Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Smackin’ That

Oh look, guys! It's Akon, punching some chick in the face at one of his concerts. This young man is so lovely. Maybe it's time for the "Smack That" singer to do himself a Prodigy cover. /> Oh look, guys! It's Akon, punching some chick in the face at one of his concerts. This young man is so lovely. Maybe it's time for the "Smack That" singer to do himself a Prodigy cover. ...

Michael Moore to Release His Next Film Online, for Free

Love him or hate him, Michael Moore is going to be everywhere as this election gets closer. Inspired by Neil Young and Radiohead, Michael Moore will release his new film online and for free. The film, "Slacker Uprising," follows Moore's 62-city tour during the 2004 election to rally young voters. It will be available for three weeks as a free download to North American residents, beginning Sept. 23. An official announcement of the film is planned for Friday. Moore said he considered r...

Here’s One Way to Get Publicity for Your Movie

This was kind of a win/win situation for the producers of Zack and Miri Make a Porno. Scenario 1: The MPAA approves this promo poster, and everybody writes about it. Scenario 2: The MPAA does not approve this promo poster, and everybody writes about it. "When you've got the word 'porno' in the title, naturally, the marketing materials are gonna be scrutinized more closely by the MPAA," says the director, Kevin Smith. "I understand they've got a job to do, but c'mon...this image isn't tha...