Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Sarah Palin on SNL This Weekend?

The McCain camp has confirmed that the VP candidate will be making her much-hyped SNL appearance this weekend.

What will she be doing on SNL?

Playing herself?

Playing Tina Fey?

Being a maverick?

42 CommentsLeave a comment

  • oh god.
    does she have to?
    i feel like that’s really weird, largely because i’m pretty sure everybody on snl kind of hates her.
    like wtf.
    i don’t want her anywhere near my beloved tina fey.

  • Yeah that’s going to be mad weird. Is it common or even kosher for politicians to be on mock-shows right before big elections?
    I’m kind of scared for her–not that she’s my fave, but she definitely has a different situation than the average celebrity guest given that yeah, people hate her/think she is stupid and actually have a MOTIVE to make her look bad on tv.

  • Good for Obama, if he turned it down–I don’t think Saturday Night Live should be a stop on the presidential campaign trail. Palin’s appearance would make more sense; it’s in keeping with the jokey-ness of her choice as v.p.

  • Maybe she can play Hillary?

    God I hope I can stay up late enough to watch this. I hate SNL ever since Adam Sandler left. I used to love to see Operaman. Good times.

    Does that make me sound really old or what???

  • considering how intellectually challenged she is, maybe moosey mooserton should stay home and study instead of going on SNL.

  • …the ability to laugh at yourself, or to go along with being the focus of others’ humor is an admirable trait-you have to be comfortable with who you are…this is a woman who got to where she is on her own,and not with a sense of entitlement because she was born into,or married into,either money or politics…what are you gonna have fashionista libs to talk about when she becomes VP? She will then become the epitome of the self-made woman, who shattered the ultimate glass ceiling,and she’ll have done it without the professional-victimhood/entitlement/so-called feminist indoctrination-something for you so-called progressives to think about; she IS pro-choice:she CHOSE to balance a career with a family,and CHOSE to have a baby in spite of his health issues…this is the type of person the writers of the constitution had in mind to run the country!

  • There are thousands + more women who have chosen to balance career and family and chosen to have a baby despite health issues, so that makes Sarah Palin their ideal example? I don’t think so. Just because she has a uterus doesn’t make her a representative of me or many other women.

  • Agreed Indigo. And does this picture of Palin scare anyone else? She kinda looks like she’s made of wax…

  • To say that Palin is not particularly kind to those who don’t spport her 1000 percent is an understatement. Lyda Green is a highly-respected Republican and is president of the Alaska state senate. She resides in Wasilla. Lyda did not feel that Palin was ready to run for governor in 2006, and declined to endorse her, preferring to remain neutral. In January of 2008, Palin was on the Mark & Bob Show, a radio show in Anchorage. During the radio spot, Bob Lester remarked to Palin that he knew she viewed Green as “a bitch and a cancer.” Palin just laughed and giggled at his comments, knowing full well that Lyda is a breast cancer survivor. What was particularly hard on Lyda is that her children had to learn about the incident by reading about it on the Internet.

    I just cringe when I see her exploit her infant son in front of rally crowds.

    Well, Sarah, I’m prowd to say that I’m a real woman who doesn’t have to put on my “lipstick and high heels” to see where you’re coming from. You don’t represent me — not for a nanosecond.

  • Regarding Sarah Palin: Here’s a woman with an abysmal record on environmental protection. She’s filed a lawsuit against the feds claming that polar bears must be removed from the endangered species list. Why? Because you can’t drill for oil in an area that’s inhabited by an endangered species. These creatures and the environment were beautiful and extraordinary gifts from God, yet she hasn’t an ounce of understanding or respect for them. She’s made false and misleading statements about Obama at rallies that incite fear and hatred, and does nothing to dissuade people who attend her rallies from yelling violent threats such as, “Kill him!” She has a quite reputation in Alaska for firing people who don’t agree with her. Palin also lied about how she earned the nickname of “Queen of Pork,” and the earmark funding for the bridge to nowhere and other state projects. She’s still trying to remove native Alaskan rights for hunting and fishing substinences to develop commercial hunting and fishing. And she calls herself a good “Christian”?

    Someone will have to explain this to me, because I just don’t get it.

  • @ Bill

    “does nothing to dissuade people who attend her rallies from yelling violent threats such as, “Kill him!”

    this has been investigated byt the Secret Service and proven to be a false claim by a reporter trying to make a story and incite more hatred against Palin, and gee, did it work.

  • for the love of mankind, please stop posting that shudder-inducing picture of her. Think of the children Beet!

  • Here’s a story that links to youtube videos of a couple rallies. In addition to showing McCain supporters calling Obama, among other things, a “commie faggot”, one guy yelled that Obama supporters should “Die!”. Another McCain/Palin supporter, when asked about whether rape victims should be forced to pay for their own rape kits, yelled that rape victims should “Die.”

