Today's Evil Beet Gossip

A Good Day for Weed and Dogs

On Tuesday, Massachussetts passed a ballot initiative decriminalizing marijuana. The new law will “replace the criminal penalties for possession of one ounce or less of marijuana with a new system of civil penalties, to be enforced by issuing citations, and would exclude information regarding this civil offense from the state’s criminal record information system. Offenders age 18 or older would be subject to forfeiture of the marijuana plus a civil penalty of $100. Offenders under the age of 18 would be subject to the same forfeiture and, if they complete a drug awareness program within one year of the offense, the same $100 penalty.”

Massachussetts also passed a law banning dog racing.

I need to move to Boston.

26 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Hahaha that’s awesome.
    They need to decriminalize it in New Zealand, so many people smoke it here…
    Apparently for ages in Perth Australia you could grow one plant legally and have a certain amount on you and you wouldn’t get charged

  • Cannabis laws in Australia are promulgated on a state by state basis.
    It was recently decriminalized in Western Australia & South Australia.
    In Tasmania, Victoria, & Queensland possession of less than 50 grams results in a civil citation.

  • This is like the 3rd or 4th time the dog racing had been on our ballots here in MA and thankfully it finally passed. I mean, I don’t know how anyone can say what they are doing in right the way they treat the dogs. There is a reason about 75% of the greyhounds rescued from racing have special needs, life long injuries and sicknesses.

    Also, it’s good the marijuana vote passed, too many teenagers now are not getting student loans making it almost impossible to go to college because they were caught with pot and given a felony. All kids experiments, i know there was a girl in my high school who lost her largest grant too, she was bound for some really good college, and cause her parents were poor she couldn’t go, she ended up at community college, and I saw her recently working at a supermarket.

  • im soo happy with these laws that have passed, I adopted a greyhound from a shelter for ex-racing dogs and I am so happy that no more dogs will have to go through that, boston it truly a better place for it and im so proud to be from MA!

  • Your timing is horrible. Had you moved to Boston a few weeks ago when I was still single, you would have had a dude waiting for you that you hadn’t scared away. Yet.

  • I am Boston born and bred…

    I am sorry, but the marijuana issue needs work…
    This now allows it to be on / near school grounds, with no change in penalty.
    Dealers will now sell easier to kids closer to schools.

    Not having done any ever, I was led to believe by an ex officer on a tv ad that said that an ounce of weed is enough to make 60 joints which sell for 10 bucks each…
    That’s 600 bucks.
    If that is true, I am in the wrong business…

  • EWWW DON’T move to MA!!! It sucks so hard. I have lived here all my fourteen years of life and I can’t wait to get out of here!

  • I live in Mass and this was an idiotic decision. The “poor girl” who lost her college grant had a choice…like, don’t break the law. Now pot is basically legalized as long as you have less than an ounce, which is all well and good until kids driving around high as a kite run over a five-year-old on a tricycle.

    Since we are picking and choosing how much of a drug is bad, why don’t we just do the same with cocaine and heroin too.

  • Discrimination on pot smokers! Lee I have never heard of anyone really driving over a 5 year old. Stop watching T.V., you also do not deflate on the couch.

    I am getting a 3.95 GPA in a good college. Been high since high school!! Go Mass. for the great new law, I dig it!

    Oh, and that is good for the dogs. I did not know that people still raced dogs. I thought PETA had nipped that in the butt a long time ago.

  • Yeah, um, maybe a perfect ounce crafted by God without stem or seed could yield 60 joints…but no ounce on earth could come that close. Anyway, there are more than enough consenting adults who smoke pot in this state — really no need to open up new markets in the schools with a willing market of grown-up stoners to keep dealers in business. The only people actively trying to sell weed to kids are other kids, and that has always been the case, so please calm down about “the children.” The children are alright.

    And we should be doing the “same thing with cocaine and heroin too” — criminal penalties for personal drug use have always been ridiculously over-blown. We need to get addicts some help, not jail time.

  • Ummm…., okay, yeah! No more dog racing in MA, my husband is a degenerate gambler anyways, but bummer on decriminalizing an OUNCE of marajuana, this is not a personal stash, but an OUNCE. I grew up in NC, your a** went to jail for felony posession for that amount of drugs, you might get a distribution charge, b/c if you had an ounce of pot, you WERE selling it. I am all for “kids will be kids”, but an ounce of marajuana is a LARGE amount, like for say, IDK, distribution. Maybe we should not think this is a good thing… take their joints away and yell at them, make them pay money, but good Lord, and ounce of marijuana is not a kid being a kid, it is a kid dealing drugs. Love ya Beet,…and you too, Wendie.

  • AND gay marriage is legal there. MASS is awesome.
    Home of Harvard and MIT.. there are some smart people in that state.

  • @ Lacy: i absolutely agree with you. there’s so much corruption in the horse racing industry that it’s disgusting.

    FUCK!!! i love dogs and weed! and gay marriage! i’m boston bound, bitches.

  • okay, really? really? my friends and i could probably go through an ounce in one or two weeks. it’s a legitimate amount for a personal stash, and i can assure you that anyone selling marijuana will have much, much more on them than that. and SO WHAT if kids are buying weed, you can’t overdose on it and they’d keep buying it even if it wasn’t decriminalized. and at least this way, if say miss honor student gets caught smoking a joint, it won’t completely fuck her over in terms of say, getting into college.

  • If you’re going to come to Boston, bring LOTS OF MONEY FOR RENT!!! Especially in the city and the surrounding towns outside Boston. It’s a college town, and landlords know the parents of these college students will pay the high rents, whilst RAPING the working people in rent.

  • i live in Cambridge and voted for the decrim of weed and with the mspca on the dog prop. while politically, academically, and athletically we have it going on here, listen to Aurora, the cost of living is pretty freakin ridiculous.