Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Dude I Totally Like Perez Hilton’s Ghost Blogger Way Better Than Perez Hilton

Today, for the first time in the history of my entire life, I laughed out loud at something scribbled on a photo on

It was, of course, done by Perez’s new ghost-blogger, “liz,” and not by him, which explains why it had a fighting chance at being funny. Oh, and it wasn’t semen.

Seriously though, “O nuthin jus bein gay” is totally how I’m going to respond to any queries of “What’s up?” in the future.

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • who ever it is has trouble forming sentences, and needs a lesson in spell check. but the gaykin comment was funny

  • Well it certainly wasn’t me, I do not destroy the photographs that I PAY for.

    It seems as if P-Nasty has been remiss in his posting. And when he finds the time to post, he is bi-polar with his scorn and lies. He flip flops love, hate, love, oh who cares as long as I love myself attitude, even though no one else does, and I better promote the hell out of myself before this website becomes a forgotten has never-been.

    It seems like when you run ‘a one Queen’ show without much content or insight, it is difficult to take any hiatus and expect your readers to be loyal and understanding. Celebrity bashing blogging is definitely a shit or get off the pot kind of deal, and it seems like Mario hasn’t been on his ‘pot’ for a long time. The posts have become wordy and annoying, without any new information, just cut and paste from other sites and claim that the information is new and exclusive, HA. That just can’t hold up in this genre very long.

  • Oh Beet, you know if we praise her she will lose her job! And with it goes her funniness (is that even a word). So, sssshhhhhhh, we love Liz but don’t tell Perez.

  • True dat, Krz. Perez will shut the “Ghost Blogger” down with a quickness when he finds out she is actually funny. Keep it on the downlow, kay?

  • re; cj

    well, it relates back to the following rejection and banishment rule in the beet bible of all that is holy:

    2) You employ racism/homophobia/hate speech of any kind.

    based on this new updated rule, that i think was added specifically to allow beet to spank my ass whenever she feels like playing god, i’m actually quite vulnerable by being brave enough to post the aforementioned post. as i’m sure you’re interested in my progress, i seem to have so far slipped the clutches of the winged monkey leader Nikko that retired after the wizard of oz and now does wicked beets dirty work.

    shit man, did i mention this really badass X i just slammed about 30 minutes ago?