  • To eyes:

    First of all, whether what you say is true or not, Palin didn’t know this. That is only one example of the hateful things people have been saying and doing at her rallies; she does absolutely nothing to dissuade this type of behavior.

    Secondly, what is the source to your claim?

  • Eyes;

    I just checked your story; nothing has been proven as of yet, and there was not one mention in the story that the reporter claimed that he heard this remark, intentionally., to create problems for Palin.

    The Palin rallies remind me of the hatred and prejudice in the South years ago, as well as Hitler rallies.

  • Eyes;

    That story you referred to only confirms my previous comment. Nowhere in that story does it state that the reporter said this, intentionally, to stir up trouble for Palin. You misrepresented the facts in your comment.

    Also, you’d have to be living under a rock not to have seen actual news footage of the hate-filled and threatening comments that are present at Palin rallies. Yet, still, she has said nothing. These people are obviously ignorant haters, who hurl out comments that are patently absurd. I am ashamed that these people are Americans.

  • This campaign is really bringing out some ugliness. Like this disgusting piece of racist propaganda circulated by a California Republican women’s group:

    I was glad to see McCain actually discourage his supporters from making racist and hateful statements (although he was booed for doing so). Palin, on the other hand, seems to relish and encourage such behavior. I haven’t heard her denounce it, has anyone else?

  • To JK: Just quickly saw one video. This confirms what the newscasters have been filming for weeks. It’s unbelievable.

  • green eyes or eyes of green,i did not type any thing.My twin brother josh said this racial stuff.i dont even have a white freind.mine are all black.

  • I kind of love how she wont do any real, straight forward, factual interviews but she’s willing to go on SNL.

    Palin’s turning out to be more of a pop culture figure than she is a respectable, intelligent VP candidate.

  • To JK: I think it was McCain’s way of trying to utilize a photop to show that he is trying to stem the tide of hatred his campaing ads are deliberately creating. If he feels that strongly about it, why does he continue to endorse such ads? Factcheck,org, as well as other reliable sources have already debunked his claims.

  • Well, there’s a lot about McCain I don’t like, but I do think he’s uncomfortable with all the vitriol coming from some of his supporters. On the other hand, he’s pretty much willing to do anything to become president.

    Palin, as I mentioned, doesn’t seem at all uncomfortable with some of the racial undertones of her rallies. And, she too is willing to do anything to become (vice) president.

  • Bill- I honestly think McCain is an honorable fellow whose campaign is running away from him. The Rove/Palin side of the campaign is responsible for the nastiness. I don’t think he likes that this is where things have gone. And I say this as a diehard Obama supporter since before his Senate run. I feel bad for McCain because he looks to be pretty uncomfortable with the direction his campaign has turned.

    I think it would have been interesting to see McCain run as an independent, where he didn’t have to pander to the Rove folks. But, he has pandered and his choice of Sarah Palin as VP disqualifies him (in my eyes) as president.

    Now, don’t get me started on Sarah P…

  • @ Bad Boy- um I’m pretty sure she DIDN’T get to where she is on her own, I’m pretty sure she got there because McCain is a blithering idiot who thinks the majority of Americans are dumb as rocks. Which, may be partially true ,however I happen to be insulted by it.

  • badboy,
    you might want to check your “facts”. Sarah is definitely NOT PRO-CHOICE. She doesn’t even believe in abortion in the case of incest or rape.
    We all know why McCain chose her. It was only to try and get the “women vote”. I, as an educated woman am completely appalled that this person is trying to represent ALL WOMEN. She’s a crazy bitch with insane beliefs and doesn’t represent ANY woman that I know.
    My goodness, her OWN HUSBAND was part of an orgainzation to try and SECEDE from the United States. She just got her passport last year. Yeah, she’s defininitely ready to lead us…Have any of you McCain/Palin supporters actually thought about the consequences if McCain takes a dirt nap? Yeah, you might not like Obama but jebus, at least if something happened to him (I pray it does NOT) at least Biden has a shitload of experience and could easily step up.

  • Also, I wonder if McCain is eating his words when all he blathered about Obama is that he is “the biggest celebrity in the world.” Really? Your own running mate refuses to have interviews (I think she’s had 3 to date) but she’s all about appearing on SNL.

  • Dinosaur

    I wish I could agree with you; but he endorses all of the ads. He has repeated the comments that are inciting fear hatred whenever he is interviewed. The robocalls he also endorses are just mind boggling. What is happening to this country when a platform can be allowed to run on slander, supposition and innuendo?

  • And let me add that in a rather surreal twist, McCain is using the same company for his robocalls that Bush used to smear McCain so horribly in 2000.