Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Philadelphia Doesn’t ::Heart:: Sarah Palin

The VP candidate and the two of her daughters who haven’t managed to get knocked up before marriage got themselves booed pretty bad at a Flyers game this weekend.

31 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She didn’t get, like, Ashlee Simpson -booed, though.

    I recently informed my parents that that “hockey mom” is worth 1.2 million dollars.

  • You should have seen the protest rally outside of the bellevue when she was getting a sandwich… We were walking to the bank cause my friend had to get money out for the sex shop we intended on visiting, and we ended up walking through a throng of people with signs and palin masks.

  • I don’t know.. maybe I need to get my hearing checked… I didn’t hear any booing. I was disappointed. Crushing her ego.. now that’s my idea of a good day!!!!

  • The neocon owner made sure the music was turned up really loud. But there was booing. It was all over the news. Sorry, Sarah, dragging your cute daughter out on the ice as a shield can’t protect you from the wrath of “joe sixpack”.

  • @chuck…priceless!

    i think this is lame, you can be passionate about politics and still be respectful…

  • Chuck! I LOL’d. Also, Santa Claus is a fraud who employs sweatshop labor.

    I’d love to have seen Palin get booed as she went sandwich-shopping. I went to college with Meryl Streep’s daughter, and every time Ms. Streep came to town, suddenly everyone needed a coffee from the Unicorn (the cafe in Evanston, not the mystical medieval animal). I don’t know why I relate the two images — I guess I just like it when a crowd eight blocks long congregates to witness celebrities doing mundane things.

  • She’s lucky she didn’t make it over to 12th street. Those gay boys would have hung her hocky-mom ass up.

  • I am just surprised she didn’t get someone to yell “pull” and throw the puck up in the air so she could shoot it down.

  • Her poor kids. How do you explain to your youngest child that the majority of the nation thinks mommy is an idiot?

  • hey beet, ^^^^^^

    while you’re policing your site and deleting posts would you mind getting rid of the spam ones as well? they make it so much harder for us morons to keep up with the brilliant flow of open dialogue that floats through here. thanks.

  • > i think this is lame, you can be passionate about politics and still be respectful…

    Respectful as in how McCain can’t look Obama in the eye during the debates? Or how he referred to him as “that one”? Or how he refused to shake Obama’s hand? Or how he says he will “whip” Obama in the next debate?

    Yes, that is great respect.

  • Hockey is my favorite sport and she’s really ruining it for me. I get that there are a lot of hockey moms out there and she’s trying for the sympathetic vote but she’s driving me batshit crazy with this angle. Find a new one Palin, hockey fans aren’t voting for you just because your kid plays hockey. I mean… you live in Alaska, what else is he going to play??

  • You know, Donkey Punch, I don’t know much about Canadian politics, as I think of Canada as the United States Hat, but from your posts it just sounds like it’s all sunshine and joy up there. Obvs there are no problems whatsoever, since you have such a twisted obsession with pointing out our political shortcomings.

  • Has anyone seen the photograph of dear little Piper giving another child the finger (while standing on stage with her mother, who was smiling and talking to someone and ignoring her, as usual)? I thought it might turn up on this blog (it was that good!), but it didn’t. Anyway, I think these girls understand all about rude

    I feel sorry for them having Palin as a mother. I imagine she isn’t around much.

  • Melady,

    The owner of the Flyers, who has given money to the McCain campaign, invited her. Philadelphia is a primarily democratic town.

    I was actually almost worried that this wouldn’t happen. You always make me proud, Philly :)

  • hey, while we’re having fun piling on, how about this one?

    how do you tell the difference between a hockey puck and palins downs syndrome baby?

    the one with the higher i.q. isn’t wearing a diaper.

    don’t worry, i’ve got plenty more fabulous jokes about palins retarded baby i’ve written for letterman tonight so everyone can all laugh their asses off around the office water fountain tomorrow.

  • @ Eyes of Green

    Please don’t look to Donkey Punch as an example of ” Canadian”.
    Most of us aren’t quite…let’s just say he’s not a good example.

  • i would she appear at a game in a state that is known for being democratic. what a fool, she deserved every single boo! It’s like Obama going to utah at a race track event! get it right people! just shows how smart she is!

  • @ Eyes of Green

    Today is election day in Canada. Our election is much shorter than the US election. We do have just as questionable candidates as well.

    Actually, I have to confess, a couple of the Canadian candidates scare me 10 X than any of the US candidates.

    Stephen Dion…shudder…

  • @ purple –

    Our election has been dragging on since Bush was voted back into office in 2004…Like that 2 year war between Clinton and Obama!! I think many people are ready to move on to other issues.

    I’ll have to look up this Dion person!