As much as I hate Jimmy Kimmel -- and I can't even quite recall why anymore, but I'm certain I do -- I have to give him some props for this hilarious interview with Lauren Conrad.
Just start around 4:05 and don't stop until it's over. Honestly. Don't stop until it ends. You have to watch the clip of The Hills they run at the very end. The whole thing is LOL-tastic.
Here's a spoiler: Jimmy forces her to watch one of Heidi Montag's music videos. />
As much as I hate Jimmy Kimmel -- and I can't even quite recall why anymore, but I'm certain I do -- I have to give him some props for this hilarious interview with Lauren Conrad.
Just start around 4:05 and don't stop until it's over. Honestly. Don't stop until it ends. You have to watch the clip of The Hills they run at the very end. The whole thing is LOL-tastic.
Here's a spoiler: Jimmy forces her to watch one of Heidi Montag's music videos. ...
"The first political convention I ever attended was when my mom was pregnant with me in 1984 and the Republican Party nominated Ronald Reagan for a second term as President. I have been on political stages and in campaigns since before I could walk or talk. If there is one thing I have learned, it is that it is difficult to establish your identity and independence as the son or daughter of a politician. When I was 14 years old, a reporter questioned my father about me having a hypothetical abortion, had I been pregnant at 14. This reporter's question single-handedly changed my life. This story comes up in almost every profile written about me and in almost every interview. It's a rough go being the son or daughter of a politician. I have not known Bristol Palin very long, but there is a certain kinship I feel to her as I do other political daughters such as Chelsea Clinton, Jenna and Barbara Bush and Mary Cheney. You can't fully understand it unless you have lived it. So I just wanted to let it be known that I support Bristol and the entire Palin family."
Meghan McCain, on her blog.
On a completely related note: how hot is Meghan McCain these days? I mean, check out her tits. Are those things for real? I mean, I thought I had large natural breasts for my height and weight, but, Jesus, Meghan puts me to shame. Very impressive, dear. />
"The first political convention I ever attended was when my mom was pregnant with me in 1984 and the Republican Party nominated Ronald Reagan for a second term as President. I have been on political stages and in campaigns since before I could walk or talk. If there is one thing I have learned, it is that it is difficult to establish your identity and independence as the son or daughter of a politician. When I was 14 years old, a reporter questioned my father about me having a hypothetical aborti...
So Tucker Bounds is on TV talking about something, and all I can see are giant bunny ears coming out of his head. It's a brilliant image, and I thank you for it!
She was, of course, referencing this post.
Mr. Bounds -- John McCain's campaign spokesman -- is all over the television right now, as would be expected. And I don't really care what he's talking about in this clip, but I do think it's funny that his tie, which I'm sure looked red in the mirror, looks pink on television. It's Easter come early!
I just think the guy has the funniest Republican rich-kid name ever. And, look, I grew up with a lot of Republican rich kids, so I would know. I'd list some of their names here for comparison, but my website has this teensy tiny problem of having a really good Google page rank, so I'd be in a lot of trouble if they happened to Google their own names. Which most of them probably do hourly. So just trust me when I say that Tucker Bounds really has the creme de la creme of Republican rich-kid names.
Tucker Bounds for VP! />
I got this email from a reader the other day:
So Tucker Bounds is on TV talking about something, and all I can see are giant bunny ears coming out of his head. It's a brilliant image, and I thank you for it!
She was, of course, referencing this post.
Mr. Bounds -- John McCain's campaign spokesman -- is all over the television right now, as would be expected. And I don't really care what he's talking about in this clip, but I do think it's funny that his tie, which I'm sure looked r...