I think EvilT and I might be in a posting war... she hasn't said hello to me or anything. And all in a shameless and transparent attempt to win EvilBeet's love. The truth is neither of us have a chance, T. Give up the ghost.
So then, people have been emailing, calling, and texting - asking exactly what my relationship with THE EVIL BEET is. It's a fair question. After all, she's announced who she is publicly while I never will. The sad fact is that the nature of my stature makes it impossible for me to "spill the beans." After I won that first Pulitzer I signed a non-disclosure thingy saying I'd never bring shame upon the blah, blah, blah.
Anyway, I WAS lucky enough to get it on video when Beet left this morning. I can post this because it doesn't reveal my identity. You may note that I look a TON like that guy who is now on the hit TV show Lost. But I'm not him. Because I'm a 55 year old Samoan man who has won a Pulitzer and now resides in sunny Seattle, WA.
This is us saying goodbye this morning when her dad came to get her. Man, I really miss that chick already. Come home soon Beeeety!
(note: I've also gone to the trouble of captioning this for our Spanish readers because I'm JUST THAT GOOD.)
(**note: okay, it's actually Portuguese. Alert reader Marcella nailed me on that little "detail"**)
/>I think EvilT and I might be in a posting war... she hasn't said hello to me or anything. And all in a shameless and transparent attempt to win EvilBeet's love. The truth is neither of us have a chance, T. Give up the ghost.
So then, people have been emailing, calling, and texting - asking exactly what my relationship with THE EVIL BEET is. It's a fair question. After all, she's announced who she is publicly while I never will. The sad fact is that the nature of my stature makes it impossible fo...
Even though I no longer write for the Beet I often send the Beet weird stuff I find on the internet because my brief blogging career lead to a bit of an internet gossip addiction. To add fuel to the fire I got an iPhone from my new job that I mainly use to constantly refresh Evil Beet Gossip, sorry work. It is a problem I tell you...until Beet goes out of town and and I can share some of my love with you...
I never introduced myself properly to y'all because I am actually in the field of entertainment and have shamelessly used some of my friends as tips. Oops. If you care, however, who my celebrity "twin" is, check out the video below. Seriously, I think I may during my free time today write "Evil Beet the Musical."
Hi there.
You may have just read Beet mentioning that I (and maybe EvilT??) are going to fill in for a few posts. Exciting stuff, right? I know, I know, I suck and every time I fill in some big name celebrity dies. So my apologies in advance to the readers AND the dead people.
However, if you don't mind, I'd like to go off on a slight rant.
I know you guys get a ton of EB telling you about her personal life. From her preferred method of sexual intercourse to how many people Leo peed on in a given day - you probably feel like you're reasonably well informed on our Beet. I felt that way too.
But given what she told me before she went out of town I've got to ask: What is going on with our girl??
Let's look at the facts.
She used to live in L.A. Now she lives in Seattle. She used to be bleach blonde. Now she's a vivacious brunette. She used to sit inside and surf the net for porn like some sort of weird deviant. NOW SHE'S HIKING OUTDOORS???
Do you see my concern here? I mean, you think you know someone and then they go off hiking on you. And picking berries?? The Beet I know wouldn't have risked scratching those perfectly manicured hands to pick a goddamn berry. She would have paid someone to bring the berries to her mountain lair. That was Evil Beet style. Now? I don't know. I assume she's off doing pilates in a forest. Clearly the world has turned on its axis.
I guess I'm not mad so much as alarmed. I mean, what's next? Will she be getting some tribal art on her arm? Perhaps volunteering to help plant trees? I used to call her and she'd be at Les Deux. Now she's not getting service because she's "connecting with nature."
Anyway. That's all for now. If a gossip story jumps out of my computer today I'll post something hateful about it. Rest assured I'm NOT going outside today. You ever been to Seattle? It's like fucking Mordor right now.
Yours in love and loss,
Spiteful Lars
/>Hi there.
You may have just read Beet mentioning that I (and maybe EvilT??) are going to fill in for a few posts. Exciting stuff, right? I know, I know, I suck and every time I fill in some big name celebrity dies. So my apologies in advance to the readers AND the dead people.
However, if you don't mind, I'd like to go off on a slight rant.
I know you guys get a ton of EB telling you about her personal life. From her preferred method of sexual intercourse to how many people Leo peed on in...