Today's Evil Beet Gossip

OJ Case in Jury’s Hands

The O.J. Simpson sports-memorabilia case has concluded testimony and has been handed over to the jury. Quote of the week goes to Clark County District Attorney David Roger in his closing arguments: "In the state of Nevada, we are a civilized society." Thanks for clearing that up, Champ. Because I did some things a couple years ago in the bathroom of rumjungle that left the civility of Nevada a little murky for me. Not, like, O.J.-Simpson-would-be-justified-in-stealing-sports-memorabilia-...

Your Mission

Scour the internets for a YouTube montage of every time Sarah Palin said "nucular" tonight. It will exist by tomorrow morning, if there's any justice in this world. Did anyone keep a tally? It's gotta be in the double-digits. Do you think she's doing it on purpose? She must be doing it on purpose. Every inch of her appearance tonight was so choreographed; I just have this sickening feeling that Palin and her aides made an active decision to pronounce the world "nuclear" just like the average American does: incorrectly. You know, so as not to seem too edumucated. She doesn't want to come off as one of those "media elite" types with their nose so far in a book they've lost all touch with Main Street. This country wasn't built on pronouncing words the way they're spelled, dammit! It was built on hunting deer and racing snowmobiles and enthusiasm about Israel, gosh dangity darn it! Could it be? Could it possibly be that she's mispronouncing words on purpose? />Scour the internets for a YouTube montage of every time Sarah Palin said "nucular" tonight. It will exist by tomorrow morning, if there's any justice in this world. Did anyone keep a tally? It's gotta be in the double-digits. Do you think she's doing it on purpose? She must be doing it on purpose. Every inch of her appearance tonight was so choreographed; I just have this sickening feeling that Palin and her aides made an active decision to pronounce the world "nuclear" just like the...

Baton Twirlers Suspended for Performing to “I Kissed a Girl”

I live in a rather liberal part of the country. And when people are like, "Oh my God, who are these people voting for McCain? It's insane to me how anyone could vote for him," I'm just like, "Flyover states, people. Flyover states." Like the little town of Van, Texas, where three high-school baton twirlers were suspended from future performances for twirling to Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl." "The school is way over-reacting," said twirler Jordan Downey, 17, who will now have to sit on the side...

Stephen Colbert Urges Voter Abstinence

See? This is a much better way to make young people realize how absurd it is not to vote than, say, muzzling Jessica Alba. Don't get me wrong; I'm a huge proponent of muzzling Jessica Alba. I just don't think it'll do much to increase votership among the youth demographic. That doesn't mean we shouldn't use public funds to do it, though. /> See? This is a much better way to make young people realize how absurd it is not to vote than, say, muzzling Jessica Alba. Don't get me wrong; I'm a huge proponent of muzzling Jessica Alba. I just don't think it'll do much to increase votership among the youth demographic. That doesn't mean we shouldn't use public funds to do it, though. ...

Stars: They’re Just Like Us!

Their makeup looks like TOTAL HELL sometimes. The usually drop-dead gorgeous Catherine Zeta-Jones is looking, well, human at the UNA's 2008 Global Leadership Awards Gala. In fairness, though, when I look like hell in photos, I'm usually not sitting next to Ted Turner at the Waldorf-Astoria. More frequently, I'm sitting next to a homeless dude at a dive bar. So Catherine's still got a leg up on me, I guess. [gallery]...

Is Michael Cera the New Breed of Heartthrob?

You know him as the awkward teen in Juno, as the awkward teen in Superbad, and as -- what else? -- the awkward teen on Arrested Development. But Michael Cera's developed one heck of a fanbase on both sides of the gender spectrum, and is now preparing to make his leading-man debut in the much-buzzed-about Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, opposite hottie Kat Denning. The film hits theaters on Friday. He's not classically attractive. He's too thin; he's not muscular. His hairstyle is childi...

Who in Hollywood Supports John McCain?

As it turns out, not all of the "Hollywood elite" are backing Obama. Yesterday, boldfaced named like Jon Voight, Gary Sinise, Kelsey Grammer and Dennis Miller showed up for a McCain benefit in LA. McCain, however, was a no-show for the event, opting to remain in D.C. to work on the stalled financial bill. As a result, only about 300 guests of an expected 1,500 turned out. In his stead were wife Cindy and daughter Meghan, along with "first dude" Todd Palin. Tickets were divided in...