Scour the internets for a YouTube montage of every time Sarah Palin said "nucular" tonight.
It will exist by tomorrow morning, if there's any justice in this world.
Did anyone keep a tally? It's gotta be in the double-digits.
Do you think she's doing it on purpose? She must be doing it on purpose. Every inch of her appearance tonight was so choreographed; I just have this sickening feeling that Palin and her aides made an active decision to pronounce the world "nuclear" just like the average American does: incorrectly. You know, so as not to seem too edumucated. She doesn't want to come off as one of those "media elite" types with their nose so far in a book they've lost all touch with Main Street. This country wasn't built on pronouncing words the way they're spelled, dammit! It was built on hunting deer and racing snowmobiles and enthusiasm about Israel, gosh dangity darn it!
Could it be? Could it possibly be that she's mispronouncing words on purpose? />Scour the internets for a YouTube montage of every time Sarah Palin said "nucular" tonight.
It will exist by tomorrow morning, if there's any justice in this world.
Did anyone keep a tally? It's gotta be in the double-digits.
Do you think she's doing it on purpose? She must be doing it on purpose. Every inch of her appearance tonight was so choreographed; I just have this sickening feeling that Palin and her aides made an active decision to pronounce the world "nuclear" just like the...
This is a much better way to make young people realize how absurd it is not to vote than, say, muzzling Jessica Alba. Don't get me wrong; I'm a huge proponent of muzzling Jessica Alba. I just don't think it'll do much to increase votership among the youth demographic. That doesn't mean we shouldn't use public funds to do it, though. />
This is a much better way to make young people realize how absurd it is not to vote than, say, muzzling Jessica Alba. Don't get me wrong; I'm a huge proponent of muzzling Jessica Alba. I just don't think it'll do much to increase votership among the youth demographic. That doesn't mean we shouldn't use public funds to do it, though. ...