Today's Evil Beet Gossip

90210’s Totally Already on Life Support

Um, it's episode #3, and 90210's already issuing press releases about plotlines to get people tuned in. Bad news. Apparently during the third episode, airing Tuesday, Kelly will reveal the father of her young son. Actually, Kelly doesn't spill the beans, Brenda does, but whatever. Audiences will find out. So be sure to watch on Tuesday. Because it's not like the answer will be all over the blogs five seconds later. I smell a mid-season replacement, you guys. ...

A Friendly Tip

If you want to be able to submit comments without me moderating them, use a name and email address in the submission fields. Even if they're both made up. Then, after I approve one of your comments, all your future comments using that info will be approved, as long as you're posting from the same IP address (you usually will be). Once again, I don't moderate your comments as an attempt at censorship. I do it to keep out spammers. I have no intention of blocking anyone's opinion on anything, just so long as it doesn't lean towards *** R i chM in gl ****. xoxo, Beet />If you want to be able to submit comments without me moderating them, use a name and email address in the submission fields. Even if they're both made up. Then, after I approve one of your comments, all your future comments using that info will be approved, as long as you're posting from the same IP address (you usually will be). Once again, I don't moderate your comments as an attempt at censorship. I do it to keep out spammers. I have no intention of blocking anyone's opinion on anything, just so ...

Make-Out Sesh!!!

Why let the girls have all the same-sex fun? Marc Jacobs and his husband, Lorenzo Martone, go for some full-on PDA after spotting the paparazzi during a lunch at Pastis. Heh, the photo agency says they were "french kissing for what seemed like minutes." Hee. "French kissing." When's the last time you actually spoke those words? Like, "Sooooo, how'd the date go?" "Oh, it was amazing. We French kissed." Seriously the last time I used that phrase I was probably trying to come up with a euph...

“The Changeling” Trailer

Look! It's Angelina Jolie! Sad and furious and screaming about the gross institutional mishandling of a kidnapping case! It's nice to see her exploring new material. In general, I like movies where it's raining and it's the '20s, but I think they're just teasing me with the rain in the trailer. There probably won't be that much rain in the actual movie. So I'll probably skip this one. /> Look! It's Angelina Jolie! Sad and furious and screaming about the gross institutional mishandling of a kidnapping case! It's nice to see her exploring new material. In general, I like movies where it's raining and it's the '20s, but I think they're just teasing me with the rain in the trailer. There probably won't be that much rain in the actual movie. So I'll probably skip this one....

Cameron Diaz Is So Pretty and Skinny

I'm just saying that out loud. Because it's what I think every time I see a photo of her. And, like, no matter how hard I try to be proud of myself for working out every day and eating responsibly and accept the fact that I am genetically unlikely to ever be 5'9" and 110 pounds, every time I see a picture of her, specifically, I'm just like, "Dude, that's what I should look like, if I were pretty." Cameron Diaz and Gisele Bunchen. It's the two of them that I really struggle with. They bo...

Amy Winehouse is TOTALLY FINE: Exhibit 2,994,756

Here's Amy at a DJ gig in London last night, where she apparently jammed on an acoustic guitar before attempting to jam several vinyl records down the backside of her leggings. The photo agency says she later "suffered cuts to her legs and hands," although they don't specify exactly how. For what it's worth, Amy, I find it works better if you use the razor blades to cut the cocaine on, say, a mirror, instead of on your hands. Just my experience. ...

I Should Have Saved My “There’s a Dog at Fashion Week” Joke

I used it up on Kelly Osbourne. I had no idea I'd have the opportunity to use it on Aubrey O'Day. I would have waited, if I'd known. Actually, this dog looks a lot like the one in the Kelly Osbourne pic. Apparently this is a photo of the dog being passed around Fashion Week for everyone to use. There's also a white puppy in it. Ba-dum-bum-ching! I am UNSTOPPABLE, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!...

O.J.’s Second Jury Selected

Heh, how do you go about finding an unbiased jury for another O.J. Simpson trial? You don't, really, unless you're going to start combing the local elementary schools (actually, I just did the math and realized the high schools would be fine, too, and that makes me feel exceedingly old), but a Las Vegas courtroom settled on twelve men and women to oversee the upcoming Simpson trial. He's being charged with armed robbery, kidnapping, conspiracy and other charges related to an alleged sports m...

Why It Doesn’t Matter That Sarah Palin’s an Idiot

Hey, have you seen the video of Charlie Gibson interviewing VP candidate Sarah Palin? No? You can watch it here. And, like, yes, it is painfully obvious that this woman is laughably unqualified to run the United States. Charlie Gibson asks her about the Bush Doctrine, codified in 2002, and she clearly has no idea what he's talking about, and he rubs that in. He uses big words like "existential" and "hubris" and she clearly has no idea what those words mean, although she does a decent job of interpreting them...

Mary-Kate Takes Her Man Out

MK brought her boyfriend, Nate Lowman, to the Benjamin Cho show on Tuesday. Nate's an artist and an NYU grad. You can check out some of his work here. I'll be the first to admit that I totally don't get it. But I don't get most art things unless they're spelled out for me. That's why I'm a writer. I look at art and I'm like, "Uh ... it's ... purple?" Then I wait expectantly for someone to praise my observational skills. If nobody does, I hike my skirt up and try again. This is how I navi...

What a Tangled Web We Weave

Here's the much buzzed-about photo of Senator John McCain, celebrating his birthday in 2006 on a yacht, along with Raffaello Follieri and Anne Hathaway. Follieri, you'll recall, recently pled guilty to like 5000 federal counts of total illegalness. You can read the full story on this meeting here. I would read it and talk about it, but it's long and seems complicated and there are no pictures. And you know how I feel about reading things that have no pictures. I kind of wanted to make thi...