Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Ernest Borgnine Reveals Secret to Looking Good in Old Age

Watch it all the way to the end. If this doesn’t start your day off with a smile … well then fuck off and go to, okay? I try my best. Ernest Borgnine talking about masturbation is the closest thing we get to cute around here.

This clip is additionally notable because it was sent to me by my mother, under the subject line “celebrity gossip.” Of course I’m expecting, like, some interview with Paris Hilton or the like. And then I realize that Ernest Borgnine is my mother’s idea of a celebrity, and an old man’s admission that he masturbates regularly is my mother’s idea of gossip.

I love you, Mom. You’re cute.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I will take your word for it on the UTUBE thing. I can’t bear to watch. I met this guy once and he did not strike me as being a nice person. His son had a part on the show, he seemed alright and exhibited no celebrity kid mental disorders.

    BEET! You could have mentioned that Ernest won a few Academy Awards in his time. Why is it that you can not go to Google and get a few sentences for background material to clue people in on who the people in the pictures you post are? Your really being lazy and working against your own success. You act like a celebrity kid sometimes and I will never understand it.

  • This clip is about a month old. Everyone saw this when TMZ, perez and every othe blog posted it then.

    Tell mamma Myrtle to switch to high speed internet from morse code before she tells you that she heard some whippersnapper just invented the wheel.

  • then every teenage guy at my school will look great when they get old. TSS, you’re hilarious, its true, this was pretty old news.

  • For a guy known for looking ugly, he sure does look good for his age. I think I remember hearing that his wife had some sort of skin care products that he uses. If it is true – they work!

  • Well I’VE never seen it before, so thanks for cheering me up after a long day. We can’t ALL know everything that happens on the internet.