It never ceases to amaze me how under-the-radar this couple is most of the time. I actually have a lot of respect for them in that regard. I know, I know. If you’d told me last year that I would be using the word “respect” in reference to Jessica Biel, I would have been like, “I’m sorry, but by ‘respect’ do you mean ‘slut’?” But she actually hasn’t been pimping out this relationship, surprisingly.
But, every now and then, photogs catch them being adorable, like this little snuggle in Milan yesterday. I love forehead kissies! They’re the bestest!
Is that why you go out with your dad so much?
That’s cool. I like forehead kisses too…
I used to date this black bitch named Bertha, she used to do that….. good times.
I had to let her go when she won the slam dunk contest *sigh*
maybe no body cares about either of them anymore.
I just DO NOT like her for some reason. She’ll like one of those people you should to be jealous of as she’s with JT, but you just aren’t because its her. Now, Diaz. Man. JEALOUS.
I wouldn’t mind seeing a few pictures of her asshole. Do you have any of those lying around?
I mean, it can’t look any worse then any of the daily Lindsay Lohan pictures you love posting.
Omg when i first glanced at the pic I thought It was LaLohan and SamRo
i want her boots!
I think they are a boring couple. Boring as in Ugly and sad looking all the time. His looks are gone now that he is with her, they just look so oridinary.
She’s got great cheek bones. Call me kooky but I have always appreciated well honed cheek bones….
Nose kisses are nicer :3