my fellow Christians!

  • Did anyone see this Fox news guy (Shepard Smith?) interview Ralph Nader? It was the best I’ve ever seen from a Fox news reporter. He nailed Nader after Ralphie asked if Obama was going to be Uncle Sam or Uncle Tom. What a moron. His career is over.

  • @ Vinandi

    erm…I’ll have to go back to check on this, but as far as I remember Beet has always been quite critical of “Miz Palin”, wouldn’t like you to attract the ire of the beet for stating the oposite!

    oh and also, I think Mexicans very firmly (and rightly) consider themselved as part of north america, ever since NAFTA they really enjoy rubbing it in :). You might have to apologise twice…

  • @BettyCrockerPunkRocker and @Vinandi, I thought that Evil Beet was a gay male too. The jokes and the tone sounded kinda like a gay male. But then I realized that it was a she, and god, was I surprised.

    And, of course she’s being sarcastic.(wendie)
    I thought Sarah Palin was a senator. Apparently she’s a governor. And that’s like a really high rank too.
    @Vinandi, I bet you had a really though childhood. How old are you?

  • um… what?

    are they allowed to hide the fact that sarah palin had a “lack of knowledgeability” (according to reporter Carl, that’s a word) until AFTER the election? shouldn’t the people have a right to know that, say, before they vote for a vice president who doesn’t even know how many continents there are in the world?

  • well, actually, this post is by wendie, not beet. i love the way she drew these guys into the fray! go wendie!!

  • UM… YES that’s important! And that’s not the only thing, it was just an EXAMPLE! She also didn’t know who was involved in NAFTA. She also refused preparations for the Couric interview but then complained about it later. She did not take the job seriously enough.

    Not knowing some facts is ONE thing, but refusing help and not trying to improve one’s self in a time like this is just plain STUPID.

  • Um what should really be outraging people right now is essentially what the McCain people are saying:

    “Yeah, we knew for months that she was too stupid to get out of her own way, but we still tried to convince the American people that it would be appropriate to place her in the second highest office in our nation.”

    Seriously, that is offensive.

  • @ vinandi:

    “i think the reason why I thought she’s male, is cause she is really sarcy and funny! ”

    oh what, so women cant be sarcastic and funny cause they’re female? men are inherently more funny than women? what kind of an argument is that?!

  • @Lee & @Megan
    I agree with you. It was reprehensible that they did not thoroughly look into Palin’s background, character, intelligence – well, everything – before chosing her as a running mate, and then to really add the cherry on top, they continued to pretend that she was a good candidate when they knew very well that she was not. She is dangerously stupid. Not qualified to be a hall monitor.

    Alaska, I’m sure this was eye-opening in a big way. Republicans/Palin lovers, you might want to smell the coffee now.

  • I hope you’re joking Wendie! That’s such basic knowledge, how did she manage to become governor??? Can’t really expect much if in Alaska they picked a felon as their Senator!

  • I want to forget the disaster that is Sarah Palin. Unfortunately I have a feeling she wont go away too easily, as she seems like the stubborn, hard headed, power hungry type. But for now, Goodbye and Good riddens to failed Republican politics!

    Welcome President Obama :)

  • seriously, fox news? EEEWWWWW. conservatives energized by palin…. only because their tight-ass conservative wives aren’t putting out.

  • I have a job for Palin. Touring with me in a sideshow called “I don’t fucking believe it.” That will be in reference to her being smart.

  • Ha. Perception is a funny thing. I still kinda think Evil is a straight man or a lesbian. Maybe there is an army of Evil, all different sexes and orientations.

    And people say Africa is a country all the time. Just a slip of the tongue. We usually talk about Africa as a whole anyway. Very few of us could name more than a dozen or so African countries without googling.

    Vinandi, you may want to recheck your numbers there.

  • I’m sorry…. but LOL at anyone who thought Wendie was being serious.

    It made me giggle.

    Whatever… I love Palin. I love anyone who makes the Republican party look stupid. I’m a bitch.

  • How do you not know that Africa is not a country? some people are saying it’s a joke, that’s a very odd joke! imagine her infront of the united Nations not even knowing where Nigerians are from? Africa you fool! how dumb, and to thik that 48 million Americans voted for this woman is very sad and scary!

  • The writer was so clearly being sarcastic that it makes me wonder if the entire rest of you are stupider than that disease Sarah Palin.

  • I really don’t mean any offense by this comment however in my experience (travels and of friends in the US), it’s typically American’s who are not knowledgeable of geography outside of their own country. I’ve been told that most American’s are not taught geography outside of their own country, therefore, I’m not surprised at all that Palin did not know that Africa was a continent.

  • Please pardon my ignorance, but can someone tell me what NSFW stands for? I see if all the time on this blog, but I’m not savvy enough to know what this means.

  • Please pardon my ignorance, but what does NSFW stand for? I see it on this site often, but am not savvy enough to know what it means. Enlighten me, please.

  • Laugh(and tears?)from France:this woman is frightening.
    it could be funny to ask her where’s my country

  • @Kelly

    I hope it was a slip of the tongue, but Americans are not known for their geographical knowledge.

    And hey, don’t underestimate the intelligence of all of this blog’s readers: I just went through the letters of the alphabet and named 33 African countries, thank you. Lame for anyone with a good education, but not bad for an American, eh?