Today's Evil Beet Gossip

REMINDER: Send Me Pics of Your Pet in Costume!

As a Halloween treat tomorrow, I'm going to run a photo gallery of ya'll's pets in their Halloween costumes. Thank you to those of you who have already submitted photos. They're making my inbox a more joyful place. If you'd like to submit a pic of your pet in his/her Halloween costume, send it in an email to, subject line "EB Pet Costume." Try to get it in at some point tonight, although I may be able to do a second gallery during the day tomorrow, but no guarantees on th...

I’m So Famous, Ya’ll

In an effort to detract from the gigantic set of lawsuits they're currently battling with the MPAA, the RealNetworks corporate blog has taken to talking about -- who else? -- me. Since I technically work for them and stuff. But don't tell the CEO. He'll probably go to court and try to get an injunction against me. That's just what they do around here. I sat down with the fabulous, super-smart and super-cool Lacy Kemp, who runs the corporate blog (and has totally promised to teach me how to snowboard this winter!), to spill my guts about gossip blogging. You can check out the full piece she wrote here. Thanks Lacy! />In an effort to detract from the gigantic set of lawsuits they're currently battling with the MPAA, the RealNetworks corporate blog has taken to talking about -- who else? -- me. Since I technically work for them and stuff. But don't tell the CEO. He'll probably go to court and try to get an injunction against me. That's just what they do around here. I sat down with the fabulous, super-smart and super-cool Lacy Kemp, who runs the corporate blog (and has totally promised to teach me how to snowboa...

The New Guitar Hero World Tour Ad

I'll make the same comment I always make: Not enough gratuitous shots of Michael Phelps' penis. I don't think I can get behind this product. But I sure as hell can get behind Michael Phelps ... and in front of him, and on top of him, and on my side and in the shower and in the dressing rooms of the Speedo store and ... I should stop now. Thanks GrumpyGirl80! /> I'll make the same comment I always make: Not enough gratuitous shots of Michael Phelps' penis. I don't think I can get behind this product. But I sure as hell can get behind Michael Phelps ... and in front of him, and on top of him, and on my side and in the shower and in the dressing rooms of the Speedo store and ... I should stop now. Thanks GrumpyGirl80!...


"At least she's learning. It's a great move. And if she ever wants to come back to us, saying, 'Look, I made a mistake, let's do a relaunch with a personal appearance,' we would absolutely pick it up again." Kitson owner Fraser Ross, regarding Lauren Conrad's upcoming college tour to promote her clothing line. Kitson dropped the brand from their trend-setting store after LC refused to do an in-store appearance or educate the staff about the brand. ...

Not That You’ve Cared Since 1986, But Corey Haim Is Getting Married

From his website: October 29, 2008 - A big mazal tov goes out to COREY -- HE IS GETTING MARRIED!! The lovely lady is Tiffany Shepis! COREY and Tiffany first met 12 years ago while COREY was on set filming FEVER LAKE. They recently reunited at the Chiller Theatre autograph show & the rest is history. The wedding has been set for May 9, 2009! In other news, COREY regrets that he will not be able to attend the Virgin Megastore bash in Hollywood tomorrow night. He is currently being treated...

Courtenay Semel and Brittny Gastineau: A Suggestion

Hello, girls. Oh, I see you're off to do some partying together. Before that happens, I have an idea I would like you to seriously consider. Courtenay, you have an 'e' that you're totally not using. Brittny desperately needs one. Courtenay, please give Brittny your 'e'. It's called "sharing," girls. It's what friends do. But you wouldn't know much about that, now would you? Meanwhile, Courtenay's been slapped with a suit by a Las Vegas security guard for beating him up while she was wasted. ...

Barbara Streisand Wants Your Ass to Vote

Everybody's getting in on the voting action! Up now: a non-partisan ad from Barbara Streisand, urging women to make it to the polls. Thanks Babs! /> Everybody's getting in on the voting action! Up now: a non-partisan ad from Barbara Streisand, urging women to make it to the polls. Thanks Babs! ...

Baby Gymnastics: Is This Shiz for Real?

In the absence of actual celebrity gossip in the week preceding, well, arguably the most important Presidential election in American history, the Internet is all abuzz over this viral video of a man swinging a small baby around a room. In fairness, the baby doesn't seem much to mind. Is this real? Or CGI-style? /> In the absence of actual celebrity gossip in the week preceding, well, arguably the most important Presidential election in American history, the Internet is all abuzz over this viral video of a man swinging a small baby around a room. In fairness, the baby doesn't seem much to mind. Is this real? Or CGI-style? ...


Could John Mayer's facial hair look any more pubic? Ewwwwwww I think not. Ew I'm so grossed out by him at this event. I would not let that face anywhere near my vagina. His face-pubes probably have crabs. And I am usually not one to make the you're-so-slutty-you-must-have-STDs jokes, but ewwwwwwwwwww. He's so diseased-looking here. Like he's gonna walk off the red carpet and out to the corner to find a $3 crack whore to suck him off. Actually, he won't have to leave the building; Ry...

In Case You Missed It

Check out Barack Obama on The Daily Show. Um ... is he sitting in front of a blue-screen or did they really find him a spot in Ft. Lauderdale with a bunch of old-fashioned books and a U.S. flag? It looks ridiculous either way. /> Check out Barack Obama on The Daily Show. Um ... is he sitting in front of a blue-screen or did they really find him a spot in Ft. Lauderdale with a bunch of old-fashioned books and a U.S. flag? It looks ridiculous either way. ...