Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Is Emma Watson Going to Harvard?

Looks like someone's hoping to pull a Natalie Portman. Harry Potter starlet Emma Watson was spotted touring the Harvard campus for most of the day on Tuesday and causing quite a stir among the students. She was sighted at approximately 10:30 yesterday morning at Quincy House by Chase Russell ’11 and Brian P. Hill ’11. According to Russell, Watson was with two escorts—one of whom was a Harvard affiliate—and was looking to see a dorm room in New Quincy, passing on the chan...

Will You Watch Tyra Banks’s Modelville?

It's a show within Tyra's daytime talk show, following the lives of former ANTM contestants as they compete for yet another modeling contract. Is this ANTM bullshit not threadbare enough for Tyra yet? Is she going to wait until we can actually see an anus peeking through the seat of ANTM's figurative blue jeans before she closes the look-book on this shit? I don't know how much more I can take. /> It's a show within Tyra's daytime talk show, following the lives of former ANTM contestants as they compete for yet another modeling contract. Is this ANTM bullshit not threadbare enough for Tyra yet? Is she going to wait until we can actually see an anus peeking through the seat of ANTM's figurative blue jeans before she closes the look-book on this shit? I don't know how much more I can take....

Diddy’s Vlogging Again!

Here's his thoughts on McCain's use of the term "that one" during the debates last night. Between "that one" and "my friends," all anyone can seem to talk about today is John McCain's lingual pecadillos. One of my friends changed her status message this morning to "THAT ONE '08" and I thought that was kind of a riot. /> Here's his thoughts on McCain's use of the term "that one" during the debates last night. Between "that one" and "my friends," all anyone can seem to talk about today is John McCain's lingual pecadillos. One of my friends changed her status message this morning to "THAT ONE '08" and I thought that was kind of a riot. ...

More Dirt on Hefner’s Relationship!!!!

I'm just going to copy/paste this whole article, because it's all awesomeness: It's really over. Hugh Hefner confirms he and Holly Madison are no longer. "If she says it's over, it's over," Hefner tells me. "But like I've said before, she is the love of my life, and I expected to spend the rest of my life with her." The Playboy mogul says the relationship started to crumble about six months ago when they learned he was unable to father a child with Holly. "With my sperm count, it's not possible," Hefner explained. "I was willing but it was no...

Kendra Wilkinson Confirms Skype Sex with Hank Baskett Jr.

I know I should be excitedly reporting the news that Kendra Wilkinson has followed in Holly Madison's footsteps and confirmed her break-up with Hef, but mostly I'm still slobbering over the fact that Kendra Wilkinson and Chelsea Handler had a conversation and it was videotaped. I can't imagine a better recipe for funny. Also Chelsea Handler makes a joke about how black men have huge penises, and Kendra totally doesn't get it. /> I know I should be excitedly reporting the news that Kendra Wilkinson has followed in Holly Madison's footsteps and confirmed her break-up with Hef, but mostly I'm still slobbering over the fact that Kendra Wilkinson and Chelsea Handler had a conversation and it was videotaped. I can't imagine a better recipe for funny. Also Chelsea Handler makes a joke about how black men have huge penises, and Kendra totally doesn't get it. ...

Hilary Duff Wants You to Think Before You Speak

Seriously I thought for a minute that she was gonna be like "What if every time something was bad, everybody said, 'That's so Asian.'" I really wanted that to happen. So, so badly. But it didn't. So I think this PSA is totally retarded. /> Seriously I thought for a minute that she was gonna be like "What if every time something was bad, everybody said, 'That's so Asian.'" I really wanted that to happen. So, so badly. But it didn't. So I think this PSA is totally retarded. ...

Barack Obama Locks Down the Smoker Vote

Okay, my days of being politically undecided are over. I'm voting for Barack Obama, who admits, in an upcoming issue of Men's Health magazine, that he's been smoking cigarettes on the campaign trail. "There have been a couple of times during the campaign when I fell off the wagon and bummed one, and I had to kick it again," he says. "But I figure, seeing as I'm running for president, I need to cut myself a little slack." I love it! A Presidential candidate ADMITTING to SMOKING CIGARETTES!! And then he offers advice for folks trying to qui...

Yes, Okay, Let’s Talk About the Goings-On of Jamie Lynn Spears’ Uterus

Hi, guys. Sorry I've been gone all afternoon. I got like two hours of sleep last night and woke up this morning with this overwhelming urge to register my car in the state of Washington. I'm serious. I don't know where it came from but I was just like "Must. Register. Car. Today." So that's what I did this afternoon. And then they had a little insurance station in the registration place and I went and talked to them about getting new insurance in Washington and learned that my 8000 speeding t...


"I was born with six fingers on each hand. It's my little oddity that I'm really proud of. People are really interested but repulsed at the same time. My dad had them, and my grandad. I feel like we're one step ahead - a sign of things to come. We could do more stuff if we had extra fingers - faster texting, faster emailing, better guitar-playing." Gemma Arterton, the new Bond girl, blowing my fucking mind in a new interview with Esquire. [gallery]...

A Friendly Reminder: Help Me Help Kids!

In the first week of Evil Beet Gossip's participation in the Blogger's Challenge, you guys helped raise nearly $750, and we were able to fund projects that benefited 275 schoolkids in high-poverty areas. For that: THANK YOU!!!!! Evil Beet Gossip's readers are already making a tangible difference in the education of these kids!!! But there are still THREE MORE WEEKS to go! The economy sucks for everyone right now, I know, but consider finding $5 or $10 to give to one of these projects so that we can raise a generation of leaders who think twice before lending billions of dollars to unqualified borrowers. Imagine if those banks were headed by people who grew up in poor, struggling families and actually wanted to structure lending plans that could help those people rather than profit from them in the short-term and screw them (and everyone else!) over in the long-term. I'm just saying. Let's do what we can to help these kids get the education they deserve. PLEASE consider making a donation to one of the projects I've selected on the Evil Beet Challenge Page. If you want to donate to a project that's not listed there, just shoot me an email at and I will happily add it. CLICK HERE to make a donation. />In the first week of Evil Beet Gossip's participation in the Blogger's Challenge, you guys helped raise nearly $750, and we were able to fund projects that benefited 275 schoolkids in high-poverty areas. For that: THANK YOU!!!!! Evil Beet Gossip's readers are already making a tangible difference in the education of these kids!!! But there are still THREE MORE WEEKS to go! The economy sucks for everyone right now, I know, but consider finding $5 or $10 to give to one of...