In an effort to detract from the gigantic set of lawsuits they're currently battling with the MPAA, the RealNetworks corporate blog has taken to talking about -- who else? --
me. Since I technically work for them and stuff. But don't tell the CEO. He'll probably go to court and try to get an injunction against me.
That's just what they do around here.
I sat down with the fabulous, super-smart and super-cool Lacy Kemp, who runs the corporate blog (and has totally promised to teach me how to snowboard this winter!), to spill my guts about gossip blogging. You can check out the full piece she wrote
Thanks Lacy! />In an effort to detract from the gigantic set of lawsuits they're currently battling with the MPAA, the RealNetworks corporate blog has taken to talking about -- who else? -- me. Since I technically work for them and stuff. But don't tell the CEO. He'll probably go to court and try to get an injunction against me. That's just what they do around here.
I sat down with the fabulous, super-smart and super-cool Lacy Kemp, who runs the corporate blog (and has totally promised to teach me how to snowboa...