Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Wanna Read My Review of Beverly Hills Chihuahua?

It’s here.

I gave it an A-, and my editor wants to shoot himself in the head about it. He hated it and he’s embarrassed that anyone who works for him likes it. I will be on the receiving end of angry looks from him for awhile now.

But it was good.

Also, several of you readers emailed me to point out that this film is going to make every little kid want a puppy, which could be a good thing or a bad thing.

If you’re going to adopt a puppy, please look for one on This is where I got Leo, and they have a ton of dogs available in all cities that need good and loving homes, and you can definitely find one that is perfect for you on here. Much better than supporting puppy mills by buying from a pet store!!!

14 CommentsLeave a comment

  • i totally agree! puppy mills are inhumane
    if you do buy a dog don’t buy them from a store or an online store because unfortunately the dogs from stores are breeded in puppy mills

  • more importantly if you are wanting a puppy you should research them first to see which one will be a good fit for you and your lifestyle.

    so many dalmatians ended up in shelters after the movie 101 dalmatians because people wanted them and then found out that the dogs are a difficult breed.

    i have a chihuahua and she’s kind of a pain in the ass.

  • Not to be THAT person or anything that gets all defensive, but there are a lot of misconceptions about puppy mills and pet stores. I work in a pet store, and the dogs come from private breeders, not puppy mills. They are very strict on that. In fact, if you have more than three breeding females, you’re considered a puppy mill in the states that our dogs come from. And all of our puppies are absolutely spoiled and loved to pieces. In fact, that’s the only reason I work there because I get to play with puppies all day! That being said, I’d still recommend getting a pound or rescue puppy. Pet store puppies are f*ckin’ expensive!

  • @ Lolly, amen 100% Just because a dog is really really cute doesn’t mean it’s the best fit for you. Check out and look at stuff like dogs that don’t shed, dogs that are hypoallergenic, get along with kids, don’t get along with kids, get along with other dogs, are good for apartment life, etc. You would be surprised at what kind of dog would probably suit you, and which ones are actually the most kid-friendly! You would be crazy to add another member of your family without doing your homework first!

  • Or you can look on the side of the road – that’s where we found our guy! Abandoned on a mountain top on the coldest day of the year. He was skin and bones and stunk like a septic tank.

    However, while I am all for puppy rescue and adopting from shelters or loving breeders, I totally agree with lolly about researching what is best for you & your lifestyle.

    I would have never even considered a dog (ESPECIALLY a chihuahua!) at all if I hadn’t found this one. I thought he would be perfect because he is small (although quite large for a chihuahua). Turns out he is really cute and full of personality, but really is overall a pain. But, we love him now and could never get rid of him. But an ounce of research is worth a pound of abandonment. Or whatever.

  • yes! adopt a puppy in need. we adopted one dog through and the other, a purebred boston terried, was dumped by the side of the expressway and we took him in. his owners never activated his chip and noone responded to our ads.

  • I read the review. Why the -? Was that the highest rating or you actually thought there was something they could have done better?

  • “That is because he is cold and unloving.”
    Im sneaking my chiweenie in there tonight. I am 19 years old and not ashamed in the slightest that I am spending my friday night on a date with my 3lb dog.

  • I agree adopting/rescuing a dog is a great way to go. We got a puppy from also and we just adore her. We were also able to spend quite a bit of time interacting with her and a few other pups before we brought her home. We had a really aggressive dog before and didn’t want to go there again. She was listed as a lab/golden mix – yeah right! I’m pretty sure she is some kind of weird dog/gazelle mix!! Any who, the most important thing you can do is research 1st, buy/adopt/rescue 2nd.

    Oh yeah, gonna take my kid to the movie too :)

  • It was cute. I’m glad that there was a posting at the end by Disney and other corporate types about responsible pet ownership. I was really expecting more signing and dancing production numbers from the promos.

  • Anyone who’s about to pay $500 for a chihuahua should come to Tucson and I’ll actually PAY THEM to “adopt” one of my neighbors’ yappy little fuckers!!