The 27-year-old Seventh Heaven mainstay got married today in Naples to beau Michael Cameron, with former TV sisters Jessica Biel (accompanied by Justin Timberlake) and Mackenzie Rosman among her seven bridesmaids.
This explains why Jessica and Justin have been photographed around Italy the past week.
She wore a classic white strapless Melissa Sweet gown, and the groom wore a traditional black tux by Kenneth Cole.
Congrats, you two crazy kids!
Lucy Camden and her beau are “I ate 18 Oreos” nauseatingly cute.
She looks knocked up.
They kind of look like brother and sister. Anyway, good for them.
they look a lot like brother and sister. But it may be a good thing.
Aww, they’re cute. I love that she had her bratty 7th Heaven sisters in her wedding. Awesome.
Wait.. that guy is straight? Seriously?
There’s simply no way that dude has never had an erect penis inside him.
Beet, I don’t know if you care, but per this post, I googled lil’ Ruthie Camden, just to see what she’s been up to…and it’s a whole lotta getting into her underwear and taking pictures, making out with girls and taking pictures, and smoking hookah. Random. But yeah there are some pix I found on google image…if you wanna run them on another slow news day. Love the site!!! Read it MULTIPLE times a dayyyy always looking for that new update :)
she still looks like she’s twelve…
About that. She still looks twelve and thirty-five. I’m shocked that she and I are the same age, because it occurs to me that, in flipping past 7th Heaven, I’ve always assumed she was in her thirties. Just one of those faces, I guess.
Beet she didn’t get married in Naples but in a smal charming town of the Amalfi Coast, Ravello.
She hired a huge, romantic villa to held her wedding reception. Have a look at their website . that place is amazing!
little mackenzie is dating a mysterious guy from down under
Congrats to them they deserve each other. they looked amazing and beautiful in those dresses especially beverley mitchell dress. i was sad to see 7th heaven go. but at least we have the reruns thats i will remembered them by. i was big fan of 7th heaven. even her husband looked absolutely stunning. im also big fan of jessica biel, beverley mitchell they were very talented actress. mackenzie rosman is a talent actress. good luck with everything i hope it works out for you. i would give this wedding a number 10 because i liked the dresses and where it was. good for you guys. i hoped to see you guys in movies, or in shows again.
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Enjoy!!! She pretty sexy…
Good Quality video… ;-)
Sorry for the double post
Appologies for going a bit off topic but can anybody recommend a good kitchen firm in the U.K.
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